Friday, December 23, 2011

Fluoride Infestation

December's book is on water fluoridation.  I may continue December's book through January since my absence has kept me from blogging much in December because I truly feel this issue is very important.  We are influenced by fluoride everyday.  Why are we being drugged?  How can we choose NOT to be drugged?

We don't really think about reading toothpaste labels, but we do what the commercials tell us to do.  I've been doing it for years too.  I've only been using a non fluoride, non SLS toothpaste for about a year and a half now.  When I go for cleanings, my hygienist says that my teeth are clean and I have very little tartar which surprised me each time.  Per my request she will never use fluoride in my mouth when she does the cleaning.  I can't believe that I was so deceived by media, that I actually believed that the fluoride toothpastes work despite all of the research I've done that said the opposite.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Osmunsun talk about the confusing information that is given by health organizations (FDA, CDC, EPA, ADA and such).  They also talk about why they are opponents of fluoridation and what fluoride can do to the teeth, bones and IQ!

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