Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Reflection on "Some Lessons From Declining Childhood Obesity in New York "

Education has declined in this country.  My favorite example of that, is a story that I heard about a professor at a law school who has his students read a book that was written about 150 years ago.  Every year he would get complaints that the book is a very difficult read.  He would sarcastically let his students know that he understands that it is a difficult read for it wasn't written for their level (the level of law students); it was written for the common farmer about 150 years ago.  There are many reasons why education has declined so dramatically, but I believe quite passionately that one major reason is that our kids aren't healthy.

Obesity is just one outcome of America's diet which is high in sugar and refined foods.  It is effecting our children's bodies and it will impact their futures.  I know this isn't a blissful story, however, we can change it.  For one thing, we can make changes in the way we perceive food.  For example, if someone says "I'm hungry" and they reach for a danish , there is something wrong with how that individual perceives food.  In a nutshell, real food nourishes the body making it strong and healthy while refined foods may taste good, but it does little for the body if anything at all and it's likely to lead to illnesses.

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