A girlfriend of mine recently started the GAPS diet and she is loving it! Her medication was reduced, she has energy like never before and she is completely inspired and telling everyone about it. She read the Probiotics Revolution and got me interested in it. I thought that it would be a fabulous book for June as you are growing vegetables and growing the food that you will be jarring in October.
I still make all kinds of probiotic foods. I intend on becoming an expert on the topic. If it helps MY body, I know that it will help others as well.
I look forward to reading this book. I've been dreaming of having year round gardens and researching ways to have just that. Aquaponics is one way to do it, however, there is still so much that I need to learn about it. A greenhouse is kind of necessary for the year round aspect of gardening too. To be honest, I'm closer to having the greenhouse than I am to having the aquaponic system.
This author talks about eating seasonally which is something that I've never thought of. Certain foods grow at certain times per year. Enjoy the video and the book.
Kefir is a blessing to those on leaky gut healing protocols. There are two kinds of kefir, there is water kefir (for soda) and milk kefir (yogurt). I actually consume (and VERY much enjoy) both. I decided that a kefir recipe book would be a good book to feature this month.
I also posted a video presentation of a recipe that I FULLY intend on trying today. Now that I have a dairy farmer who provides fabulous raw milk that my body loves, I eat yogurt again and I look forward to trying this kefir "cream cheese" stuff. Kefir cream cheese would be a nice spread for my nut meal crackers.
I thought that a book on easy kefir recipes would be an ideal choice for the probiotic series that I've been doing. What I love about the book that I posted is that it's a kindle addition for a dollar! I hope you enjoy your kefir cream cheese and your other kefir recipes!
Gut bugs are such a blessing! I can't read enough about them. I'm looking forward to when my doctor gives me the green light to eat dairy again so that I can find a good goat farmer and get raw goat's milk to make yogurt and eat even more good gut bugs! I'm also trying to perfect the sodas that I make (from kefir water or ginger bugs) so that I can have a refreshing fizzy treat that my gut bugs will love too.
I've had so much more energy and I don't get the flu as easily as I used to. Because of this, I'm grateful for the gut bugs. They are our friends, so we should feed them plenty of fermented foods like kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut to help them be healthy and strong. The stronger they are, the stronger WE are. So let's hear it for the bugs!
I've had so much more energy and I don't get the flu as easily as I used to. Because of this, I'm grateful for the gut bugs. They are our friends, so we should feed them plenty of fermented foods like kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut to help them be healthy and strong. The stronger they are, the stronger WE are. So let's hear it for the bugs!
It's very possible that vaccines have their place. If they do, however, I'd be the last person to tell you about their place. There have been SO many parents (even parents who are practicing physicians) who complain about their children suffering from vaccine injury; so I wonder. After doing lots of research, I found that there have also been MANY studies that show the VERY destructive effects of vaccines. So I don't particularly care for flu shots or other unnecessary vaccines.
The first person who told me about the benefits of oregano oil was my aunt. Honestly, there are SO many different ways to prevent the flu, but she seems to really believe in the oregano oil. I felt that it wouldn't hurt to do some research on oregano oil and it's benefits. When I heard it treats candida, I knew that I HAD to know more. So this month, I decided on the book "The Cure Is In The Cupboard" by Dr. C Ingram.
I was inspired to choose a book that either directly or indirectly addresses autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease is a harsh reality for those who have it. The video above does a great job of explaining why. Autoimmune diseases can affect just about any and every organ in the body. Mainstream medicine suggests there is no cure autoimmune diseases. Most people must be on some sort of immune suppressing drugs for the rest of their life. Patients with celiac disease often need to have gluten taken out of their diet for the rest of their lives. It turns out that the doctors who made this "no cure" declaration are all wrong.
Leaky gut syndrome is found to have a direct connection with almost all autoimmune diseases; suggests a study recently done at the University of Maryland. In other words, heal the leaky gut and you will heal your autoimmune disease. This is why I feel so incredibly happy that I'm on the gaps diet; the goal is to treat leaky gut. A girlfriend of mine recently suggested for me to request testing for Hashimoto's disease. Although I will be talking to my doctor about this today, according to this study and according to what several doctors have hypothesized for years, it seems that I'm already being treated!
This month, I was inspired to gather more information about defeating candida. We read about Donna Gates' Body Ecology Diet and Dr. Campbell McBride's "GAPS" diet and saw how many different ways such eating habits can heal the body.
This month I wanted to look at other ways to combat candida.
In honor of World Food Day on October 16, I would like to take a short break from aquaponics and feature "Food Inc" as October's book. Food Inc is an eye opener for those who want to know what they are eating. I know that many don't really want to know where their food comes from because it is easier to turn a blind eye. Those individuals shouldn't be surprised if they suffer consequences, but I admit that I hate to think of the many consequences that they could very well suffer.
There are many family farmers who want to give us good food, but they are attacked and gagged by the government. This is to keep the majority in the dark about what they are eating and to allow the food industry a certain level of control. There is more money in cheap, unhealthy food than there is in whole food.
Anytime anyone wants to understand the injustices in America all they need to do is follow the dollar. Food Inc could help you do just that in the case of injustices with food and farming. To purchase the book, see the Amazon link below.
(To watch the full feature film click the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkL2Q_kCRms)
I don't often buy "The Idiot's Guide..." books very often, but for something like aquaponics where I want to start from scratch, it's kind of necessary. I believe aquaponics is a fabulous method of gardening greens and it's also a great way to raise pan fish in your own backyard. Many people today are looking for ways to grow some of their own food and aquaponics is the way out for people like us.
Aquaponics combines aquaculture and hydroponics and takes farming to an entirely new level of awesome! Even if you never want to do this, I invite you to read about it.
No, I haven't gone raw foodie here. I still cook, and I also eat meat. I admit however, that David Wolfe is on to something with raw food diets.
Whether one is a raw foodie or not, there is much that one can learn from a man like David Wolfe. There are MANY healing protocols that use raw food as a foundation of therapy. This includes protocols for AIDS, cancer and heart disease. There is so much that I've posted about why it isn't a good idea for people to be on raw food diets permanently and there are several doctors like Dr. Mercola who don't recommend it. Even though I happen to agree with that, I I know there is another side to the story and I wanted to post it; especially since there are many who believe in it so passionately. Besides, I can't say that I blame those of you who do; I can actually relate in a way. When I gave up meat years ago, my energy skyrocketed. I didn't ever want to lose that so I stayed away from meat for almost 10 years. When you find a diet that actually heals you and makes you feel good, you tend to stick to it for years if not for life. This is why I refuse to impose my beliefs about eating meat upon others; rather, I would encourage ALL to listen to their bodies and if it screams for raw food and nothing else... GO FOR IT!
So to all of my raw foodie readers, I hear you, and I dedicate this month to you!
I felt inspired to learn more about backyard farming for July. I just planted more seeds and a cat capsized the whole tray of them (Meaning it's time to stop putting off that greenhouse). I'm definitely not ready to raise livestock just yet, but I'm gathering as much information as I can about it.
Questions, comments and furthermores are always welcome, but this month I will go as far as requesting information because gardening and raising livestock are very new to me. Please don't hesitate to offer advice or ask questions because I can learn from any kind of participation.
One thing that I find is a must, is to be wary of the modernization of some of the cooking. Jamaican meals can be extremely healthful, but the modernization of the recipe kind of kills the nutritional value of it. For example, the recipe for the dumpling uses regular white flour. I would use a whole grain flour instead. It also wouldn't surprise me if many of these recipes call for sugar; you could replace that with coconut crystals or honey. Another way to make these meals more healthful is to always, always use coconut oil instead of the GMO canola garbage when the recipe calls for cooking oil. With just these few tips, your Jamaican meals could be VERY healthful. As far as the flavor, the word that comes to mind is BOONOONOONOOS!!
You don't need tons of acres to build a modern homestead or a mini farm. Last month we read about urban homesteading for the city folks who would dream of living a more sustainable life. So it IS possible! There was a picture of a small garden on a fire escape in a high-rise building which I found VERY encouraging. So you could do farming whether you are a country bumpkin or city slicker.
This book will give you an idea of how much you could do with just a fourth of an acre! If urban homesteading is possible, I'm sure that there are few things in this book about "Mini Farming" will surprise you. I hope you enjoy learning about how much more you could do with a small piece of land.
Homesteading; there really are people who don't think that this lifestyle is possible. Well, it IS possible. There are MANY who are doing it and looooveing it. I look forward to starting my own homestead in a few years. Right now, I'm just gathering ideas, information and inspiration. This way, when I'm ready to paint the life I want for my family, I'll have a clear picture in my head before I put the first drop of paint on the canvas.
This month's book is all about urban homesteading. Yes, it's possible to build a homestead even in the middle of urban life. The video above is about an urban homesteader. I envy him. I look forward to doing much of the same; only in a more rural situation.
Several months ago, we explored the wonders of the BED (body ecology diet) to heal the intestine. This month I thought Dr. Campbell-McBride's book was most appropriate since I started the GAPS diet myself recently. I didn't start it on my own, a professional (who is both a nutritionist and GAPS specialist) is helping me through this whole process.
I thought that I would make both Campbell McBride's book and cookbook available since they would both be useful to anyone who is seeking healing like I am.
I've been hearing much talk of modern day people homesteading. I admit I thought modern families living off of their land were romanticizing the idea of homesteading; for the homesteading act of 1862 was repealed in most states by 1976 and Alaska repealed in 1986. Little did I know, in the last few years homesteading acts in several states around the nation have actually been implemented!
I've become inspired by the idea of homesteading. I don't know if it's something that I'm going to pursue, but my hubs and I are sure having fun doing the research. There is a lot about this idea that is tempting; at the same time, however, there is a lot about this that is scary.
This month I thought that a book that offered information on homesteading would be cool. There are many who are toying with the idea and I would like to post information to help others make a decision about it. This month's book, "The Homesteading Handbook" will be a nice start to those who are looking into a life on a homestead.
I feel that it is tragic when mainstream is imposed upon people. Worse still is when the ramifications are catastrophic; like in the case of the deaths and irreversible illnesses that are caused by vaccines.
I love treatments that are designed by people who know science and think outside the box. I can name several who are all my heroes. Books like this just give some additional insight that are usually helpful in ways that I never knew it could be.
Homeopathy Cures: Where Allopathy Fails
I believe that most who read this blog, flavor food using all kinds of herbs and spices everyday. Well, this month's book talks about all of the benefits of those wonderful herbs and spices that you eat.
My husband rarely ever gets ill; could that have anything to do with the crazy amount of cayenne pepper that he eats? Can curry dishes be a great preventive step because of the turmeric? Maybe there are other herbs that I should be eating regularly. This book may have the answers to such questions. I confess that I never read it, but I look forward to doing so
This book talks mostly about symptoms and what hypothyroid can do to a person's health and life. The next step is figuring out what to do to heal which the book also talks a little about at the end. This month I will be covering some different methods of healing in a little more detail than the book.
Now I understand why exercise helps me so tremendously! Most importantly, I have better ideas of how to get healthy!
Dr. Max Gerson was one of many scientists who made breakthroughs in sciences that was blatantly ignored. Once his therapy became famous, his theories and practice were attacked. He was one of many brilliant scientists who were labeled as a quack.
His daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continued spreading the word about her father's work. She also continues to run his cancer clinic in Mexico. Here is a book that talks more about his theories and methods that he and Charlotte used to heal many.
A midwife recommended this book to me, but I never had a chance to read it yet. I'm going to take the opportunity this month.
May and June's books are by Louise L. Hay. These books were my favorite to read. I had a tendency to be very negative as a young adult. Funny, I was always a very health conscious person even when I was 16, and yet I never realized what a horribly powerful impact my negativity had on my health. It was so powerful that old negative beliefs even impact me now. I sometimes catch myself using old negative though patterns, however, the difference now is that I am aware of it so I can change it to something wonderful. Toxic thoughts and toxic relationships are not that different from toxic foods; they can all cause damage to the body inevitably leading to disease and maybe even death. It was yet another lesson I had to learn the hard way, but when you learn things the hard way you can often teach what you've learned in a much easier way!
Yes, that's right it's already April! How can this be? Here is a book that may be of help for many women like me. I've had trouble with estrogen dominance for a few years now. It can be very tedious if you are as sensitive as me, but there are changes that can be made to balance your hormones to the point where you won't even need things like progesterone creams or drops which I've been working with for a few years now.
I posted the video above because it gives much more information, but I always advise for people to converse with their doctors. My doctor disagreed with much of what he said. She shared what research and experience has taught her. Therefore, I take much of what Dr. Lee says into consideration, however, my doctor taught me things that were helpful as well.
So, to the women who need help with hormone balance and for the men who love the women who need help with hormone balance, check this one out!
I can't believe that I'm saying; but here it is upon us; March 2012. The days of spring cleaning is on it's way. Here is a book that really taught me so much about the sort of home that I would like to aim for. I'm not going to "expect" to accomplish this, at least not so quickly. I do hope, however, to constantly keep inching my way toward a super natural home and this book gives me the information that I need to accomplish just that.
It may seem VERY early to present a book about gardening in February, but I don't feel that is so. You may have snow on the ground like I do at this moment, but I still feel that now is the time to be thinking about your garden. Some may have even planted seedlings before the beginning of the month, but are raising them indoors until the weather gets warmer. I thought of doing this, but since this is my first garden, I feel the need to start slow this year and start in the spring or at least at the tail end of winter.
This book introduces a rather sophisticated way to garden. It's something that makes gardening manageable for beginners like me. I'm still trying to find wood that wasn't treated with chemicals to work with and a green stain. I have a few ideas and will share them if they work out. In the meantime, I welcome suggestions.
This book introduces a rather sophisticated way to garden. It's something that makes gardening manageable for beginners like me. I'm still trying to find wood that wasn't treated with chemicals to work with and a green stain. I have a few ideas and will share them if they work out. In the meantime, I welcome suggestions.
December’s (and January's) book is “The Case Against Fluoride” by Paul Connett, PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD and H. S. Micklem, DPhil. I remember the words of a friend of mine in college that was studying medicine at the time. She said “Fluoride is bad for your everything.” This was the first time I heard anyone tell me that fluoride was bad. How is this possible? All my life my teachers and dentists have been telling me about how fluoride was necessary for the health of my teeth. During the years when I started becoming more aware of the toxic nature of products that I used, I wondered about why my friend would tell me fluoride was bad. I especially wanted to know because she was never wrong about such things. As far as I knew, fluoride was natural. I learned recently that sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride are natural. Problem is, neither is used to fluoridate our water! 90% of water fluoridation uses another fluoride compound that is hazardous waste. This book gives all the information that we should know about what is in our drinking water.
Vandana Shiva has become one of my favorite people in a very short period of time. She is one of many who are fighting for the right to own seeds again. For in India, where she is from, there are many farmers who DON'T have that right. Although we in the US may have that right now, there is a chance that it may be taken from us.
I thought of doing a double feature last month, but after much debate with myself, I decided on Jeffery Smith. This month I wanted to take the opportunity to suggest Shiva's book. She is known for driving many very valuable points home when it comes to GE foods and the riches of soil and seed. So enjoy "Stolen Harvest" by Vandana Shiva. I have no doubt that this book will bring a new and most profound perspective to all who read it.
October's book of the month "Seeds Of Deception" is in honor of non-GMO month. Author Jeffery Smith offers vital information about GMOs. Smith talks about what GMOs are, why it is necessary to avoid it, why so many are fighting against it as well as the lies and politics that protect it. Don't miss out on this very important information. Please check out the homepage where Jeffery Smith gives a one hour presentation on what his book has to offer.
September, for some kids, is not a great time of year. I remember school started for me on or around the 9th of September every year. 1 in 6 kids are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or some other learning disability. This book gave me some insights that I'm grateful for. It was recommended to me years and years ago by a great teacher when I was in college. I remember how my attentional issues were so bad at the time that getting through the paper that I wrote on learning disabilities was just painful! Thank goodness it was interesting enough for me to get through it and I passed the class. A learning disability could come from a great many number of things. Sometimes it is a simple reaction because of an allergy or food sensitivity. I, for example, can not eat white flour. When I do, everything slows down for me as though I'm drunk. I've even experienced slurred speech after eating white flour products. It takes a few hours, but I do get over those symptoms; I go through it more quickly if I take some cod liver oil and drink plenty of water to flush my system. Find out what may be triggering your child's learning problems and how you can combat them too! Enjoy this month's book "The ADD and ADHD diet!"
Both images above are different covers to the same book.
Now that we understand the many benefits of bacteria, what are some ways that we could rebuild our bodily flora? That is where this month's book comes in. I am working on rebuilding my flora and I just purchased this book recently. I've never had a chance to read the book, but I have heard what Donna Gates, the author, had to say about intestinal flora. If I understand correctly, she was once very sick much like I was. After much research she realized that she had poor flora; hence the beginning of her journey. This book gives similar information to last month's book, but this one gives recipes as well. I hope you enjoy the Body Ecology Diet as I know I will. I'm going to be very focused this month on rebuilding my flora. I'm very excited about the information this book will bestow and the changes that I will see in my health.
July is going to be a bacteria month. No, I don't mean that we will be discussing things that are gross; but we will be discussing bacteria. "Boost Your Health with Bacteria" will give us the 411 on bacteria both good and bad. There is so much that we don't know about the flora in our bodies. Many of us don't realize the essential role that they play in our health. This book will teach what kind of bacteria is dangerous, and why we need the others.
I hope that you find it as enlightening and educational as I did. (Please click on the "Buy from amazon.com" button for more information on the book).
A friend of mine recommended this months book to me over a year ago. I found it to be very helpful. At the time that I purchased it, I loved my job, my team and my students. There was something missing though. As much as I loved the job, I didn't feel that I belonged there. It wasn't my calling. I loved teaching, but in my heart of hearts I'm a counselor not a teacher and it has always been that way even before I got my graduate degree. Anyone who knows anything about me would say the same.
What is YOUR calling? Perhaps this book can bring you closer to an answer like it did for me. The challenge is having the will to go after it, the courage to face the obstacles that lay ahead and the stubbornness to keep going regardless.
Below are three ways to benefit from Martha Beck's wisdom. The first book is a paperback, the second is a hardcover and the third is a journal. For more information, please click the "Buy from amazon.com" button below the item of choice.
You've probably started planting your vegetable garden or you may be about to. If you're like me, you need much help with getting started on it. Well, here is a book that is great for beginners like me. It gives all kinds of information about how to tend your soil, pest control and even how to build your own compost bin. So if you are dreaming about raising your own food and pretty flowers to be center pieces at dinner, why don't you get some tips from Geoff Hamilton's Organic Gardening.
(For more information on this item, please click the "Buy from amazon.com" button)
Spring is here! Although it snowed in some parts of Colorado over the weekend, the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. I figured the new book I chose for this month is a great supplement for our detox program. For more information just click on the "Buy from amazon.com" button below.
Welcome my BeWell BookWorms! The book club has finally commenced with "The Vitamin Code," our first book of the month. This book talks about the history of our understanding of vitamins. How is this helpful as far as what we can do to improve our lifestyles? Well, when you understand vitamins, how they work and why the crystallized junk doesn't, you can make the best choices as far as which foods and vitamins supplements to buy. This book will deepen your understanding about why I LOVE kelp, brewer's yeast, Salba seeds and other whole food supplements. It will also explain why it is best to get all of your vitamins from food when you can. It may even help you know what foods and vitamins to bone up on if you are to become ill.
Be welcomed my BeWell BookWorms! Welcome to the newest page on Be Well My Friends (or BWMF as inspired by our friend and fellow reader Bathazar in the Whole Health Destinations)!
I opened this page to start a book club. Most of the people who follow this site have a love for health, a love for reading or both. I can offer so much information, but I started the Whole Health Destinations so that you can be a source of information too. BeWell BookWorms is so that we can all learn from other sources together.
There is so much great information out there and I know many of you are as hungry as I am to learn. I will post the first of many books that we will be reading very, very soon. Thank you for your participation in this new project! Be well my BeWell BookWorms!