Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr. Mercola on Health Liberty

I've always hated politics.  There was a time that current events and history didn't mean a thing to me.  When I learned what corporate greed and political corruption is doing to the health of our nation, all of a sudden I became someone who cares very much about who is running the country and the court systems.

There are leaders of some corporate giants who don't want opposition or competition.  Big Pharma and Big Agrobiz are two types of businesses that corrupts politics in order to eliminate opposition and competition.  When they do that, they also limit our choices.  If you are one who wants to vaccinate your child, that should be your choice, however, you should understand all of the pros and cons of vaccinations.  Informed consent seems to fall through the cracks when it comes to vaccinations.  If you are one who believes that fluoride is good for the teeth, then you should be able to choose to use it.  When it is put into our water supply and in many commercial drinks, we don't really have very much of a choice in that matter.  If you believe that GMOs are safe and beneficial for many other reasons, then you should be able to make use of it; but not at the expense of your neighbor who is trying to raise organic crops nor should we all have to eat it because the company who makes it refuses to label it.  We should all be able to make choices about what is best for our families and ourselves.

Dr. Mercola addressed a few of these things.  Watch:

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