Saturday, January 29, 2011


My doctor liked this filter not only because it takes so many toxins out of tap water, but also because it is made of stainless steel.  We subscribe to water for drinking, however, the water that we use for cooking is tap water filtered by Berky.

We have "Big Berky" which is the smallest container in the line up to the left.  The picture makes it seem very small, but it holds about a gallon of water.  With all the steaming of veggies and tea that we drink, it's amazing how that gallon of water goes a long way.

There are a couple of filters to choose from.  There is white Berky and black Berky; although I haven't seen white Berky on the market lately and I'm wondering if it was discontinued.  Each has it's own advantage.  The black Berky takes more junk out of the water so we use that one.  After every 15,000 gallons you need to change the filters.  If I remember correctly, the white Berky can be cleaned and reused indefinitely.

Although black Berky is amazing and it removes so much, there are some things it doesn't remove enough of.  There are attachments that remove heavy metal, fluoride and more.  These you must change more frequently; about every 1000 gallons.  We use this to greatly reduce the fluoride in our drinking water.  The shown filters reduce it by 95%.

So fear not.  There is a way to reduce the poisons in our water.  We don't have to live with the nasty toxins.  As one of my readers said, if they want poison in their water they can keep it in their own glass and leave the rest of us out of it.

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