Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Water Filtration

For the past three or four years I've subscribed to Eldorado spring water.  I must admit that it was a little expensive, however, I was determined not to drink the nasty tap water.  I'm very sensitive to the stuff in the tap water.  I can actually smell the chlorine in the water and I can taste some of the other junk in the water as well.  Now that sucralose (Splenda) has hit our drinking water supply, I'm even more determined not to drink it.  Although, there are an array of prescription drugs and other substances in the water too.  Had I known that, I may have been more scrupulous about the water filter that I used.

Recently, my hubby and I purchased a reverse osmosis system.  My husband read that reverse osmosis water was comparable to rain water.  I can believe this because rain water is actually distilled water and reverse osmosis is comparable to distilled water.  Both types of water contain very, very little if any contaminants.  There is much debate about distilled and reverse osmosis water between doctors (NDs and MDs alike).  Proponents of distilled and reverse osmosis water claim that this is the only kind of water that people should drink because the process takes all of the nasties out of the water.  Opponents feel that the distillation or reverse osmosis process takes too much out of the water; most importantly minerals.

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