Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journey to My Health (Migraines Part II)

People who have migraines can easily become addicted to medications because medications often aren’t the answer to their problems.  Because a certain pill didn’t help, they may take another and then another and so on.  It has happened to a few people, it in fact could have happened to me.  In college, I started taking Tylenol for the pain.  I would just take one pill when I had a migraine and the headache would go away; until eventually one pill stopped working, so I started taking two pills.  Those two pills eventually stopped working as well, so I started taking Excedrin instead of Tylenol.  One pill stopped working after a while, so I started taking two.  Two pills stopped working so I did the smart thing and stopped taking pills.  My big problem was, I wasn’t sure where to go from there.  Thankfully, the migraines that I had back then weren’t as frequent as they are now otherwise my situation may have forced me to take some sort of prescription medication for the pain until I figured out what to do.

Migraines can come from an infinite number of different health issues.  Mine happens to come from two issues; one is obviously hormonal and there is another issue with my cervical spine.  I’m seeing a chiropractor to correct the lack of curvature in my cervical spine, and I’m taking potent Chinese herbs to correct the hormonal aspect of the problem.  I know both therapies are working, but unfortunately for a problem like mine, it may take some time before it goes away completely.  Knowing that resolution and my health is on its way, I am willing to be patient.

To my reader, who inspired this post and the last one, I would like to thank you again for your suggestions, concern and commentary.  Even though I may not agree with you, your comments, questions and "furthermores" are now and ALWAYS will be very, very welcome and valued.  The same goes for anyone who reads or follows.  Your input inspires me and invites me to grow.

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