Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part II

Production of food is necessary to feed the world; I understand that.  It is important to produce and distribute in enormous quantities so we could all eat.  I just feel that the way it is being done today, it comes at a terrible cost. 

The top dogs in the food industry aren't interested in feeding the world, they are interested in getting paid for feeding the world.  The use of Big Biotechna to speedily grow chickens for example, creates sickly chickens and sickly meat.  Many small farmers who are willing to do the job right were attacked because Big Biotechna and Big Agribiz don't want competition.  They know people like me would rather give our bucks to the small farmer who plays his cards smart.  Instead of creating a better product, their way of eliminating competition is via political corruption.  This is not right.  When the small farmer's rights are violated like that, so are the rights of consumers like me who would rather buy from them.

I know there are people working for the above businesses (both the food and pharmaceutical industries as stated in part I of this post) who are genuinely looking out for everyone's welfare.  I believe that there are people who truly believe that this is the best way to go.  Sometimes it takes someone on the other side of that story to offer another point of view.  For example, many politicians are worried of the dangers of raw milk, however, raw milk was one of the best things that has ever happened to my health and many others would say the same or raw milk consumption would not have risen by 32% last year.  Also, antidepressants are said to be the way to go when one is depressed.  I know depression is an illness that is very real and very horrible.  From personal experience, however, I know that it isn't the only way to go.  So you see, there is another side to those stories.  Because of this, I believe we should be given the power to choose.

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