Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Long Absence Story (Part V)

I'll never forget the look on the doctor's face when she came back to the examine room.  She said that the strep test came back negative.  She instructed me to take the Amoxicillin anyway; one in the morning and one at night for 10 days.  I smiled and nodded knowing the whole time that I wasn't going to fill that prescription for beans.  She insisted that I had strep and that something went wrong with the test.  She decided to be absolutely certain and ordered another test that involves growing the culture, but this would take a few days to process.  Again, this all happened on a Saturday, but the test results wouldn't come back until Wednesday.  Knowing how often antibiotics are given for viral infections in this country, I decided to continue taking the goldenseal powder, at least until the test results came back.  I'm so happy that I chose to do this.

To be honest, I was pretty sure that I had strep despite the test.  Everything the doctor told me convinced me that I had strep.  My best guess is that the goldenseal was so powerful that it killed enough of the culture in my throat to throw off the test.  I fully expected for Wednesday's test to come back positive.

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