Saturday, December 31, 2011

School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children

I found this article and decided to post it as the best example of how you do NOT teach a child about food!  Scare tactics aren't the best tool for everyone.  I'm not sure if that was the teacher's intent.  If it was, however, then he succeeded in scaring his fifth graders senseless.  There are more effective ways to teach our children that are far less gruesome. My heart goes out to the kids and the parents.

I still feel that it is interesting how the fifth grade class reacted to what happens in the beef slaughterhouse.  I honestly wonder if any of these kids will become vegetarian after what they've witnessed.  If it was the teacher's intent to make vegetarians, then that teacher was wrong!  Either way, I find this article upsetting. 

School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children

Stop Frankenfish!

I really love BWMFs, but I must admit that the information that I learn about can sometimes be VERY discouraging and frustrating.

I am so tired of the bully politicians literally forcing things down our throat.  If these biotech people want to eat their frankenfish, for example, fine!  Keep it in your own tank, but leave the rest of us out of it!  The company should be fighting to convince us that their frankenfish is a good idea, we should NOT have to be fighting the system to get rid of them!  

Please, please click on the link below and fight for your health freedom!  Take action against the frankenfish!

Stop Frankenfish!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Eating Animals - The Atlantic

I apologize to all of the vegans and raw food vegans who are so fervently passionate about not eating animal products.  I promise, this article is not to offend you or anyone else.

I, myself, was a vegetarian once.  I admit that I wasn't a hard core vegan, however, there was a time when eliminating meat from my diet did my body so much good.  I felt lighter, I felt that I had more energy after two weeks of no meat in my diet.  Perhaps I ate too much meat before, perhaps my body went through a phase where it needed time away from meat or perhaps meat and my body simply went through an aversion period; I don't know.  Sometimes I even wonder if it had something to do with the poor quality of conventional meat.   I don't believe I'll ever know why eliminating meat from my diet was necessary, but back then it was none the less.  After a few years of this, my body started to need meat again.  I actually started having dreams about eating steak.  Luckily, I was very close to a time when organic grass fed beef was available to me.  In about three years after that period, I became a meat eater once again.

I still commend vegetarians and vegans.  For even as a meat eater, I support a movement that you all give generously to every time you eat.  Every time vegans eat, you vote against factory farming and raising sickly animals who are abused and drugged.  It's hard to believe that people actually eat that sickly meat.  It's disgusting to think of the fact that I ate that sickly meat!  I am just as against that part of meat eating as most of you.  I march next to you in that fight even though there are other areas where we may disagree.

I still have my occasional days when I eat nothing except vegetarian meals.  In fact, the dinner that I prepare for my house is mostly vegan.  But I do have carnivorous meals occasionally.  I just make sure I serve my family clean, healthy meat; which is partly the point of the article below.

Eating Animals - The Atlantic

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Reflection on "Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York "

Education has declined in this country.  My favorite example of that, is a story that I heard about a professor at a law school who has his students read a book that was written about 150 years ago.  Every year he would get complaints that the book is a very difficult read.  He would sarcastically let his students know that he understands that it is a difficult read for it wasn't written for their level (the level of law students); it was written for the common farmer about 150 years ago.  There are many reasons why education has declined so dramatically, but I believe quite passionately that one major reason is that our kids aren't healthy.

Obesity is just one outcome of America's diet which is high in sugar and refined foods.  It is effecting our children's bodies and it will impact their futures.  I know this isn't a blissful story, however, we can change it.  For one thing, we can make changes in the way we perceive food.  For example, if someone says "I'm hungry" and they reach for a danish , there is something wrong with how that individual perceives food.  In a nutshell, real food nourishes the body making it strong and healthy while refined foods may taste good, but it does little for the body if anything at all and it's likely to lead to illnesses.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York - The Atlantic

This article is provoking in many ways to me.  There are things that I love and things that I despise about the issue. 

As a school counselor, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't happy about the fact that childhood obesity is falling in New York.  I mean, this is a big part of what I fight for!  I want healthy kids!  I feel that a major reason why our kids aren't learning is because they simply aren't healthy.  I understand that there are kids who are working hard in school and they are brilliant and making great grades, however, I feel even they can do better if they were healthy.

Politically, I am very much against everything that is supported in this article.  I feel that the government getting involved in our health movements is a horrible idea.  I understand that because the government made itself such a huge part of our education system, it is almost unavoidable if you want to see change.  The problem is, the government tends to be inefficient at almost everything.  Once the government is a part of something, getting them out will be extremely difficult.  Some would say that it is impossible, but I choose to believe otherwise.  I believe that some government influence is necessary in education, however, not as much as there is currently.

Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York - The Atlantic

Water Filtration Continued

I was an opponent for years, however, because of all of the nasty stuff in drinking water today, I am now a passionate proponent.  The reverse osmosis and distillation process are two of the only ways to remove Splenda and just about everything else.  I can taste the difference.  When I first took a sip of my reverse osmosis water, I was shocked!  I couldn't believe the cool crisp taste; it was like drinking spring water.  I actually liked it better because it came from cold water tap and I don't usually drink cold water, but it was a nice change.

I love my new filter and I don't have to worry about how much water I have left because the tank refills itself constantly.  I highly recommend it!

Water Filtration

For the past three or four years I've subscribed to Eldorado spring water.  I must admit that it was a little expensive, however, I was determined not to drink the nasty tap water.  I'm very sensitive to the stuff in the tap water.  I can actually smell the chlorine in the water and I can taste some of the other junk in the water as well.  Now that sucralose (Splenda) has hit our drinking water supply, I'm even more determined not to drink it.  Although, there are an array of prescription drugs and other substances in the water too.  Had I known that, I may have been more scrupulous about the water filter that I used.

Recently, my hubby and I purchased a reverse osmosis system.  My husband read that reverse osmosis water was comparable to rain water.  I can believe this because rain water is actually distilled water and reverse osmosis is comparable to distilled water.  Both types of water contain very, very little if any contaminants.  There is much debate about distilled and reverse osmosis water between doctors (NDs and MDs alike).  Proponents of distilled and reverse osmosis water claim that this is the only kind of water that people should drink because the process takes all of the nasties out of the water.  Opponents feel that the distillation or reverse osmosis process takes too much out of the water; most importantly minerals.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Water Filters Reviewed - Consumer Guide to the Right Water Filter | NRDC

I stumbled upon this article about water filtration.  It can give you an idea about what different water filters do.  This can be a step toward making an informed choice about water filtration.  I've already made a choice, but which one is best for you?

Water Filters Reviewed - Consumer Guide to the Right Water Filter | NRDC

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays My Friends!

Tomorrow is a big holiday for many; including many in my family.  I fully intended to blog today, however, it became much busier than I anticipated.  I want to wish everyone a VERY merry Christmas and to those who don't celebrate Christmas I want to wish you a warm and happy holiday season.

Happy Holidays my friends!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fluoride Infestation

December's book is on water fluoridation.  I may continue December's book through January since my absence has kept me from blogging much in December because I truly feel this issue is very important.  We are influenced by fluoride everyday.  Why are we being drugged?  How can we choose NOT to be drugged?

We don't really think about reading toothpaste labels, but we do what the commercials tell us to do.  I've been doing it for years too.  I've only been using a non fluoride, non SLS toothpaste for about a year and a half now.  When I go for cleanings, my hygienist says that my teeth are clean and I have very little tartar which surprised me each time.  Per my request she will never use fluoride in my mouth when she does the cleaning.  I can't believe that I was so deceived by media, that I actually believed that the fluoride toothpastes work despite all of the research I've done that said the opposite.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Osmunsun talk about the confusing information that is given by health organizations (FDA, CDC, EPA, ADA and such).  They also talk about why they are opponents of fluoridation and what fluoride can do to the teeth, bones and IQ!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

More On The War on Vitamins

After I recovered from strep, I learned that we are losing the war for supplements. Right now, supplements are just as available to us because the draft guidance was very recently implemented, however, we don't know how much we can lose if we don't speak up. I urge EVERYONE to stand up and fight for their rights to choose. I am so tired of the government telling us what we must choose and their lame excuses about lack of scientific evidence (which is also a lie by the way).

Please check out the article below and fight for your health freedom.

The War on Vitamins


Gotta love Dr. Mercola!  The man is just so passionate about our health freedom.  I'm right there with him.  We should be able to choose how we eat and how we take care of ourselves.  Trying to scare people into getting vaccinated is just ridiculous.

The following article helps make sense of why all of my doctors tell me to bone up on vitamin D when I am sick.  (Apparently there is a video as well, but I didn't realize until after I published this article).  I was taking tons of vitamin D when I had what I believe was strep throat.  I didn't take as much as advised when sick, but I certainly took more than I do when I'm healthy.  I knew vitamin D was powerful, but I didn't realize that it was THIS powerful!


Below are some D3 supplements.  Dr. Mercola and Maximized Living both sell vitamin D as well.  So if you need to obtain vitamin D orally, you have many choices (although keep in mind the best way to obtain vitamin D is by getting enough sun exposure).

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Past Week...

I promise, I'm not trying to make a habit of being away from this blog for a week or more at a time.  This has just been a very difficult month for me.

I gave a full explanation of my 3 week absence, however, the past week there was just one thing after another that kept me from blogging.  First a computer virus, then from the moment that was fixed I had a small migraine.  The migraine wasn't giving me very much trouble, thank God, but it was enough to stay away from TV and my computer for a few days.  There wasn't any nausea and the migraines are significantly less painful than they were a few months ago. 

I would like all readers to know how I've desperately missed blogging during that time.


DIRT the movie is one that I've heard of and wanted to see for a while.  Here is the presentation... finally!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Long Absence Story (Part VI)

I went home knowing what that thing in my throat was which brought me peace.  I knew now what I was fighting, and I knew what I should do exactly.  Thanks to the advice of a dear friend, I don't know if I would've gotten through this as successfully as I did.  I am forever grateful.

When I looked at my throat the next day, I saw some more of those dark specks and swirls.  It was a very small amount, but I needed to know what they were exactly.  I used more light to see better and I realized that I wasn't seeing things after all.  There were darker marks on my throat, but it wasn't black.  It was dark red scar tissue.  My tonsils must have bled a little bit.  Once again, I was at peace.  I was still sick, but it felt like I was healing.  My throat wasn't in as much pain as it was at the beginning of the weekend.  The goldenseal was working!  I'm glad that I never filled the prescription for Amoxicillin, for that would've just messed me up.

The one disease that I didn't want because of the fear of taking antibiotics, I had and successfully healed from without the help of pharmaceuticals.  I'm amazed, and yet I question why I should be.  Of course no one will know that all that is needed is goldenseal powder!  Congratulations, Big Pharma!  It looks as though you have finally reached the level of COMPLETELY worthless (at least in my life)!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Long Absence Story (Part V)

I'll never forget the look on the doctor's face when she came back to the examine room.  She said that the strep test came back negative.  She instructed me to take the Amoxicillin anyway; one in the morning and one at night for 10 days.  I smiled and nodded knowing the whole time that I wasn't going to fill that prescription for beans.  She insisted that I had strep and that something went wrong with the test.  She decided to be absolutely certain and ordered another test that involves growing the culture, but this would take a few days to process.  Again, this all happened on a Saturday, but the test results wouldn't come back until Wednesday.  Knowing how often antibiotics are given for viral infections in this country, I decided to continue taking the goldenseal powder, at least until the test results came back.  I'm so happy that I chose to do this.

To be honest, I was pretty sure that I had strep despite the test.  Everything the doctor told me convinced me that I had strep.  My best guess is that the goldenseal was so powerful that it killed enough of the culture in my throat to throw off the test.  I fully expected for Wednesday's test to come back positive.

My Long Absence Story (Part IV)

I felt pretty certain that the doctor would find that I had strep, but because of that stuff on my throat I couldn't say what they were going to find for sure.

First, my throat was swabbed to do a strep test.  Then the doctor examined me.  The moment that I opened my mouth, she said it smelled like I had strep.  She explained that strep has a certain smell that she detected on my breath immediately.  She also told me that the white sheets and specks weren't fungus like I feared, they were pockets of puss.  This is a very common symptom of strep throat.  This doctor was so certain that I had strep that she prescribed Amoxicillin before the strep test results came back.  I told her that I wanted to see the test results first.  I informed her that my other doctor felt that I had a viral infection and that I didn't believe in taking antibiotics for anything other than a bacterial infection.  She then stressed that I needed the antibiotics, she said that if I don't, not only would I not get better but I could easily spread my disease to others.  She told me of her experience with medicine and insisted that she knows strep when she sees it and smells it and she had no doubt that I what I had was strep.  Because she was one of few MDs that I knew who made it blatantly obvious that she cares about her work and her patients, I shut my mouth and took the prescription from her to be polite.  I may not agree with the conventional medical philosophy, but I will never disrespect a doctor who is desirous to see her/his patients get well.  When she stepped out to get my strep test results, another doctor came it to get a look at my throat.  He eyes became slightly widened before she uttered the words "Oh you poor thing!"  It wasn't clear why she came in to look at me, but when she later told me that her specialty was once worker's comp, I was able to make a few guesses.  I was able to make a few more guesses when she told me she hadn't seen a throat that looked as bad as mine.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Long Absence Story (Part III)

Have you ever tried to see a doctor on a Saturday?  Sometimes doctors are available, but more often than not, trying to see one is an absolute BEAR!  The little specks of black in my throat scared me enough to see whatever doctor would see me that weekend whether MD or ND.

The easiest thing to do when you are sick on a weekend is to go to the ER, but I didn't dare go to the ER.  Because doctors aren't available on weekends, ERs tend to be full of people like me who are sick and contagious.  I was already sick, my immune system was obviously weak and my body was therefore vulnerable.  I was scared that if someone coughed on or near me, I would REALLY be in a fix because I was weak enough to catch ANYTHING.  I looked at every other option.  I even tried to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist), but they told me that they would only see me if I was referred by a doctor or, since it was Saturday, the hospital.  Frustrated, desperate and very afraid, I begged my husband to keep hunting for another option.  Finally, he found an urgent care clinic that was open and that accepted our health insurance.  They weren't busy, so I didn't have to be too concerned about catching anything from anyone.

I was taking the goldenseal for two days by then.  When I gargled with it, it tended to dull the pain in my throat a bit, but I was scared that if the white on my throat was fungus/thrush that goldenseal was making it worse.  If it was strep, then I decided that I would take any prescription from the doctor but I would not fill it.  I was going to continue with the goldenseal powder.  My main purpose of going to the urgent care clinic was to find out what EXACTLY was wrong with me so I knew what I was up against.

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Long Absence Story (Part II)

The next day wasn't a good one for me.  I was desperate for rest and I kept on breaking things.  Among the many things that broke that day was the medicine my doctor had JUST given me.  Because she was closed that day, I had to wait another 48 hours to take my medicine and by then my throat had become more inflamed and swallowing became painful.  Once again, I found myself worrying that I may have strep throat.

I was reminded by a friend of mine about the power of goldenseal powder.  I've always known that goldenseal powder was powerful, but then I found out that an old healthcare provider of mine in NY would give it to his patients in heavy doses to heal pneumonia and strep throat.  Again, I used to believe that when one had either of those two diseases antibiotics were a requisite of healing.  Before I got my medicine replaced, I started taking the goldenseal powder.  My old healthcare provider said it was necessary to taste the bitterness of the goldenseal in order to heal.  Because I gargled with the goldenseal mixed with water, it was hard to avoid the taste of the stuff anyway.  Fair warning:  It does NOT taste good!

It didn't appear to work immediately.  What I mean is that the symptoms progressed.  By Friday evening, both my tonsils were huge and covered in white sheets and speckles, swallowing was very, very painful (to the point where I was having trouble sleeping because of the pain) and I was getting very worried about what the white stuff on my throat was.  My left tonsil was almost completely covered in white.  I started to panic when I saw that some of the white looked like it had swirls of black in it.  Was it fungus/ thrush?  It was so hideous and frightening, that I though it was necessary to see a doctor again.

Have you ever tried to see a doctor on a Saturday?

My Long Absence Story (Part I)

Three weeks ago, I had a fever.  It just hit me out of nowhere, I mean, I had no other symptoms; just the fever.  There was no coughing, no sneezing, no runny nose, no sore throat and no stomach flu symptoms.  Because I was detoxing, I suspected that my body sensed a microbial invasion and the fever was an attempt to fight it off.  For days I had this fever on and off until finally, I was back to my happy self and tried to get back to my life.  About a day or so later, my ear started to bother me.  It then filled with fluid and I had a sore throat.  The last time I had an ear infection, what saved me was a homemade gargle that my doctor told me to make.  I mixed the gargle, and after gargling with it a few times, I looked at my throat.  That's when I noticed it; something that scared me out of my senses.  There were little white spots all over my left tonsil and a small white sheet on my right tonsil.  I knew that was one of the symptoms of strep and became very concerned.  I made an appointment with my doctor IMMEDIATELY, hoping the whole time that it wasn't strep.  The disease itself didn't scare me, but the thought of taking antibiotics after everything that I've done to rebuild my gut flora frightened me.  I didn't want to start ALL OVER AGAIN from square one.  If I had strep, however, I wouldn't have a choice.  As far as I knew at that point, antibiotics are absolutely necessary if one has pneumonia or strep throat.  To my relief, my doctor said that the infection was viral.  To assure me that I didn't have strep, she stressed how my throat wasn't very inflamed and reminded me that I wasn't in much pain and that I didn't even secrete very much mucus.  The only concern that I had was the white stuff on my tonsils.  The doctor told me that the white specks were just deposits on my throat from my illness; I should have asked her to specify.  At that point, "deposits" was a good enough answer for me.  That night, I started my journey toward healing from my viral infection by doing exactly what she instructed me to do.  I took the tincture that she made, the homeopathy that she gave me and did the hot bath followed by the wet sock treatment that she told me to do.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Case Against Fluoride (December's Book)

I want to give a warm loving "Howdy" to all of my BeWell BookWorms.  I'm so sorry that December's book is so late.  If you read my post earlier, you would see that I'm in the process of giving a full explanation.  I promise more on that story tomorrow.  Right now, please allow me to present December's book.

December’s book is “The Case Against Fluoride” by Paul Connett, PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD and H. S. Micklem, DPhil.  I remember the words of a friend of mine in college that was studying medicine at the time.  She said “Fluoride is bad for your everything.”  This was the first time I heard anyone tell me that fluoride was bad.  How is this possible?  All my life my teachers and dentists have been telling me about how fluoride was necessary for the health of my teeth.  During the years when I started becoming more aware of the toxic nature of products that I used, I wondered about why my friend would tell me fluoride was bad.  I especially wanted to know because she was never wrong about such things.  As far as I knew, fluoride was natural.  I learned recently that sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride are natural.  Problem is, neither is used to  fluoridate our water!  90% of water fluoridation uses another fluoride compound that is hazardous waste.  This book gives all the information that we should know about what is in our drinking water.

My Long Absence

I apologize for my very long absence.  My Long Absence was due to multiple illnesses over the last three weeks.  One illness in particular kept me in bed for a majority of the time. 

My story is surely one to post on BWMFs for a number of reasons.  For one thing, it taught me how faith plays a huge part in healing.  While as a Christian woman, I place my faith in God, that's not necessarily what I'm talking about in this case (even though it could be depending on the individual).  What I mean exactly is, the confidence in the belief that you will get well plays a part in healing.  Stress is part of what breaks the immune system down.  This is why I've talked about how things like laughter, exercise and music are all things that are good for your health in prior posts.  They all decrease the chances of contracting an illness because they keep your immune system strong by keeping your stress levels down. 

I must say, looking back I was doing very well this year until I started this detox.  The colder seasons are by far the worst times to start a detox program.  I've mentioned this before and my doctor has even warned me about it.  I wouldn't have done it normally, but unfortunately other health issues didn't permit me any other choice.  So I took the risk (since the alternative was worse), but paid a pretty hefty price.  Thank goodness I am finally out of the darkest part of those woods.

What I went through over the last couple of weeks is a very long story, so I will have to break it up into a series.  Hopefully you find it enlightening, for I've learned so much on my three week journey to wellness and I'm eager to share.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Reader Comment and Question

I was unable to post a comment pertaining to Vitamin D. I take 4000IU daily. I also eat tilapia fish. My mom is a great cook so you know it''s YUMMY! I also eat Salmon. Of course with brown rice on the side. Can you tell me an alternative to cranberry juice. The juice is too acidic.

The kind of vitamin D that you take is important is it D3?  D3 seems to be the ones that doctors are advising.  I take D3 drops, however, the best way to get your D3 is by spending some time in the sun.  The sun helps the body to produce D3.  People stay out of the sun because they are afraid of skin cancer, but there are many habits to implement to prevent that.  Staying out of the sun isn't the best preventive step unless you are photosensitive.

Tilapia and Salmon are two of my favorites!  I'm not a fan of the salmon skin flavor wise, however, salmon skin are some of my favorite sushi rolls.  The skin is PACKED with iodine so I eat it when I can.  When I can't have salmon, I go with kelp granules for the iodine.  Like salmon, tilapia is high in omega-3.  It is also a significant source of B12 which is important.  The best part about tilapia, in my opinion, is that it is, as you put it, YUMMY!  It is a sweeter fish, so I just cook it in lemon juice.  I don't even bother with cooking oil.

As for the cranberry juice, I'm so sorry to hear that the acid is bothersome to you.  You aren't alone though.  It is always a good idea to alkalize the system.  Donna Gates talks about ways to do that in her book about the Body Ecology Diet.  Part of having a good body ecology is by alkalizing it.  When I had an acidic stomach, I also made it a habit to drink lots of aloe juice/gel.  It will heal whatever damage the acid did to the stomach.  While you are on your way to a better body ecology and/or if this doesn't help, there are always cranberry supplements.  I advise you to make sure there is no added sugar, soy or corn as fillers and make sure they use real cranberries.

I hope this helps!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

USDA Watch

Please check out the article on the USDA Watch posted on the OCA website by clicking on the link below.  This will give a stronger idea of how our government has been invaded and corrupted by Monsanto.  The article even gives names of the people and details.  It's good for us to know who we are fighting against.

USDA Watch

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The OCA (Organic Consumers Association)

The OCA is one of many organizations build to defend and lead us in the fight for our health freedom.  They are one of many organizations that I have suggested in Wellness Avenues.  Below is a video that reveal a little of their history and what their goals are.  Enjoy!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Be Well My Friends!!!!!!!!

I am proud to announce that Be Well My Friends is celebrating its one year anniversary today on November 25th 2011!  Although I feel that I have much farther to go with this project, I'm proud that it came this far in just one year.  I've learned and grown so much in just the one year that I have worked on this site.  In this year to come, I'm looking forward to becoming healthier and more successful; for I dare to believe that by the end of it I will be both by far.

I want to thank all of my readers.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the support that you have given me and this site.  Your participation whether question, comment or furthermore is and always will be the most important part of this blog.

Just say it's your Birthday BWMF!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Coconut Kefir Question

This post is a request for advice from the readers.  Mostly I have questions for anyone who has made coconut kefir.  I've had a problem the past two times I've tried to make some.  The first time I believe I may have left it in the fridge for too long, the second time I may have let it ferment for too long.  Both times I started with a quart of sweet coconut water and I ended with a quart of what can only be described as a slime.  I'm not sure if it was consumable, but it certainly didn't look like it was.  If it is, it doesn't look very appetizing.

I have two questions.  Is it consumable when it becomes that consistency?  Even if it is, how do I prevent this from happening again?  Please email me or leave an answer on the comments below.

Sorry For The Inconsistent Blogging

Detoxing is never an easy process.  While detoxing, symptoms may be experienced (the most common that I've seen were headaches, runny nose and cough).  Because it is winter, the symptoms may be amplified.  In my case, however, the benefits of this detox program will far outweigh the disadvantages.  I'm currently going through a rather powerful detoxification process (under the collaborative guidance of two doctors).  Because I'm just starting, I'm experiencing some rather uncomfortable symptoms.  I've had headaches for the last couple of days and my eyes hurt.

I've been sternly told by not one but both doctors to drink plenty of clear fluids and rest.  My best friend and my husband have both given me and firm scolding for being out of bed a couple of times when I was doing dishes or something other than resting.  So it hasn't been easy to keep up with my much loved blog and taking care of my much loved household while trying to get some rest.  

I'm feeling better, so will be blogging over the next couple of days unless I really feel sick again.  I don't anticipate feeling very sick again because the worst of the symptoms are usually in the beginning and my symptoms are starting to decrease. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The War on Vitamins (Part II)

As Americans we should all have the right to be healthy.  If one would like to find health by taking prescription drugs, that should be their choice.  If another seeks to find health by eating properly, that should be their choice.  If one seeks to find health by the use of supplements, that should be their choice. 

I posted a 5 minute and 19 second condensed version of Dr. Rima's presentation to remind everyone how important it is to let your voice be heard.  We have 10 more days to fight this draft guidance insanity.  Please click on the link below and take action!

The War on Vitamins

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Consumer Information Overview of Dietary Supplements

Many people don't know about DSHEA, or what it is.  I myself didn't know what DSHEA was until this year.  DSHEA is the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994.  It was designed to protect our rights to supplements from things like this draft guidance law that the FDA is trying to pass.  If it passes, then our nutrients need to be "pre-approved" by the FDA before it hits the market.  Our supplements, under DSHEA are being regulated by a system that is strong, stable and trust worthy; not to mention that it has been around since 1994 and it's doing fine.  The new system that the FDA is trying to implement will make it very easy for companies like Monsanto/Codex Alimentarius to take our nutrients away because they have corrupted the system with their lawyers and lobbyists.

To learn more about DSHEA and how it works for us, see the link below.

Consumer Information Overview of Dietary Supplements


Saturday, November 19, 2011

The War on Vitamins

The FDA is at it again, trying to "protect" us that is.  Once again our much loved DSHEA is under attack.  The FDA would love to implement the draft guidance which could stand in the way of people getting the nutrients that they need to maintain good health, gain good health or get their good health back.

Dr. Rima warned us that one day we may wake up to find that nutrients are illegal; like heroine is illegal.  Sounds crazy, huh?  Why would the government try to outlaw nutrients?  Perhaps in order to become Codex compliant?  My personal question is, what does Codex have on the government?  They are obviously working for the nutricide movement, but why?  Just look at what has been happening:  Judge Patrick J Fielder ruled against one's right to consume raw milk in Wisconsin (before he left that position and started working for Monsanto's law firm), next the FDA (who's food safety czar is Michael R. Taylor, former lawyer/lobbyist for Monsanto) wants to get rid of DSHEA, then there is the food safety modernization act to deny us the right to save seeds.  Imagine a world, where we didn't have the right to consume real milk, supplements were too expensive for most people and we couldn't even save the seeds to grow our own organic gardens.  It doesn't sound like the land of the free and the home of the brave to me.

Make no mistake, this is a HUGE threat to our health freedom.  DSHEA was designed to protect our right to nutrients and now it's under attack.  We have 13 more days to do something about this.  Let your voice be heard!  Go to the link below and fight! 

The War on Vitamins

Indoor Garden

I'm collecting compost for my garden next year.  I'm pretty excited about it, but I'm also a little nervous.  I'm hoping my black thumb is starting to turn a little green.  If my thumb is green enough next year, I could probably try this project that Patty Moreno shares.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Magnesium In Food

In an attempt to raise my magnesium intake, I mentioned eating more foods like pumpkin seeds.  Another food that is rich with magnesium is brewers yeast (below is the brand that I use).  In fact, it made the top 10 list (from a previous post) in a way.  Brewers yeast did not make the list directly, but it is made from molasses which is #9. 

I believe I wrote about brewers yeast in a few posts.  I love to sprinkle it on my bread and now that I've found a rice that I can eat, I sprinkle it on that as well.  For me, it has a flavor that took some getting used to at first.  Once I found foods like rice and bread that compliment it's flavor, I would sprinkle it on those foods generously.  Two tablespoons equals one helping, so I'm trying to come up with more foods that I can enjoy it with. 

If you have any recipe suggestions, remember that all questions, comments and furthermores are always welcome.

Wild Rice

I mentioned in a previous post how I was very sad when I had to wipe short grain brown rice off of my menu choices.  Rice was an important part of the vegan meals that I would serve some nights.  Neither my husband nor I are vegan, however, we enjoy vegan meals occasionally.

The best things about vegan meals are that it gives us some more variety and it saves us a few dollars.  Wild rice, however, doesn't happen to be as cheap as the short grain brown rice that I used to enjoy; so it will not save as much money as brown rice used to.   It is cheaper than constantly buying meat, however, so we will still be spending less and eating well thanks to our new discovery.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Big Biz Duo Problems

The food industry and the pharmaceutical industry both have a history of pretending to be our allies.  Because both industries are powerful and influential, I wish I could believe in them. 

I've had illnesses that the pharmaceutical industry has made a fortune on:  depression, fibroids, ADD and fatigue are just a few.  I KNOW that I've been lied to.  The healthcare providers who told me the lies may not be the actual liars, but what they were telling me were lies none the less.  There were healthier and more potent ways to treat my illnesses, but I've been mocked for even saying so.  Even my family was scared to death the first couple times I chose alternative methods to treat my illnesses for they believed in the many lies that they were told about naturopathy.  Even now they sometimes forget how long the pharmaceutical industry has been looking at the back of my head as I run toward better methods of treatment and became healthier because of it. 

The part of the food industry that is provided by Big Agrobiz hasn't seen me from a much different perspective either.  Healthy food keeps me away from the doctor's office.  When I need the doctor despite my efforts, the doctors that I choose usually help me fight disease in a way that helps my whole body get healthier.

As Americans, we need to take a closer look at what we do to our health on a daily basis.  We need to look at the foods that we call healthy.  As a matter of fact, we need to look at the foods that we call food in the first place.  If these are foods that are driving us to the doctor's office, and if the doctor's office is prescribing drugs and if the drugs that we take are making it necessary for us to take more drugs, don't you think it is time to ask some questions?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What You Should Know About Medication

No one, including Dr. Joseph Mercola who presented the video below, is out to ban medications even if that were possible.  Medication can be a necessary evil for some and it would be unwise to ban pharmaceutical drugs.  I believe all if not most physicians would agree with me on this one.  What I believe Mercola and other responsible physicians are trying to help others understand is that medication is unfortunately often not used responsibly.  For example, antibiotics and psychotropic drugs (mainly antidepressants) are two of the most prescribes drugs on the market.  According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, Americans need antibiotics about 10% of the times they are prescribed.  Psychotropic drugs, as far as many psychological professionals can see, are never a cure.  It is possible to treat depression to cure without drugs (as well as, OCD, ADD/ADHD and many other conditions) but psychiatrists quickly medicate without much thought in this country.  This is where I have a problem with medication.

Science tends to be on the side of most naturopathic doctor's practices.  Regardless, naturopathic care is made to look as though it is invalid for a variety of reasons.  Naturopathic doctors are all trained to prescribe medication in case it is necessary.  In some states they are not to prescribe medication despite their training.  Most of them almost never prescribe medication anyway, however, the ones that live in the states that allow them to prescribe medication do make use of prescription meds sometimes.  Prescription meds, for some, are unavoidable, however, there are ways to decrease the need for it.  I believe most people could go through their entire life never needing it.  Unfortunately, the Big Pharma will have us believing otherwise and THAT'S where there is a problem.

The following is a presentation that is a great way to present my problem with over-medicating America.  I'm sad for the people who still don't see it; for the numbers seem say it all.

Acai The Superfood

This post may be informative for women of reproductive age, but it may also be useful information for a man who is married to a woman of reproductive age.

Acai is a superfood for many reasons.  One reason in particular drove me to run to the health food store to pick some up.  A girlfriend of mine recently told me that she started drinking liquid acai as a supplement because when taken daily before her cycle, she found that she had far fewer symptoms before and during her cycle.  I don't usually just take things upon a person's word like that (unless it is my doctor), but acai is a very nutrient dense food so I really couldn't lose taking a chance on it.  I usually drink a shot glass of acai in a glass of milk (raw milk) or homemade yogurt with two shots of pineapple juice or a spoonful of honey to sweeten it.  Whether it is doing what I would like for it to or not, I'm not going to deny that it is yummy!  On top of it's tasty quality, it is, as I've mentioned before, nutrient dense.

I was able to go out for a run the other day despite the fact that I was a bit tired.  I felt better after the run.  I'm not sure if the acai alone helped me, or if the running alone helped me or if they were both helping me in that respect; one thing for certain is that they are both helpful to my body in many other ways.

I will be sure write follow ups on how I'm doing with it, but so far I enjoy it very much.

Friday, November 11, 2011

NRDC: Mercury Contamination in Fish - Consumer Guide to Mercury in Fish

My doctor recommended sardines to help with raising my vitamin D. I happen to enjoy sardines very much, they are among my favorite things to snack on. I'm just sad that if I eat sardines that it must be out of a can. If I could enjoy fresh sardines or sardines out of a glass jar, I would eat it daily!

My old doctor strongly suggested the avoidance of caned foods. Because I had been doing that anyway, it wasn't that difficult... except when it came to sardines. Sardines were VERY difficult to avoid entirely and even more now because I need the nutrients that it possesses. It makes me so sad that we are at the point where we have to search on Google and spend an insane amount of money for high quality food. Food is suppose to nourish us and keep disease away, but that isn't the way we treat or regard food... at least not in the US.

The one thing that I'm happy about is that at least I don't need to worry too much about mercury. Sardines are a type of fish that contains very low levels of mercury and it is okay to enjoy it often according to the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). Check out the link below and see which list your favorite fish falls into.

NRDC: Mercury Contamination in Fish - Consumer Guide to Mercury in Fish

November's Book

Vandana Shiva has become one of my favorite people in a very short period of time.  She is one of many who are fighting for the right to own seeds again.  For in India, where she is from, there are many farmers who DON'T have that right.  Although we in the US may have that right now, there is a chance that it may be taken from us. 

I thought of doing a double feature last month, but after much debate with myself, I decided on Jeffery Smith.  This month I wanted to take the opportunity to suggest Shiva's book.  She is known for driving many very valuable points home when it comes to GE foods and the riches of soil and seed.  So enjoy "Stolen Harvest" by Vandana Shiva.  I have no doubt that this book will bring a new and most profound perspective to all who read it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part IV

Gardasil is a vaccine that is suppose to prevent the HPV virus.  Honestly, I would rather get the HPV virus because it is treatable.  Because HPV is treatable, I consider the vaccine completely unnecessary.  I have done some research on Gardasil and it has caused several injuries and deaths.  Parents (or patients in the case of the poor young woman in the video below) need to be given all of the benefits AND risks of vaccines so that they can make an informed choice.  If they do not want to take the gamble, that should also be their choice.  Mandating vaccines is getting way out of hand.  It's unfair and it's very frightening that it can potentially make people sick, but we give and get these shots without knowing all that there is to know.  I'm glad for the people who survive vaccines, but those who didn't and loved ones of those who didn't are now saying the same thing about informed consent.

To all the mothers who lost a daughter because of Gardasil, I grieve for your loss.  I am so terribly sorry and I am in this fight with you!  If you are one who is trying to be the voice of your daughter, I will do what I need to in order to be certain that you are heard.  I will also be their voices.  I will tell people what I know in the hopes of saving a life.  Know that she did not die in vain.

The young woman in the video wasn't given correct information.  She wasn't informed that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease.  She was made to be afraid not to take the vaccine, but she wasn't made aware of the possible risks.  Did this doctor who gave her incomplete information take responsibility for what is happening to her?

The following video moves me to tears every time I see it. 

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part III

Vaccines are suppose to save lives.  I believe that some of them have the potential to do just that.  Unfortunately, I am scared to death of all of them; for there is controversy that came from a combination of things.  First, there are ingredients added to vaccines that are both harsh and unnecessary.  Because of this, taking vaccines are always a gamble.  One must contemplate taking chances with the vaccine or with the disease.  Second, there is the abuse of power by Big Pharma mandating that ALL children must be vaccinated in some states.  This takes away a parent's right to choose.  If parents are the ones gambling, they should be the ones to decide where to take their chances.  It is perfectly understandable when someone would rather take their chances with the vaccine and it's good that the vaccine is available for those parents.  Considering that babies have died from vaccine poisoning, however, parents should ALSO have the right to choose against giving their child the vaccine.  Third, there is an issue with the irresponsible use of vaccines.  For example, babies are just given shots.  There is no informed consent, no allergy testing and no safety testing.  To make matters worse, strong evidence that there is a significant link between autism and thimerosal (a preservative used in vaccines) was presented to NIH by Dr. Boyd Haley but was blatantly ignored.

The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for several hundred thousand (or more) injuries and deaths in the USA; many of those are caused by vaccines.  Not nearly as many children suffered from ADD, autism or brain damage 30 years ago and there weren't very many shots given back then either.  If autism and ADD is all that I had to worry about compared to diphtheria or smallpox, however, I would take my chances with the vaccine.  Unfortunately, that's not all that I have to worry about.  I don't even want to know how many babies like Ian are killed every year from vaccine injury.  Who is Ian?  Please click on Ian's Voice below and take a look.  I'm sorry if the pictures are graphic.

Ian's Voice 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part II

Production of food is necessary to feed the world; I understand that.  It is important to produce and distribute in enormous quantities so we could all eat.  I just feel that the way it is being done today, it comes at a terrible cost. 

The top dogs in the food industry aren't interested in feeding the world, they are interested in getting paid for feeding the world.  The use of Big Biotechna to speedily grow chickens for example, creates sickly chickens and sickly meat.  Many small farmers who are willing to do the job right were attacked because Big Biotechna and Big Agribiz don't want competition.  They know people like me would rather give our bucks to the small farmer who plays his cards smart.  Instead of creating a better product, their way of eliminating competition is via political corruption.  This is not right.  When the small farmer's rights are violated like that, so are the rights of consumers like me who would rather buy from them.

I know there are people working for the above businesses (both the food and pharmaceutical industries as stated in part I of this post) who are genuinely looking out for everyone's welfare.  I believe that there are people who truly believe that this is the best way to go.  Sometimes it takes someone on the other side of that story to offer another point of view.  For example, many politicians are worried of the dangers of raw milk, however, raw milk was one of the best things that has ever happened to my health and many others would say the same or raw milk consumption would not have risen by 32% last year.  Also, antidepressants are said to be the way to go when one is depressed.  I know depression is an illness that is very real and very horrible.  From personal experience, however, I know that it isn't the only way to go.  So you see, there is another side to those stories.  Because of this, I believe we should be given the power to choose.

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part I

There is a reason why I am frightened by the power of the pharmaceutical industry and the power of the food industry.  I remember the daunting years of being enslaved to my illnesses.  If I left it up to the world of Big Pharma and Big Agribiz, I fear that I would have never even seen the opportunity to get well.  It just makes me sad that these are industries that are suppose to be looking out for our health, and they are so focused on the all mighty dollar that they turn a blind eye to where they can be better.

There are many naturopathic doctors who admit that pharmaceuticals are sometimes absolutely necessary for healing.  When it is made to look as though drugs are the only answer, however, there is a problem.  Unfortunately, I believe that pharmaceuticals are not everything that they are presented to be.  For example, when health officials come knocking on the doors of Sacramento residents with nurses and lists of children who were not vaccinated and they are ready to give a child a shot whether the parents like it or not, that goes beyond abuse, invasion of privacy and violation of rights.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 10 Foods Highest in Magnesium

I was saying in an earlier post that I have too much calcium in my blood. There is a possibility that this is so because my magnesium is low. My magnesium level always been in question. A former acupuncturist had reason to believe that my magnesium was low. This is puzzling to me now that I have an idea of which foods are high in magnesium. Cashews and brown rice are among the top ten foods that are highest in magnesium. I used to eat tons of brown rice and cashews. Brown rice was something I had almost every night for dinner. It was just the easiest starchy carbohydrate to cook. So when I had little time to cook, which was often, I would just make brown rice. Cashews were a favorite snack of mine. I used to eat tons of organic raw unsalted cashews; for it was like candy to me. I can no longer eat rice OR cashews because they both were reasons for a constant problem with upset stomach in the past. I'm not implying that brown rice and cashews are bad foods, they are actually wonderful foods that are very high in magnesium. I'm simply sharing that unfortunately my body doesn't process them very well.

The article that I posted lists 10 foods that are highest in magnesium.  I hope you find this informative.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Magnesium

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Food, Supplements, Medicine... And The Difference Is...???

My diet wasn't very different from the average American diet once upon a time.  I used to eat the fast foods and the processed junk with the high sugar content.  Obesity wasn't my battle, but illness was.  There is so much that we don't know about real food.  There is also so much that we don't know about the food we eat on a daily basis.

If health isn't a priority then buying real food doesn't seem practical or feasible.  To many who believe that food is food then buying organic, for example, can seem financially  irresponsible.  Many don't understand that processed food can lead to obesity and illness while organic food, having higher nutritional content, can do the opposite.  My family used to get very upset with me because of the amount that I paid for food once upon a time.  They didn't understand that I was just tired of being sick and I was simply running in a different direction.  A Bastyr graduate (who is now a physician) reminds us that we pay for our health everyday.  "You are going to have to pay somebody.  You can pay your grocer or you can pay your doctor." she stressed to future physicians from the Southwest School of Naturopathic Medicine.  

I recently had my blood analyzed.  Although there were some things that I need to work on, for example, I have too much calcium in my blood, overall, I was very happy with the results.  I was especially happy considering that I don't take supplements; at least not any of the conventional kinds.  I eat Salba seeds, brewer's yeast and kelp, but I consider them to be foods.  Food, supplements and medicine, however, have very close ties with one another in my world.  "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food" Hypocrites tells us.  The way that I have been eating recently, food, medicine and supplements have all  been one in the same.  To be honest, I didn't think that it was possible once upon a time, but I've proven to myself that Hypocrites was right after all!  

Labeling of GE Food Products

I've been asked about why I am so passionate about fighting Monsanto.  My answer is very simple.  I've been very sick in the past and discovered that the food I ate had much to do with that.  Monsanto doesn't have anything genuine to offer; except genuine illness.

In my early adulthood, I started to change my eating habits.  I started to eat more organic foods and less processed foods.  I also started to use non toxic household and cosmetic products like dish detergent and soaps.  To be honest, I didn't feel a difference... at first!  I remember the first time I ate a bowl of ice cream after I cut it from my diet for a whole year.  I was drinking organic milk at the time and I was eating significantly fewer processed foods.  After I had that bowl of ice cream, I had terrible fatigue for a whole week.  It boarderlined a depressive episode, for I was in bed for days unable to do very much.  That was when I learned that my body DOES react to fake food.  That was when I had a tiny, but important glimpse of what the food industry was and that health was NOT their top priority.
Monsanto is NOT a friend!  They have lied, cheated and killed all for the sake of making a dollar or saving a dollar.  I don't trust them for a second to make rules that will directly affect my health which is why we need to get them out of the political world; for they are not in the political world to help us.  Monsanto only acts to help Monsanto.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tell the rBGH Profiteers Why You Buy Organic to Avoid Genetically Modified Bovine Growth Hormone

I think that it is hilarious how Monsanto scientists started buying organic milk after Posilac was distributed.  The latest news on Posilac was that they may bag it.  So at least milk won't be as poisonous as it is now.    I still wouldn't touch store bought milk with a 10 foot pole either way anyway.  I enjoy my raw milk very much.  I wish there was a way that I could help Wisconsin regain their rights to raw milk.  I feel that the rule against the consumption of raw milk is unconstitutional.  Hopefully, the fight to regain that right shouldn't take very long.

Tell the rBGH Profiteers Why You Buy Organic to Avoid Genetically Modified Bovine Growth Hormone

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weight Loss Part II

The journey toward "getting healthy" and permanent weight loss, in my experience, will involve a full habitual make-over.  People must refuse the fake foods, start eating the real foods and start an exercise program (preferably an enjoyable one).  This journey also involves learning how to prepare things at home.  For example, it is helpful to learn how to make quick snacks and full meals out of authentic food.  Exercise is an essential part of this program as well because it will not only turn the body into a fat burner, but it will also turn the body into a walking disease repellant.  Exercise, however, is a journey in itself.  I often try to find activities that are fun (biking, rollerblading, aerobic dance...).  When one finds the exercise that they love to do, there is no motivation or discipline necessary to get it done because they want to do it!  Therefore, one will do it as often as one can.

My chiropractor puts his overweight patients on something he calls "The Healing Diet" which involves very low carbohydrate intake among other things.  If there is a "diet" that I would recommend to someone for weight loss, it would be this one.  Some people actually need this diet because their leptin no longer functions properly.  This diet can help heal the functions of leptin.  Once they get their leptin under control and they have turned their obese bodies into healthy, fat burning machines; they can eat carbohydrates again.  They don't gain the weight back because they learn what real carbohydrates are (fruit, potatoes, grains...) and they will refuse the fake stuff (trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, GMOs...).

These aren't the easiest programs to get on board with because one must change habits, thought patterns and budgets.  All I can say is that it works beautifully and there are many benefits to it besides weight loss.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weight Loss Part I

In my experience, if one wants to lose weight they will need to make changes in their daily habits especially where food is concerned.  I believe that some diets have their place, but not for weight loss.  The only exception to this is what my chiropractor calls "The Healing Diet" and that's an exception because his patients learn proper eating habits before and during the diet.  When the diet is no longer needed, his patients don't go back to their old eating habits so they keep the weight off.

Because of our fast paced lifestyle we rely on fast foods or processed foods.  These foods are cheap, easy to prepare, on our plates in a lickety-split but often posses all three benefits.  I don't regard these refined foods as real food.  Real food nourishes the body.  Refined foods aren't made to nourish the body as much as they are made to please the senses, kill the hunger drive and make big money for big corporations. 

There are many ways to lose weight, however, the overweight individual who desires to lose weight needs to be aware of what they want.  Do they want to lose weight or do they want to get healthy?  If the individual wants to lose weight, then I am not the best person to work with them.  The ones who want to get healthy, however, tend to reap the most benefits from my program.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So What's For Supper?

This presentation says so much more than I ever have about why subsidizing food is a really bad idea.  I have a new respect for organic farmers.  I also have new and tremendous respect for my dairy farmer.  I also have great pity for conventional farmers.  The integrity of  food has been grossly flouted.  Not only have we made a mockery of nutrition and health, but we are reaping the disadvantages for doing so.

As a devoted Christian, I give thanks to God for my food.  I remember the very last time I said thanks for food that wasn't real food and I remember that it simply didn't feel right to ask for God to bless it.  As I proceeded to eat what was before me, I knew that I wasn't about to nourish my body.  I just didn't think about the fact that I was about to bring myself closer to illness and death.

I didn't realize how powerful the food industry was.  It is frighteningly powerful.  Those of you who know what food is, we need to keep a close eye on the bigger industries so that we will still have the right to real food.  This is one of the longer presentations so get out your fuzzy slippers and popcorn (but make sure the popcorn is organic) and enjoy!

Food INC | Subtitulado Español from Humanidad en Transicion on Vimeo.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops (Part III)

There is just so much conflict between what Michelle Obama tells us and what Barack Obama tells us.  I'm completely confused Mr. President!  Please explain...


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops (Part II)

I'm sad about the fact that Michelle Obama is so health conscious and yet Barack's choices for this country is simply contradicting everything that she preaches.  She seems to be all about organic gardening and cultivating a healthy community.  I'm not accusing her of being a hypocrite, however, Barack is surely making her look that way since his decisions contradict her choices.  Barack is clearly pro GMO and Michelle is pro organic gardening.  It is next to impossible to have both worlds living harmoniously. 

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops (Part I)

There was a time when politics didn't mean a thing to me.  I actually jokingly asked if I could register for an apolitical party when I first moved to Colorado.  To this day, I still don't like to discuss politics.  The only reason I've become a very political woman in the last couple of months is because I feel that the food industries and the pharmaceutical industries are stomping on my rights not to choose what they have to offer.  I don't appreciate someone telling me that choosing not to vaccinate is abuse and I will not listen to anyone who tells me that speaking out against GMOs is not permitted and I refuse to believe that raw milk is dangerous compared to the poison junk they sell in grocery stores.

It didn't mean a thing to me when Obama was voted president nor did it mean anything when Bush (Jr. or Sr.) or Clinton was in the White House because once again I simply didn't care about the political world.  When I learned about Obama's broken promise (to have GMO foods labeled) and about his appointing Tom Vilsak to the USDA, I've been dying to see him out!  To be fair, he wasn't the first president to get in bed with Monsanto, but I am hoping desperately that he will be the last.

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Overuse Injuries

It looks as though I may have won the battle with my much hated shinsplints.  Years ago, when my shins first started bothering me, I did a little research on overuse injuries and found out some facts about shinsplints.  There are apparently different causes.  In my case the agonist muscle, the gastrocnemius, is getting a full workout while the antagonist, the tibialis anterior, is getting almost no workout at all.  This causes exhaustion of the unworked muscle and eventually pain.  The painful state is what characterizes the shinsplints.  This is why it is so important to work the antagonist muscle.  If not, the agonist will become over contracted while the antagonist will remain weak.  In order for the antagonist to do it's job on a daily basis, it has to work harder than ever because the agonist (which is getting stronger) is working against it. 

I bought an exercise band and I used it to give my tibialis anterior muscle some resistance exercise.  I've been working with it every other day.  So far, after two days of working with the band, I went for a run and I had absolutely no pain in my shins!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Athlete's Curse

My new love for running apparently didn't come without paying some dues.  I have almost forgotten the one major drawback of being an aerobics instructor; overuse injuries!  Today, I call it athlete's curse.  It is an athlete's curse because overuse injuries can be very painful and they can keep you from doing the activities that you love so much.

The one overuse injury that used to attack me constantly was shinsplints.  Shinsplints and I are now mortal enemies!  I remember how painful they were when I was an athlete.  I remember teaching an aerobics class with an ace bandage around my shin.  It was the only way my legs would allow me to teach.  I was going to classes for my massage certification at the time too; therefore my legs were getting massaged daily and they still were still in pain.

Now that I started running again, my much hated shinsplints are back.  I will be doing some exercises to work the tibialis anterior (the muscle that hurts so badly), to see if that helps.  Hopefully I find success for I so desperately don't want to give up running.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Treasured New Discovery

I remember a time when running was something that I would avoid.  I would do brisk walking, biking, aerobic dance of many kinds, rollerblading and surge training; but never running.  I am surprised to find myself completely in love and addicted to this energizing new activity.

Two days ago I woke up and heard my husband coughing (it turned out to be a reaction to dryness).  Desperate not to get sick, I got out of bed and went for a run.  I'm not sure what possessed me.  I was already awake before he started coughing, and for some reason all I could think about was running in the crisp Colorado morning air.  So, I put on a tee shirt and sweatpants and went for a run.  I admit that I didn't go as far as I wanted to.  It didn't surprise me because it has been a while since I've done any cardio exercise.  I've been very focused on resistance exercise and weight bearing exercise.  I know from experience, however, that my distance will increase overtime.  Since I'm going to be running often, it probably won't be long.  I'm most surprised about how meditative running is.  My mind works so much more efficiently after a run.  Things are clearer, fresh ideas flood in to the point where I can't write things down quickly enough.  It is the most amazing thing! 

The only reason I didn't go out this morning as well is because I have to fast for some blood work.  I don't feel that it is a good idea to do such rigorous exercise when fasting like this.  I do look forward to my run tomorrow though.  I'm so excited about my new discovery and wonder why I never thought of it before.

Preparing For Halloween

Candy is something that I've refused to give to anyone for years.  The only time I've even purchased candy in the last 7 years was for a presentation.  I was demonstrating the gross lack of nutrition that is offered by things that we have the nerve to call food.  As a teacher, I NEVER EVER gave candy as a reward nor would I offer it to my neighbors for trick or treat.  For the last 3 winters I've had to get creative on Halloween.

The following presentation offers different ideas about what you could give to your neighbors for trick or treat this Halloween.  I may utilize some of these ideas myself.  There were a few that were both cheap and sustainable. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good News on Battle for Health Freedom

I believe that there is a "boo-hoo" in order for corporate monster Monsanto.  It looks as though Posilac, one of their crowned jewels, are so undesired by consumers that they may have to bag it!  The cows will be so disappointed.  Their days will be so boring without all of the pain from the constant mastitis.  What will milk be like without all of the hormones and puss?  It won't NEARLY be as toxic and disgusting!  I guess Monsanto scientists will no longer have to spend so much on organic milk anymore.

Bye-bye rBGH!!  You will be anything but missed!

A Decade of Consumer Pressure Is Driving Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone off the Market

The War on Vitamins

The FDA is really going to try and gain control over vitamin supplements.  It is really very scary how Monsanto wants for everyone to depend on them so badly that they are literally invading the government with their minions and creating situations where we no longer can depend on the sources that make us well.

Please click on the article below and stand up for your rights!  If you value your health, if there are supplements that you find GREAT for your body; please participate!

The War on Vitamins

Sunday, October 23, 2011

FDA Disappointment

The FDA is suppose to be an impartial institution committed to looking out for our health.  My husband told me something interesting the other day:  when a politician says "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" in any way, shape or form, head for the hills!  I believe in regulation to protect others from corporate monsters like Monsanto's crooked manner of doing business, but we need to be very careful when government gets their camel noses under the tent of healthcare or agriculture.  Many of these laws have little to do with protecting us.  What it's really about is control; trying to control where we spend our money by subsidizing products that are toxic and unsustainable for reasons that I will never understand.  Then they try to further claim control by implementing these "protective laws" that really just stomp on our rights.

I'd like to say that I'm deeply disappointed in the FDA.  When I think about it, however, I wonder if we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot by placing the government in charge of our food in the first place.  Perhaps my disappointment should be in the fact that we Americans placed our faith in the wrong people.

Support Your State’s Bills on Genetically Engineered Foods!

I wanted to post the following one hour feature again because it gives so much vital information about who Monsanto is and what their history looks like.

If you are one of the Millions Against Monsanto, I created a forum where we could keep each other informed.  If any of you give really good information or feedback, I would love to feature your post on this home page.  For this reason, please be complete about links to your sites so that anyone who reads your information on the homepage can easily find you.

Please observe the link below to support your state if they are trying to implement mandatory labeling of GMOs.

Support Your State’s Bills on Genetically Engineered Foods!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

No Surprise Here! “Tyranny of the Year” Judge Quits the Bench—to Work for Monsanto Law Firm

Unbelievable!  Judge Patrick J. Fiedler, the one who ruled against residents of Wisconsin drinking raw milk even if it is from their own cows/goats, is now working for Monsanto.  Just when I honestly believed that this corporate monster could sink no lower! 

No Surprise Here! “Tyranny of the Year” Judge Quits the Bench—to Work for Monsanto Law Firm

Friday, October 21, 2011

Loss of Health Freedom in Wisconsin

Our health freedom allies in Wisconsin recently lost a battle.  It's bad enough that most states outlaw the sale of raw milk in stores but now it is against the law to consume raw milk in the state of Wisconsin. 

Judge Patrick J. Fiedler decided that Wisconsin not only has no right to sell raw milk, they can't even board cows, or consume milk from their own cows.  So in other words, not only is the Wisconsin government in control of what residents buy, they are in control of what they consume.  In the most invasive way, Fiedler is trying to control what people can or cannot eat.  That is awful!  Families have seen entire winters without getting sick because of raw milk, but now thanks to these outrageous laws to "protect" us, families in Wisconsin will have one very potent nutrient that can prevent flu revoked from them.

Yes, take the raw milk away.  Instead of being healthy and preventing disease, we could just all die from brain damage from poisonous vaccines.  It frustrates me so much that these politicians can do this!  I thank God that I am in a libertarian state where people are mostly encouraged to make their own choices about such things.

Breaking News—California May Require Labeling of GE Food Products!

I am so excited!!  I just posted this news everywhere with the hope that more people know, give a signature and pass on the message.  I hope it comes through!  This is what we've all been REALLY fighting for!  I mean, I'm hoping to rid the world of GMOs all together, however, this would be a profound beginning!   

Breaking News—California May Require Labeling of GE Food Products!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gut Flora

I've been boning up on my probiotics over the past 3 months and I have been feeling really good!  Dr. Joseph Mercola highly recommends one strain in particular.  Lactobacillus acidopholis DDS-1 is a probiotic strain that Mercola finds far superior to others.

There are apparently many different strains of Lactobacillus acidopholis so the DDS-1 is the one in particular that is desirable.  Besides the fact that it is acid resistant, which many probiotics are not, it tends to also be very helpful to lactose intolerant individuals.  These are two of many qualities of Lactobacillus acidopholis DDS-1 that make it unique.

I don't take probiotic supplements anymore because I'm ingesting so much kombucha, sauerkraut and raw milk, however if you are taking a supplement, be sure that your supplement has this particular strain.  Dr. Mercola declares "I no longer consider taking a probiotic as part of my daily regimen without this strain!" 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not Milk!

Unfortunately, I have found that much of what was said in this video is true but incomplete.  Milk itself is not the enemy. 

Raw milk is a very nourishing food.  The pasteurized, Posilac (or rBGH growth hormone) infested junk that is found in most grocery stores is very toxic.  I have felt my immune system collapse under the influence of store bought milk.  Many raw milk drinkers, however, experience strength in their immune system.  We had our first cold snap and I didn't get sick as I usually do during a cold snap. I am lactose intolerant; however, raw milk doesn't hurt me at all.  

I don't therefore place the blame on something as nourishing as milk for all of the illnesses associated with dairy products.  So if you are one of the Americans who gets milk from the grocery store, you may be in danger of the many things the video warned about.  If you are one of the Americans like me who only consumes raw milk, you have nothing to fear at all.

Promises Promises!

I love when politicians make promises that they really had no intention of keeping.  I didn't even know that President Obama said he would have GMO foods labeled if he became president.  Did he even make an attempt to keep that promise?

Hypothetically, let us say that Obama had every intention of having GMOs labeled like he said he would.  The one thing that would help me to believe him is Michelle Obama's organic gardening programs.  The problem is, I would have to close my eyes to many, many other things that contradict this image of a president who is desirous of a healthy world.  For example, what is up with appointing Tom Vilsack (Monsanto supporter) to the USDA??  If anything would give our movement to protect small farmers a monster set back it was that.  Thanks to that precarious move, GMO alfalfa has been approved despite the major problems organic alfalfa growers will find themselves in and despite the problems that the US is having with super-weeds thanks to the increased use of Monsanto's R**ndup R**dy herbicide.  Did either Vilsack or Obama think about the growing problem with CCD?  What about Michael Taylor the former Monsanto lawyer?  Why was he bumped up to a higher position in the FDA?  What about the ramifications of that dangerous move?

Had I known about this promise back in 2007 in conjunction with Michelle Obama's organic gardening ideas, I would've believed him too!  It is now 2011, and Obama is about to run for re-election.  Where are all of the labels he promised?  At least 80% of all processed foods in the US have GMOs in them, but I don't see the labels.  Sorry Mr. President; your choices have placed your integrity into question.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr. Mercola on Health Liberty

I've always hated politics.  There was a time that current events and history didn't mean a thing to me.  When I learned what corporate greed and political corruption is doing to the health of our nation, all of a sudden I became someone who cares very much about who is running the country and the court systems.

There are leaders of some corporate giants who don't want opposition or competition.  Big Pharma and Big Agrobiz are two types of businesses that corrupts politics in order to eliminate opposition and competition.  When they do that, they also limit our choices.  If you are one who wants to vaccinate your child, that should be your choice, however, you should understand all of the pros and cons of vaccinations.  Informed consent seems to fall through the cracks when it comes to vaccinations.  If you are one who believes that fluoride is good for the teeth, then you should be able to choose to use it.  When it is put into our water supply and in many commercial drinks, we don't really have very much of a choice in that matter.  If you believe that GMOs are safe and beneficial for many other reasons, then you should be able to make use of it; but not at the expense of your neighbor who is trying to raise organic crops nor should we all have to eat it because the company who makes it refuses to label it.  We should all be able to make choices about what is best for our families and ourselves.

Dr. Mercola addressed a few of these things.  Watch:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Millions Against Monsanto Forum

This is a new forum on the Whole Health Destinations page, I hope it will be active.  I know I have so much information to give, but I also know that others have much information to share as well.  There are so many ways that we can fight for our health freedom.  The best way to achieve our health freedom is by educating one another and standing up together. 

I have had enough of Monsanto's malicious lies and their fatal deceit.  Monsanto has destroyed lives; ask BT cotton farmers in India, anyone who lives in Anniston Alabama or small farmers in the US who lost their businesses because of GMOs. 

Please join me and many others around the world who are fighting for their health freedom.  Join the million against Monsanto!

Again, registration (or reregistration if you are a BWMFs member but not a Whole Health Destinations member) is necessary to join the forum.  Of course registration is free and simple.  If you are like me and need more guidance, click here for instructions on registration.

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved and fight for your health freedom.  I know there is a lot of bad news to swallow; to name some of the negative outcomes, there is CCD, small farmers losing businesses because of Monsanto's lies and crooked political take-overs and poor farmers in India committing suicide because they didn't get rich like Monsanto promised.  Even with all of the bad news that we've seen and endured, as Vandana Shiva said, there is so much hope. 

People are waking up and figuring out that there is so much that just does NOT add up.  I've posted about the 270,000 farmers who are suing Monsanto.  I may have even mentioned that Canadian farmers and some Indian farmers went after Monsanto as well.  California is in the process of fighting to have GMOs labeled as are many politicians and organizations like the OCA (Organic Consumers Association).  We have individuals such as Jeffery Smith, Dr. Rima and Vandana Shiva fighting for our health freedom.  If we keep turning up the heat, I'm hoping that eventually, even multibillion dollar Monsanto won't stay in the kitchen.

Here are some ways to get involved:
  1. The 2012 California Ballot Initiative
  2. You could donate to the OCA
  3. Click here for a list of other ways to get involved 
  4. Go to the Wellness Avenues page for more resources  
  5. Get involved in the Millions Against Monsanto forum on the Whole Health Destinations page

Saturday, October 15, 2011


My hygienist was the one who told me about miswak or siwak.  Miswak looks like a twig, but after chewing off the bark and chewing the fibers inside; it actually makes a great cleaner for your teeth.

I've used miswak a few times.  I don't have the skill to get the miswak to certain parts of my mouth to get all of my teeth clean, but I am told that there are ways.  My hygienist was very curious about miswak after observing the teeth of the Saudi Arabian gentleman that introduced it to her.  She said that she has rarely ever seen such healthy gums.
I researched the product, of course, and found out that C*lg*te brand puts miswak in their toothpaste in the middle east, yet they will put fluoride in their toothpaste here in the US.  Interesting, isn't it?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let Food Be Thy Vitamins (Part II)

I am forced to assume that the video was talking crystallized vitamins because those are the most popular kind of vitamins on the market (and the least effective).  Crystallized vitamins have been unadulterated, therefore the body cannot metabolize and absorb it very well.  In other words, once ingested it isn't treated like a food.  It falls apart in the digestive tract and then it is excreted.  Researchers believe that it is because too much has been taken out out of the supplement during purification.  The body can absorb about 10% of crystallized vitamins or less which is why the vitamin content in crystallized vitamins are so high.  With the added insult of GMOs, I would guess that they could have something to do with the increased cancer risk.  Also, too much vitamin A of any kind can cause health risks that I'm still learning about.  I've spoken to a number of doctors about this and they ALL said that it is best to get vitamin A from food (both eggs and raw milk butter from organic grass fed cow/goats have the highest content of vitamin A).  When you acquire vitamin A from food it is nearly impossible to get too much.  

Whole food vitamin supplements are another type of multivitamin.  This is my favorite way of getting the vitamins that I need each day.  There are two types of whole food vitamin supplements.  One type is a supplement made from food.  For example, algae can be made into a supplement.  It is grown, fed nutrient dense food and then freeze dried into a pill form.  The other kind of whole food vitamins are actual foods that you enjoy each day but work as supplements in the body.  For example, the American diet is iodine deficient.  Despite the iodine put in table salt, we are still an iodine deficient nation.  Sea weed is one way of obtaining sufficient iodine.  Brown sea weeds like kombu and kelp are among the highest.  I sprinkle kelp granules on my toast, eggs, soups and in smoothies (if I make it with fresh homemade nut milk) and I always cook kombu with beans.  Nutritional yeast has the highest concentration of a variety of B vitamins.  Salba seeds (or chia seeds) are a super food that contains more calcium than milk, more omega 3s than fish, more antioxidants than blueberries and more fiber than flax seeds.  One of my favorite snacks is something that I call vitamin toast; this is toast with homemade raw butter, Salba seeds, kelp granules and nutritional yeast.

I find it very disappointing that the presentation left out all of this information.  It didn't even mention that it is possible to obtain vitamins without "one per day" pills.  It's good to know that there is a way to get vitamins without having to rely on vitamin companies.

Let Food Be Thy Vitamins (Part I)

This is interesting information.  The only part that I found upsetting is that they didn't mention that there is a difference between crystallized vitamins and whole food vitamins.  One vitamin supplement is great for the body and the other is not.  More on this will be posted in a followup post later today.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October's Book: Seeds Of Deception

This is a one hour presentation that talks about October's book of the month.  I hope you find the presentation interesting, informative and instructive.

I apologize for the delay in making it available.  I very recently fixed a technical issue that prohibited me from doing so.