Sunday, November 6, 2011

Food, Supplements, Medicine... And The Difference Is...???

My diet wasn't very different from the average American diet once upon a time.  I used to eat the fast foods and the processed junk with the high sugar content.  Obesity wasn't my battle, but illness was.  There is so much that we don't know about real food.  There is also so much that we don't know about the food we eat on a daily basis.

If health isn't a priority then buying real food doesn't seem practical or feasible.  To many who believe that food is food then buying organic, for example, can seem financially  irresponsible.  Many don't understand that processed food can lead to obesity and illness while organic food, having higher nutritional content, can do the opposite.  My family used to get very upset with me because of the amount that I paid for food once upon a time.  They didn't understand that I was just tired of being sick and I was simply running in a different direction.  A Bastyr graduate (who is now a physician) reminds us that we pay for our health everyday.  "You are going to have to pay somebody.  You can pay your grocer or you can pay your doctor." she stressed to future physicians from the Southwest School of Naturopathic Medicine.  

I recently had my blood analyzed.  Although there were some things that I need to work on, for example, I have too much calcium in my blood, overall, I was very happy with the results.  I was especially happy considering that I don't take supplements; at least not any of the conventional kinds.  I eat Salba seeds, brewer's yeast and kelp, but I consider them to be foods.  Food, supplements and medicine, however, have very close ties with one another in my world.  "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food" Hypocrites tells us.  The way that I have been eating recently, food, medicine and supplements have all  been one in the same.  To be honest, I didn't think that it was possible once upon a time, but I've proven to myself that Hypocrites was right after all!  

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