Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Woman's Self Image (Part III)

In the last couple of posts I've discussed self image.  I've talked about how I've observed women constantly try to improve their bodies and I've talked about how I changed my perception of myself and the world in order to make peace with my body.  I saw my dream come true only to make my greatest discovery; my spiritual sense of self.  I told you how I've already won the war, now I would like to share with you what I've learned on the way to victory.

Listen to what you are telling yourself.  Are they your words or someone else's?  Are they positive or negative?  If they are negative, can you do something about it?  Ask yourself a series of questions like these and weed out all of the thoughts that don't even belong to you, because they're toxic.  Remember the posts on toxicity?  This is one of many toxins to rid yourself of.  Make no mistake, a toxin is a toxin.  Toxic thoughts will do the same as toxins in the food and air; it can bring illness and it can even bring death.

Bringing this point back to the discussion about how a woman sees her body, I want to talk about how America portrays fat.  Many believe that fat is the enemy.  This is why women CONSTANTLY requested an abdominal or butt workout in my aerobics classes, to burn the calories and fat from these specific parts of their bodies.  Burning fat and calories is only a fraction of what exercise does.  I openly admit that it bothers me that what is perceived as "healthy" in the United States are the things that will make you skinny.  Take it from me sisters, fat is NOT the enemy.  Fat is a NUTRIENT and it is NECESSARY.  Toxic foods and toxic environments are the enemies.  This is what is making us rundown, irritable, hateful and even fat.  Toxic foods, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships and anything else that is toxic; these are the enemies. 

What toxins do you need to rid yourself of?  If you would like to comment or share, as always you are very welcome.

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