Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York - The Atlantic

This article is provoking in many ways to me.  There are things that I love and things that I despise about the issue. 

As a school counselor, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't happy about the fact that childhood obesity is falling in New York.  I mean, this is a big part of what I fight for!  I want healthy kids!  I feel that a major reason why our kids aren't learning is because they simply aren't healthy.  I understand that there are kids who are working hard in school and they are brilliant and making great grades, however, I feel even they can do better if they were healthy.

Politically, I am very much against everything that is supported in this article.  I feel that the government getting involved in our health movements is a horrible idea.  I understand that because the government made itself such a huge part of our education system, it is almost unavoidable if you want to see change.  The problem is, the government tends to be inefficient at almost everything.  Once the government is a part of something, getting them out will be extremely difficult.  Some would say that it is impossible, but I choose to believe otherwise.  I believe that some government influence is necessary in education, however, not as much as there is currently.

Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York - The Atlantic

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