Saturday, October 15, 2011


My hygienist was the one who told me about miswak or siwak.  Miswak looks like a twig, but after chewing off the bark and chewing the fibers inside; it actually makes a great cleaner for your teeth.

I've used miswak a few times.  I don't have the skill to get the miswak to certain parts of my mouth to get all of my teeth clean, but I am told that there are ways.  My hygienist was very curious about miswak after observing the teeth of the Saudi Arabian gentleman that introduced it to her.  She said that she has rarely ever seen such healthy gums.
I researched the product, of course, and found out that C*lg*te brand puts miswak in their toothpaste in the middle east, yet they will put fluoride in their toothpaste here in the US.  Interesting, isn't it?


  1. Miswak definitely works! At first I was really skeptical. But after trying it for 2 months, my tooth cavities have healed! Miswak promotes healing! I was so amazed by this amazing stick, that I launched a new website devoted to blogging about its amazing benefits.

  2. Thanks for the comment, my friend! I was very impressed by miswak and other chew sticks myself. My father used them when he was a child. There is a Dr. John Lee that suggests this to women who have estrogen dominance issues because it is SO effective but it has no phytoestrogens or xenoestrogens. The fact that it is the greenest dental cleaning device on the market helps too!

  3. Miswaak is a one kind of brush. Every day people need to brush there teeth. Some of them use plistic brush and some of them use Miskak.
    The BEST Way To Use Miswak. Click Here
