Sunday, January 9, 2011

Alternative Medicine (Part I)

Today many associate healthcare with the pharmaceuticals that are to make us better when we feel sick; alternative medicine is kind of the opposite.  Alternative medicine is a healthcare practice that makes us better without the drugs, except when the drugs are best and I want to be clear, SOMETIMES THEY ARE.  Many seek alternative medicine when pharmaceuticals have failed them in some way.  I sought alternative medicine early in my adulthood because I received information about both traditional and alternative practices and the alternative just made more sense.  It was based on hard core scientific research and not this questionable research like when medicine is prescribed to many only to find out that the side effects just aren’t worth what the medicine is suppose to treat.

Another problem is this belief in stereotypes.  For example, I met a woman who had AIDS a few years ago.  I asked her if she ever considered alternative medicine.  She said that she has tried it.  When I asked her what her success was she made some scathing joke about the herbs and crystals that she tried and how they OF COURSE didn’t work; I didn’t dare speak another word to her about alternative medicine.  Some people want to be stuck in their belief system, even when others show them that their beliefs are evidentially flawed.  For some reason there is this voo-doo witch doctor stereotypical nonsense connotation for alternative medicine that doesn’t help everything that it is really about.   

I traveled a very long road before I knew what alternative medicine truly had to offer.  It isn’t people dancing around your body and chanting with sticks.  It is real healthcare based on real scientific facts.

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