Saturday, March 31, 2012

Teach A Man To Fish

I have a heart for people who can't afford to buy their own food and I always have.  Many of my church colleagues don't believe this because I never join food drives.  The heart and intention behind these food drives are all beautiful so I don't judge them, however, I'm looking at the program as a whole.  The programs currently in practice will provide starving people with canned foods and GMO garbage.  Then eventually, there will have to be another program to provide money to heal the diabetes, cancer and heart disease that these same foods caused.  What was the point in giving them the garbage in the first place then?  These foods may keep people from feeling their starvation, but not ending it.  Unfortunately, what these wonderful givers with beautiful intentions are inadvertently bringing these impoverished souls inevitably is disease.

I've dreamed of giving hungry people EXACTLY what they hunger for; high quality nutrient dense food.  I believe the answer to poverty can often be in providing farming skills.  I fully understand that these skills cannot abolish ALL of poverty.  What these skills can do is feed people and if the people raising the crops or livestock can sell their produce in a free market, it can certainly give them an income as well.  There are such programs available, but there aren't enough of them in the United States.

*This video is available until the end of the day*

Friday, March 30, 2012

More Gardasil Injuries and Deaths

I don't understand why these drugs are mandated.  It is so frustrating.  I shed tears watching this video because I am so outraged for the girls and parents who were impacted. 

Please, please take careful consideration before taking these vaccines!  Gardasil, has been proven fatal over and over and over again. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Curcumin found to prevent brain degenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

Here is some more information about natural medicine.  Curcumin is found to prevent brain degenerative diseases according to this article.  It also possesses an anti-inflammatory compound as well.   It is the antioxidant yellow pigment that is found in the curry spice turmeric.  I have friends that put turmeric in capsules and take it when they are feeling a cold coming on so this article wasn't a surprise to me.

Knowing that it is an immune booster, I try to find reasons to have it more often.  Turmeric is a main ingredient in my chicken curry.  In fact, I've heard several different recipes for curry and not all of them include cumin, coriander, cardamom and fenugreek; but they ALL include turmeric.  I make many different curry dishes including curry chicken, curry lentils and curry chickpeas.  In Jamaica, they also make curry goat which I haven't had in a very long time.  Most people regard curry as something that is very hot and spicy (like the recipes that include cayenne pepper).  The curry that I make is flavorful but mildly spicy.  I'm not a fan of foods that burn, but my husband LOVES it.  I sometimes include the cayenne pepper in his dishes which also has immune boosting properties.  Cayenne flavor is very nice with curries if you are into spicier foods.

Even though turmeric is a wonderful immune booster it seems to be the curcumin in the turmeric that has been regarded as the actual "healing" part of the spice.  Below is an article with information that I didn't even know about curcumin.

*Curcumin found to prevent brain degenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's*

Mother Who Questions Vax at Hospital Has Newborn Taken Away

This story made me want to cry and scream!  Will someone please help me to understand why a mother was denied the right to protect her child?  Please help me to understand why the government's say about what happens to a child comes before the ONE individual who would give her life for the child?  Why, why, why is the government allowed this sort of power in the United States of America or what we also call the land of the free and the home of the brave???

This is the most disgusting, frightening, horrific thing.  To take a child from the people who would give anything and everything to protect her is WRONG to say the least.  I also want to know why these evil people got away with this outrageous act of what could only be called kidnapping by making false claims!  What is happening to our country?  Is there really so few people that understand that the Constitution is to protect us from such situations and that the police who were involved in this matter were not defending the Constitution as they were suppose to?  What is happening to this country???

Mother Who Questions Vax at Hospital Has Newborn Taken Away

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Natural Living Pluses

Living naturally has great benefits.  Last November I did a cleanse that lasted 3 months, but I didn't have to change very much because my lifestyle was already healthy for the most part. 

I was suppose to lower my sugar intake for this cleanse.  I didn't really eat that much sugar to begin with, so that wasn't a chore.  Sometimes I have foods like fruit, fruit juice (that's both organic and fresh pressed), occasionally coconut palm sugar and even more rarely I would have some dessert at the Merc (where they use sucanat, maple syrup and honey as sweeteners).  I was sad that I had to cut down on fruit and I needed to cut out the fruit juice, the palm sugar and the dessert all together, but it wasn't a huge inconvenience.  If I lived by fast food binges and fake foods or other such junk, I would be up a creek; for I would really need to revamp my entire dietary pattern.

Even though living naturally makes things a little more pricey, it is well worth it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bud Nip

Bud nip is a substance known also as chlorpropham.  Chlorpropham caused some reproductive and neurological issues in mice in one study (Pubmed 1997).  Those seem to be the main issues with most pesticides, herbicides and vaccines don't they?  Both neurological and reproductive issues are usually the problem with glyphosate, neurological issues are the primary problem with vaccines and neurological issues are the primary problem with pesticides and preservatives in our food and furniture.  No wonder autism and ADD are on the rise and 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dr. Mercola "Hungry For Change"

Please watch this presentation.  It is SUCH an eye opener for those who don't understand what real food is and what the fake food does.

*Watch Film*


The *Obamacare* business frightens me and so many others.  This is part of the reason why it is so important to understand the Constitution and to know our history.

I can understand why the free market scares some people.  I don't necessarily agree with the people who are scared of it, but I can understand their anxiety.  I understand that some people would like for the government to make things a little easier on them until they can succeed on their own.  It's nice to have that and sometimes it may even be necessary to have that, but the free market can accomplish so much more in less time than government programs.

I need to be able to choose my own health insurance and the type of healthcare that I want.  I don't want anyone to tell me that I need to pay for a service that I'll never use nor do I want anyone to tell me what kind of doctors I need to see.  These are all choices that I can make on my own.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Exercising Free Speech a Federal Crime? (Part II)

Many Americans believe that we live by the Constitution, but they don't know much about the Constitution itself.  I admit that I'm still learning about it.  The more I learn the more I realize the greatness of minds that went into the creation and implementation of it.  

I've taught in a school that did not teach history, or any other subject of social studies.  When I was growing up, social studies wasn't my favorite subject in school.  I hated memorizing all of those names and dates.  The opportunity to learn was there though.  I actually did retain some information. I learned enough to help me realize as an adult that I need to know more.  More than ever, I believe in homeschooling because I need my children to understand the foundation on which this country was built and why it worked.

Keeping in mind all that is going on today with the food and pharmaceutical industry, the people who run it and their lobbyists creating laws in their best interest; I feel that it is important to know your history.  I feel that it is a very important part of being a healthy individual today.  Unfortunately, we can't rely on the media to tell us what is healthy and what isn't.  If you know your history, and you realize where some of these ideas came from you will see more clearly why these ideas won't work as good as they may sound.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank You Nadia!

I hope that everyone has enjoyed this series as much as I have!  Thank you for enlightening us Nadia.  Information about sweeteners is something that this nation needs to stay on top of.  With refined sugar and aspartame being main culprits for heart disease (#1 killer in the US), cancer (#2 killer in the US) and obesity (which can lead to both heart disease and cancer) it is so important that we all know more about them and about alternatives.

I've heard of Truvia.  Someone told me good things about it, but when I went to Whole Foods and read the ingredients I knew something was wrong.  My doctor taught me to be wary of "natural sweeteners" and that is one of Truvia's ingredients.  Even if it I wasn't to be wary, why would a natural sweetener need natural sweeteners?  That's one of the most senseless things that I have ever heard of.  Needless to say, I didn't buy it.  I'll buy stevia and I'll even use xylitol, but Truvia won't make it into my grocery basket.

Nadia, I look forward to future posts by you my friend.  You are truly talented.  Thank you again!


Another sweetener that is popular in Japan and may grow in consumer use here in the U.S. is Xylitol. Widely touted as beneficial to dental health, its significance in that area was uncovered by Finnish researchers in the early 1970s. Their experiment showed that chewing Xylitol resulted in half the tooth decay compared with those who did not chew it. Japanese confectionery conglomerate Lotte produces a chewing gum marketed for dental health with Xylitol as its active ingredient.  In the U.S., Xylitol is used in a host of different toothpastes and is advertised as an alternative to fluoride.

However, side effects of Stevia, erythritol, and Xylitol are still being researched worldwide.  Diarrhea is a potential side effect of over-consuming sugar alcohols, such as Xylitol, effects may be felt when consumption exceeds as much as 50g or even as little as 10g.  It has also been shown to be toxic to dogs.

Likewise, consumption of too much Stevia may lead to feelings of nausea or over-fullness. There are further warnings for pregnant women or those suffering from liver or kidney disease.

Sugar substitutes seem to be a dime a dozen these days, and it’s a buyers market. However, consumer awareness seems to be as necessary as ever.  Some companies are ever-willing to exploit our anxiety about our own health and to use the word “natural” however they see fit, while others are developing true, healthy alternatives.  As ever, vigilance and awareness is everything.

-Nadia Reece

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Everything sounds great so far. It's wonderful to have options, however, there’s a snag. Truvia, one of these tabletop newcomers, uses erythritol (a plant-derived sugar alcohol) is used as a bulk sweetener.  Calorie-free erythritol has 70% of the sweetness of regular sugar or Stevia, and has been used as an ingredient in foods and beverages since 1990 in Japan and since 2000 in the US.

Reported side effects of Truvia, which is made jointly by Coca-Cola and Cargill, include fatigue, bad breath, muscular pain and upset stomach. Sounds worse than side effects that lead to someone seeking *drug addict help*.  Those who complain of these side effects often go back to using Stevia in its pure (bottled or powder) form, after which the side effects cease.

Consumers should be aware that Truvia is used as a sweetener in a host of popular drinks, including Vitamin Water 10 and Zero, SoBe lifewater with coconut water, Sprite Green, All Sport Naturally Zero, Blue Sky Free, Crystal Light Pure, and some varieties of Odwalla juices, and some Hansen's Natural blended juices.

-Nadia Reece

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It’s no wonder corporations are jumping on the bandwagon. Worldwide sales of Stevia, for example, jumped 27% in just one year, reaching 3,500 metric tons in 2010, its overall market value soaring to US$285 million.

At present, Japan takes the number one spot for Stevia consumption.  At an incredible 40% of the sweetener market, they consume more Stevia than any other country.

Stevia, a member of the chrysanthemum family native to portions of northeastern Paraguay.  As a genus, Stevia consists of 240 species of plants native to areas from the Southwest US to South America. It’s Spanish botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve from which Stevia its name.

Stevia is sold as a dietary supplement in the U.S., but corporations have taken it and made it accessible to the public.  Accessible, commercially viable, or whatever you want to call it, they’ve made it more “sugary”, and more familiar to American eyes and palates by adding a granular element.  This was to make stevia a direct competitor to existing packet colors: yellow Splenda (sucralose), blue Equal (aspartame), and the pink and white stuff, too.

-Nadia Reece

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sugar (Substitute) Rush: The Rise of Stevia (and the subsequent cheapening of it by corporate America)

According to the Mayo Clinic, the typical American diet includes about 355 calories of added sugars, or the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of sugar daily, which is much higher than recommended intake of no more than 6 to 9 teaspoons per day.

Reducing this amount of sugar in the American diet has become the focus of food and beverage companies, who are developing and marketing alternative sweeteners to the public in an unprecedented rush.  No longer is the selection white (sugar), and pink (Sweet n’ Low). Sweetener-fabricators are keen to add a rainbow of options to the sugar packet line-up. Though most claim to be “natural”, debate continues as to how natural they really are.

-Nadia Reece

Series By Nadia Reece

The next few posts will be a piece written by the brilliant guest writer Nadia Reece.  "Sugar (Substitute) Rush: The Rise of Stevia (and the subsequent cheapening of it by corporate America)" will be the title of the up coming series.

I encourage people like Nadia to submit writings to the guest post forum.  I started this blog because I have so much that I'd like to share, but I always encourage input because I know there is so much that I can learn from others as well.  Nadia gave me this opportunity and I'd like to thank her and welcome her to BWMFs!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Exercising Free Speech a Federal Crime?

I don't understand this!!!  This is outrageous.  I can understand laws made to protect the president.  Laws that protect the grounds of the White House for example prohibiting people from trespassing.  The White House is someone's home and should be respected as such.  If someone, on the other hand, wants to do a peaceful demonstration, for example, the GMO Food Dump demonstrations during the month of October (non-GMO month), THAT IS THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!  Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 will prohibit these demonstrations if the president is on the grounds or in the building where the demonstration is being conducted.  By law the demonstrator can be penalized even if they aren't aware that the president is around.  More than ever, this country needs Ron Paul in office.  

How DARE Obama stomp on our rights!  How DARE that man disrespect the Constitution when he swore to defend it!  How DARE he abuse his position as president like this!

Exercising Free Speech a Federal Crime?

Coconut The Superfood

I'm so glad that coconut oil is no longer demonized because of its fat content.  Like most REAL foods, it's natural fat content is what makes it such a super food.

There are so many benefits to coconut oil.  Contrary to what many believed back in the 80s, coconut oil can actually decrease LDL according to pubmed.  It also has healing properties for people recovering from certain illnesses or injuries.  Dr. Bruce Fife N.D says that if you have ever been in the hospital because of illness or injury and you've been fed intravenously, then you could bet that coconut oil had something to do with your healing.  It makes so much sense because the medium-chain fatty acids helps the body to absorb nutrients.  There are fatty acids in coconut oil that are even antimicrobal.  The list of benefits goes on.  The video below showed me that we are still discovering benefits.
Even though I should not have been, I was stunned when I saw this video.  I've always known that coconuts are very healing and highly nutritionally beneficial food, but I didn't know that it could treat Alzheimer's!  There were many in my family who have had Alzheimer's disease and because they were Jamaican (and had access to PLENTY of high quality coconut oil), it's a shame that they didn't know about this.

Watch and enjoy!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Mercury Cafe (Part II)

As I've been extra careful about my diet over the last three months, I've been increasingly feeling far better than I have in a very long time.  Because the Merc refuses most foods that aren't real, I've never walked out of that restaurant feeling sick (except a few times because I was so full!!).  I don't do well when I eat things made from flour, but if I have a wedge of their spelt bread or a piece of cake, I'm usually okay afterwards.  I don't remember having a reaction to any of those things.

One of my absolute favorite things about the Merc is their dessert!!  There are some desserts that they serve almost all the time, but they usually have something different every night and some that are even seasonal.  I ate a chocolate angel cake there once.  Oh mercy!  I'm glad they didn't throw me out for moaning like that!  It was a REALLY good cake.  It wasn't the only good thing that they serve there, but in my personal opinion it was certainly the best and definitely the most memorable.  The ambrosial choices make it impossible to select one dessert, but I'm usually too full to have two.  I was grateful when they introduced 2 half orders system.  This way, I get to eat two desserts for the size and price of one; God bless the Merc for the half order system!

I want to thank the people who build restaurants like the Merc.  May you ALWAYS have business.  People like me enjoy spending money on you because of your dedication to serving very enjoyable food while you simultaneously contribute to healing our community.  I tell you this honestly, you are a blessing to me and many others!  Thank you!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Mercury Cafe (Part I)

I want to take an opportunity to talk about the Mercury Cafe, also known as the "Merc" by the locals.  It's been around for many years.  My favorite thing about the Merc is that they make wonderfully tasty dishes out of real food!

I have only one small criticism that I will get out of the way before I gush about how wonderful they are.  They don't filter the water, therefore, if I drink their tea I need to worry about fluoride, arsenic and heavy metals in my water.  I don't blame them for this, for I understand it isn't cheap to filter the water.  I've encouraged them to consider a RO system, but for now I simply take my own water and enjoy everything else that is served to me.

Okay, now for the good stuff!  Right now, Merc the only restaurant where I can eat.  I don't have to worry about GMOs, pesticides or anything that can potentially make me ill because their food is organic and the vegetables are local.  I have to watch some of the condiments because the Merc obviously doesn't make their own (and I know of one that contains sugar), however, I don't usually need condiments because the sauces that they make are superior to any condiment anyway.

Gluten Free Pizza Dough

Here is another recipe for pizza crust.  Actually, it's a recipe for the dough specifically, however, I believe that one could get creative in the completion of the recipe. 

Gluten-Free Pizza Dough Recipe -- powered by ehow

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Natural Home

Since I've started using natural cleaning products, I've become sensitive to the harsh stuff.  I walk by the cleaning aisle in Wal-Mart and I want to gag.  It's just so potent.  I wondered how I sprayed that stuff around my house without being knocked out before I switched.

I actually don't feel well when I'm visiting a house that is heavily sprayed with the smelly air fresheners.  My whole body will suddenly feel drained and fatigued.  It's not a good feeling at all.  I wonder sometimes if it isn't healthy for me to be used to the natural living because then my body can't deal with the chemicals in most homes.  Then I realize that when I feel sick, that IS my body dealing with the chemicals.  It is possible that I didn't feel ill before because constant exposure created constant illnesses that I was used to.  For example, I was used to being congested until I stopped drinking milk.  After cutting milk out for months, I ate some ice cream and congestion was just one of many ways I became ill again.  It's not that being away from it made me more sensitive, it's just that being exposed to it after months of feeling healthy brought back a discomfort that I didn't even realize I had before.  It is the same with all of the cleaners that I've stopped buying.  I didn't realize the discomfort and sickness it caused until I knew what it felt like to be healthy.  Besides, when I think of all the health issues associated with things like paraben, phthalates, propyls and such why would I want that in my home?

I'm still working on improving my home environment. I can't change everything all at once and most doctors wouldn't recommend that anyway.  I'm just honored to be on the journey and to have made it this far!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Draft Mental Health Bill 2011 | Sterilizations at Any Age | Natural Society

I found this article to be nauseating.  How DARE these people create a law that makes it okay to steal a child's life without getting the parent's consent first? 

I don't even want their explanation.  I just want to see this stop.  Parents lead their children and the government should have NO PART in the management of a household.

Draft Mental Health Bill 2011 | Sterilizations at Any Age | Natural Society

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adjusting To Change

I guess that constant adjustment to change is something that one needs to accept when living an alternative lifestyle.  I'm always researching and always learning therefore always changing.  I've learned that the truth can be a little alarming when discovered; it can even be overwhelming at times.

Thanks to BWMFs, I'm always learning about what is good for me and what isn't.  Recently, I've learned that my body simply doesn't like foods made with flour unless it is gluten free or (in small quantities) sprouted grain flour.  So I've been having to adjust to that by doing more research and finding more places that sell real foods at decent prices.  I don't mind my husband eating breads as long as it is whole grain.  I, on the other hand, need to get creative in case I would like a sandwich or some toast with my eggs for lunch or something.

I'm going to spend much of my Saturday in the kitchen experimenting with gluten free flours and recipes to see if I can't make some foods for my hubby and me.  I tend to enjoy the challenge anyway.  I am expecting a few failures and I'm a little scared to learn what they will be.  I will, however, post any success!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Adding prebiotic, probiotic ingredients to infant formula helps boost babies' immunities

This is priceless information to me.  I know that vitamins like D3 can protect the body,  I even knew that building one's probiotics is building one's immune system; but this is the first that I'm hearing of prebiotics.  Google defined prebiotics as "A nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of beneficial microogrganisms in the intestines."  Several sources (including the one sited) say that it is can be fiber or oligosaccharides (Article Source:  The body does not digest prebiotics, they are rather eaten and digested by the cultures in the gut.

An earlier post also talked about the many immune benefits of probiotics.  Here is an article that expands on both points.
Adding prebiotic, probiotic ingredients to infant formula helps boost babies' immunities

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Deadline Today to Tell Congress to Label GMOs

I felt that the issue presented on this post was too urgent to postpone. 

Please contact your representative and let them know that you are in favor of GMO labeling.  I just spoke with two representatives only to discover that one of them is a proponent of GMO labeling!  I was VERY happy and excited to hear that my reps are doing their jobs and standing up for our rights to informed choices.

Click  *here* to find out how you can reach your representative and call today!

A Great Sheriff

I keep hearing these discouraging stories about policemen raiding raw milk farms and stores (there was even a story about an Amish dairy farm raid!).  It really makes me angry and bewildered when I hear these stories.  Whatever happened to the Constitution?

The sheriff in the video below is my hero!  I hope that other lawmen follow in his footsteps.  It took so much courage to do what he did, but he KNEW the law and understood his job well enough to take this stand.  I'm sure that he is well loved in his county.  I appreciate what he did and I appreciate him.  Finally, a lawman who defends the Constitution!  Hearing the story about one, gives me great hope that there are others.  I hope the people of Elkhorn County fully understand how incredibly lucky they are!

I'm sure all health freedom activists will appreciate the heck out of this video as I did.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meat and Raw Cheese - 100% Organic Grass-Fed

There are some new links on the Wellness Avenues page that I encourage you to check out.  It is really hard to find 100% grass-fed, organic raw cheese in stores (even in Whole Foods) and it is very difficult to find 100% grass fed organic meat.  At best, I can find organic meat (grass fed but grain finished) and I can find organic pasteurized cheese or raw goat milk sharp cheddar (but not organic). 

I did some research and didn't find much.  The first two on the list (on the Wellness Avenues page under Organic grass fed meat and dairy) were the only sites that I found.  My problem with those sites are mostly price.  On one of the top two sites there is also a weight and price minimum (7lbs and $75) that is also a problem for me.  My hubby found some sites that have the desired products (plus more great stuff) at VERY reasonable prices and there is no minimum weight or price.  The bottom two sell 100% grass fed, organic meat and dairy that is also raw.  The second to last listed sells products from Amish farms!  On top of all of that, would you believe that some of these prices are even BETTER than the health food stores around here? 

I've always wanted to sample Amish farm fresh food, however, I don't live near any Amish communities.  These new sites that we've found are therefore dreams come true and I wanted to share them with as many people as I could.  I look forward to posting about the cheeses that I've ordered.

Support the more than 300,000 organic farmers who lost their court battle to Monsanto - sign the heartfelt petition to OSGTA today!

I can't believe what I read, but the 300,000 farmers who fought Monsanto actually lost.  I was stunned when I read this.  Is our government really that lost? Blind? Deaf? Dumb? Evil? What could they possibly be thinking allowing Monsanto to dominate our food like this?

We need Ron Paul so badly.  The health freedom activists, those 300,000 farmers, not to mention all of the other people against Monsanto for whatever reason all need Ron Paul in office. What government is right now does NOT reflect liberty or justice. What happened to those farmers was wrong and we are just as wronged by Monsanto as they are.

Support the more than 300,000 organic farmers who lost their court battle to Monsanto - sign the heartfelt petition to OSGTA today!

Monday, March 5, 2012

'Natural': The Most Meaningless Word on Your Food Label?

It shouldn't be a surprise the "natural" label on foods is meaningless.  If a company can place a "natural" label on cereal that contains blueberry crunchlettes, for example, then obviously people can put "natural" on just about anything.  This is why I've stopped looking for what is natural and I'm sticking to that which is organic.  I understand that even the organic label can be twisted, however, I trust the people that I buy from because they tend to be careful about the companies and the farms that they buy from.

When foods are labeled "natural" the goal is to attract health conscious people like you and I.  Thank goodness, many health conscious people tend to stay current on what is going on with food so they know what real food is and what real food is not.

'Natural': The Most Meaningless Word on Your Food Label?

March's Book

I can't believe that I'm saying this; but here it is upon us; March 2012.  The days of spring cleaning is on it's way.  Here is a book that really taught me so much about the sort of home that I would like to aim for.  I'm not going to "expect" to accomplish this, at least not so quickly.  I do hope, however, to constantly keep inching my way toward a super natural home and this book gave me great information that will help to accomplish that. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Wish For The Free Market

I understand that food needs regulation to prevent illnesses, however, I wish that we could allow private industries to regulate and certify these farms instead of government organizations like the FDA.  The FDA has proven itself to be inefficient and all together worthless and to make matters worse we are all at the mercy of their standards because they are government.  What if there was a certification program via private industry; for example, the Non-GMO Project?  If another such industry comes along and proves that they could provide farm produce that is of higher quality, EVERYONE would strive to be certified by the organization that provides the highest quality farms.  If I want more people buying from my farm, I would want to be certified by the company who certifies the highest quality farmers.  Wouldn't that farmer do anything to keep their certification?  This and only this would be what drives the farmers to provide great food.

Ron Paul recognizes the many benefits of the free market system and predicted where and how the current systems would fail us.  I don't understand why it is that we are still turning a deaf ear to the one who warned us.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Prescription Drugs vs Alternatives II

I've mentioned many times that I would see MDs when no one else could help me.  In my experience, an MD seems to be trained to prescribe the right medicine for an illness as opposed to guiding the patient to wellness again with or without drugs.  I will give MDs great commendations for their diagnostic skills.  Diagnostics is the one area where few MD have failed me.  Where the alternative physicians fail with diagnostics, the MDs can rule according to my experience.  These days, I only draw the line when an MD wants to treat me.  Treatment is the area where I can remember only one MD has ever really helped me.  Unfortunately, the treatments that MDs prescribed or advised were usually not the best.  The only exception was the one who advised me over the phone when I had Bronchitis.  He prescribed no prescription drugs for me.  He told me which vitamins to get, which foods to eat and which to avoid.  I was better within a week.

I'm very grateful for the healthcare that I've had over the past 15 years.  I've been fortunate enough to find some uniquely excellent healthcare providers.  With their help, hopefully I'll never need prescription drugs for anything, but if I ever do, I'm sure that service will be around.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Prescription Drugs vs Alternatives

I am all about the avoidance of prescription drugs when I can.  I know there are times when we may need prescription drugs, but I find that alternative medical treatments seem to be much easier, MUCH cheaper and much, much healthier than prescription drugs.

I believe what people need to be careful of is the acquisition of correct information about alternative health care.  Some people will hear of things on the radio or television, but because they aren't properly guided they end up worse than before.  I've seen this many times.  This is why seeing a good physician is so important.  If you want alternative care NDs and acupuncturists are excellent choices in my experience.  If you can find one by referral, that is usually the best.

Goat Farmer Comments continued

This post is a continued response to the following comment:  as a dairy goat farmer i can tell you that unless you find someone raising them totally organically, that GMO is a part of life. Dairy goats need a large column of feed grains to produce that milk you want. and unless you live in a bubble, you are already exposed to GMO. The beef, chicken and even farm raised fish are feed grains. since almost all soybean and corn commercially grown are GMO, you are already getting it not to mention that walmart milk you drink has it in is in some form/fashion. so how much is to much? well you are missing out on a great product by stating that you wont drink raw milk because of GMO's.

Did I mention that I'm lactose intolerant?  Well, I am.  So I have no choice but to refuse the Wal-Mart milk that you mentioned and to be honest I wouldn't dare eat any dairy or food product that Wal-Mart sells anyway.  I would NEVER buy Wal-Mart milk; organic or otherwise.  I wouldn't feed grocery store cow's milk to a cow nor store bought goat's milk to a goat!  Grocery store milk tends to create illnesses and allergies because of the denaturing process that it goes through (hence the lactose intolerance that many Americans suffer from including me).  Real milk gives nourishment.  The milk that I get from my dairy farmer is a high quality product and the benefits have proven it to me since I've been a raw milk consumer for six months.   

I agree that all Americans at some point must have been exposed to GMOs over the last 15 years (or more).  I disagree, however, that you have to live in a bubble to avoid them.  Because my diet consists mainly of real food, I can say quite confidently that don't eat GMOs and if I do, it is not enough to worry about and few foods that contain it will most probably find its way out of my diet very soon anyway.  I occasionally eat organic grass fed beef and organic chicken and I've learned to buy most of my food from places other than Whole Foods since it turns out their standards aren't as high as they say.  The only processed foods that I eat are sprouted grain bread (registered with the non-GMO project) and occasionally I eat organic whole grain pasta.  Neither of these contain canola, sugar, corn, soy or cotton seed oil anyway so there is yet another reason not to feel concerned. 

I truly hope that I've cultivated some confidence that avoiding GMOs isn't that difficult (however costly).  If you choose to eat GMOs or feed it to your goats, that is ultimately your choice and I completely understand the farmers who resolve to do that.  On the other hand, there are many farmers (including my dairy farmer) who are committed to producing high quality food and therefore refuse GMOs.  I have a high respect for those farmers for a number of reasons.  The propaganda will lead people to believe that it is hopeless and their practices prove that it truly isn't.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Goat Farmer Comments

I received the following comment from an anonymous reader.  I try to keep my responses in the comments short.  In this case, however, I felt the matter was important and I wanted to be thorough rather than brief.  Therefore, I used today's post as an opportunity to expand on my answer.

Anonymous Reader:
as a dairy goat farmer i can tell you that unless you find someone raising them totally organically, that GMO is a part of life. Dairy goats need a large column of feed grains to produce that milk you want. and unless you live in a bubble, you are already exposed to GMO. The beef, chicken and even farm raised fish are feed grains. since almost all soybean and corn commercially grown are GMO, you are already getting it not to mention that walmart milk you drink has it in is in some form/fashion. so how much is to much? well you are missing out on a great product by stating that you wont drink raw milk because of GMO's.

Thank you for your comment, but I must respectfully disagree.  It makes me sad that you make the avoidance of GMOs sound so hopeless.  I'll admit that avoiding GMO may be costly, but it is otherwise not that difficult.  The extra money is worth it when my body responds with such vibrant health as opposed to being sick all the time.  I'd like to take the opportunity to share once again the many ways I have been able to escape ingesting GMOs and unfortunately part of avoiding GMOs involves doing business with the farmers who are determined to avoid them.

Six months ago, after doing some hunting, I finally found a dairy farmer who boards cows.  He fervently despises GMOs and refuses to give them to his cows.  He now only gives them organic feed (grain), and he only gives that to his cows while milking.  There is no soy or sugar beets in this feed for he says it makes the cows sick.  The rest of the day the ladies eat nothing but greens (non-GMO grass and alfalfa).  The only reason he isn't a certified organic farmer is because certification is so expensive, but he is very open about how he raises the cows; he invites his clients to observe and ask questions.  He is open 24/7 and clients come round the clock to get their share of milk so obviously he has nothing to hide from us.

(More will be posted later today)