Monday, November 14, 2011

Big Biz Duo Problems

The food industry and the pharmaceutical industry both have a history of pretending to be our allies.  Because both industries are powerful and influential, I wish I could believe in them. 

I've had illnesses that the pharmaceutical industry has made a fortune on:  depression, fibroids, ADD and fatigue are just a few.  I KNOW that I've been lied to.  The healthcare providers who told me the lies may not be the actual liars, but what they were telling me were lies none the less.  There were healthier and more potent ways to treat my illnesses, but I've been mocked for even saying so.  Even my family was scared to death the first couple times I chose alternative methods to treat my illnesses for they believed in the many lies that they were told about naturopathy.  Even now they sometimes forget how long the pharmaceutical industry has been looking at the back of my head as I run toward better methods of treatment and became healthier because of it. 

The part of the food industry that is provided by Big Agrobiz hasn't seen me from a much different perspective either.  Healthy food keeps me away from the doctor's office.  When I need the doctor despite my efforts, the doctors that I choose usually help me fight disease in a way that helps my whole body get healthier.

As Americans, we need to take a closer look at what we do to our health on a daily basis.  We need to look at the foods that we call healthy.  As a matter of fact, we need to look at the foods that we call food in the first place.  If these are foods that are driving us to the doctor's office, and if the doctor's office is prescribing drugs and if the drugs that we take are making it necessary for us to take more drugs, don't you think it is time to ask some questions?

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