Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weight Loss Part II

The journey toward "getting healthy" and permanent weight loss, in my experience, will involve a full habitual make-over.  People must refuse the fake foods, start eating the real foods and start an exercise program (preferably an enjoyable one).  This journey also involves learning how to prepare things at home.  For example, it is helpful to learn how to make quick snacks and full meals out of authentic food.  Exercise is an essential part of this program as well because it will not only turn the body into a fat burner, but it will also turn the body into a walking disease repellant.  Exercise, however, is a journey in itself.  I often try to find activities that are fun (biking, rollerblading, aerobic dance...).  When one finds the exercise that they love to do, there is no motivation or discipline necessary to get it done because they want to do it!  Therefore, one will do it as often as one can.

My chiropractor puts his overweight patients on something he calls "The Healing Diet" which involves very low carbohydrate intake among other things.  If there is a "diet" that I would recommend to someone for weight loss, it would be this one.  Some people actually need this diet because their leptin no longer functions properly.  This diet can help heal the functions of leptin.  Once they get their leptin under control and they have turned their obese bodies into healthy, fat burning machines; they can eat carbohydrates again.  They don't gain the weight back because they learn what real carbohydrates are (fruit, potatoes, grains...) and they will refuse the fake stuff (trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, GMOs...).

These aren't the easiest programs to get on board with because one must change habits, thought patterns and budgets.  All I can say is that it works beautifully and there are many benefits to it besides weight loss.

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