Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why I Fight For My Health Freedom Part IV

Gardasil is a vaccine that is suppose to prevent the HPV virus.  Honestly, I would rather get the HPV virus because it is treatable.  Because HPV is treatable, I consider the vaccine completely unnecessary.  I have done some research on Gardasil and it has caused several injuries and deaths.  Parents (or patients in the case of the poor young woman in the video below) need to be given all of the benefits AND risks of vaccines so that they can make an informed choice.  If they do not want to take the gamble, that should also be their choice.  Mandating vaccines is getting way out of hand.  It's unfair and it's very frightening that it can potentially make people sick, but we give and get these shots without knowing all that there is to know.  I'm glad for the people who survive vaccines, but those who didn't and loved ones of those who didn't are now saying the same thing about informed consent.

To all the mothers who lost a daughter because of Gardasil, I grieve for your loss.  I am so terribly sorry and I am in this fight with you!  If you are one who is trying to be the voice of your daughter, I will do what I need to in order to be certain that you are heard.  I will also be their voices.  I will tell people what I know in the hopes of saving a life.  Know that she did not die in vain.

The young woman in the video wasn't given correct information.  She wasn't informed that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease.  She was made to be afraid not to take the vaccine, but she wasn't made aware of the possible risks.  Did this doctor who gave her incomplete information take responsibility for what is happening to her?

The following video moves me to tears every time I see it. 

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