Saturday, December 31, 2011

School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children

I found this article and decided to post it as the best example of how you do NOT teach a child about food!  Scare tactics aren't the best tool for everyone.  I'm not sure if that was the teacher's intent.  If it was, however, then he succeeded in scaring his fifth graders senseless.  There are more effective ways to teach our children that are far less gruesome. My heart goes out to the kids and the parents.

I still feel that it is interesting how the fifth grade class reacted to what happens in the beef slaughterhouse.  I honestly wonder if any of these kids will become vegetarian after what they've witnessed.  If it was the teacher's intent to make vegetarians, then that teacher was wrong!  Either way, I find this article upsetting. 

School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children


  1. I disagree. We have been lying to children forever, and where is the state of this world now?

  2. No one is suggesting "lying" to the children, however, I question the methods used in this case to teach them the facts.
