Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hair Removal Products

I recently had a conversation with someone about hair removal products; hair removal lotions to be specific.  I don't mean shaving cream, but a cream that women apply to their legs to remove hair without the use of a razor.

I didn't research the ingredients of products like Neet or Nair; but I'm already not a fan.  I would guess that it is some acidic toxin that eats away at the hair.  What I REALLY don't like is the fact that such substances will be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Why would you want this stuff in your body?

I just go green and use soap and a razor.  I stay away from shaving creams because many of them contain Sodium Laurel Sulfates and it takes many, many years to cleanse this toxin from your body.  Soap works just fine and the razor exfoliates as it removes hair which is an added bonus for me.

Regardless of my preconceived disdain for such hair removal products, I will do further research to find out more about the safety of it.  If my assumptions are proven incorrect and turns out to be a green product, I may eve use it one day.  I would, however, be deeply surprised if it is. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More on Amalgam Fillings

I heard from someone who is trying to get rid of the amalgam fillings in her teeth.  What she said about insurance not covering it was rather disturbing to me.  In my opinion, they should cover this if nothing else.  Here is the commentary:



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Melodious Health

I've always accomplished much more housework much more quickly while I listened to music.  I always wondered why music always had that impact on me.

According to Natural Health magazine, music can actually aid your health.  It stimulates the pleasure part of the brain and therefore improves both mood and health.  It also improves brain activities like memory, attention span, and capacity to heal.

So why live without rhythm and rhyme?  Before you start your chores, get your stereos, ipods or mp3 players; turn it on and turn it up!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Amalgam Fillings

A girlfriend of mine has MS or multiple sclerosis.  When she was first diagnosed, I knew of a clinic that Dr. Gary Null had in New York.  At the time they only treated fatal illnesses; so they referred her to the Healing Center (a holistic clinic that's also in the city).  When she called the Healing Center, I believe the first thing they told her to do was to remove all of the amalgam fillings from her teeth.  This didn't make sense at the time, but it makes a lot of sense now in light of the things that I am learning about health.

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

A very dear friend of mine has multiple sclerosis (MS).  I've always believed that there are treatments that can help her defeat it.  One thing that she was told by holistic professionals was to remove the amalgam fillings from her teeth and she has been working on that ever since.  It is unfortunately far more expensive than it should be (there will be more on this in a later post).

When I saw this video, I HAD to post it and I had my friend in mind the whole time.  Maximized Living chiropractors go beyond spinal adjustments.  They teach their patients how to heal.  The doctor that this individual happened to see was my chiropractor Dr. Joseph Arvay.  There are, however, Maximized Living doctors everywhere that can help with this condition.  I would like to encourage my friend to consider this.  At the very least, please hear what this individual has to say about my doctor and about Maximized Living (please click this link to find a doctor in your area):

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Healthy Living Blues

It frustrates me sometimes that eating out has to be so difficult.  Actually, sometimes just eating seems so difficult.  Whole Foods used to be a safety zone for me, but it isn't any longer.  In fact, it never really was.  It's better than regular grocery stores, but I still have to be careful.

There are some companies that insists on the cheap unhealthy GMO ingredients even though they try to parade around as healthy.  The Zen Bakery muffins that I used to love has canola oil in it; in other words, it always has been infested with GMO.  My husband bought some rotisserie chicken for dinner the other night per my request, it has canola oil in it.  There was an organic spinach and artichoke dip on sale at Vitamin Cottage last weekend.  I thoroughly checked the ingredients.  It was organic all the way.  What I didn't check were the corn chips that I spread the dip on.  If it wasn't organic, again, I ate more GMO.  There were some vitamins that I have been taking for MONTHS and I checked the ingredients only to find that it has soybean oil in it; AGAIN more GMO.  So I found new (and I may add cheaper and better quality) vitamins just last week and they are wonderful.  I also bought these flax seed oil supplements from the same company; it has SOY; so more GMO!

It is so unfair!  It is almost unavoidable unless you make all of your meals from scratch!  I now eat virtually NO processed foods at all; organic or otherwise.  Processed foods in my diet right now include supplements and whole grain matzoh.  Occasionally I have some mustard and I used to have mayonnaise occasionally as well; but every mayo that I've checked so far has canola oil!

Friday, June 24, 2011

3 Year Old Vegetarian Part III

Here is more information in regards to a question about a 3 year old who will not eat meat.

If he will eat eggs, that is GREAT! Eggs and butter are both significant sources of vitamin A and  far superior to a supplement because his body will absorb more vitamins more easily when it is from food.  It is also a good meter for how much vitamin A he gets; it is important never to take too much vitamin A.  When it is acquired by our meals, it makes it difficult to get too much.

I love boiled eggs with a vegetable medley.  For example, I'll eat it with tomatoes, basil, salt and olive oil; or with cucumbers, tomatoes, kalamata olives and bell peppers with salt and olive oil.  I can't have toast anymore, but I used to have some occasionally.  My doctor says that any crackers, toast, pastas or flour made foods aren't the best choice, but I do have crackers or pastas occasionally as a treat although I do make sure that it is whole grain.  If you (the mom) and your little boy are toast eaters, you could make some vitamin toast.  It is toast with butter, Salba seeds, brewers yeast and kelp granules added.  If you don't want the toast, you could do what I do and just put those ingredients on his eggs directly.  This just enriches his meal with nutrients.

So there are many options that I've discussed in three posts.  I'm sure there are some recipes that I haven't even tried yet.  If anyone has any other suggestions, questions, comments and furthermores; as always they are very welcome.

3 Year Old Vegetarian Part II

This is the second part of the 3 Year Old Vegetarian series to answer a question that a woman had about her son that would not eat meat.  Here are more great meals and snacks that your three year old may just love. 

There is a snack in particular that my inner child just LOVES; raw red bell peppers dipped in hummus.  In fact, hummus makes a great dip for many vegetables such as carrots, celery, blanched asparagus, cauliflower (raw or blanched) and any other bell peppers go great with hummus as well.  If your little boy eats a bowl of rice with this snack, then that is a full meal.

Breakfast is easy.  Fruit with some yogurt can be very tasty; I would experiment and see which ones he likes.  My personal favorite is yogurt with apples, cinnamon and nutmeg with just a tiny tip of maple syrup (which is optional).  It doesn't really need to be sweetened with the maple syrup, but I like the flavor of maple syrup with that particular yogurt concoction.  I've also put yogurt on peaches and nectarines, but then I don't add the maple.  Whole grain hot cereals is my favorite kind of meal in the morning.  My hubby likes hot cereal with apples, cinnamon and nutmeg.  I add about a fourth of a cup of amaranth to all my hot cereals; it is a grain that contains protein.  This meal is great because it is so filling.

Any more tips?  As always, questions, comments and furthermores are welcome!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Year Old Vegetarian

My 3yr old will NOT eat meat. Well, he does he eat some..but barely and he's REALLY picky about food. I've been told its the age but either way, HE HAS TO EAT!! I've been feeding him veggies and rice but I need more ideas/options. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!!

There are many different healthy meals that kids do like. For example, if you simply add lentils or chick peas to his rice and vegetables...  voila!  You've served him a full meal!  I make this for my husband on our non-meat eating days which we have often; simply because such dishes are cheap, easy and healthy.  I usually use brown rice not white.  Short grain brown rice has a cereal like consistency that I enjoy and I often mix my rice with pearled barley; but this is just a personal favorite.  Long grain brown rice is equally as healthy.  Just to add vitamins and a nice nutty flavor, I often sprinkle some brewer's yeast on the rice.  Whole grain pastas can be a wonderful treat if you add butter and Parmesan or Romano cheese (I'd stick with organic dairy to avoid hormones, antibiotics and other nasty things found in many conventionally raised cows).  Don't add too much heat to the butter because you want the nutrients to stay intact.  I usually allow the heat from the cooked pasta to melt the butter.  Add some extra vitamins to this meal by sprinkling some Salba seeds.  Salba seeds have no flavor so he won't even taste it in the pasta. [Make sure you ALWAYS get whole grain pastas or breads... etc.  Many doctors are finding that white flour, white sugar, white pasta and white rice all have toxic effects on the body that can eventually lead to obesity, heart disease and even cancer (and impotence in men). Read the ingredients and make sure that it says WHOLE WHEAT or whole grain and not just wheat flour. Wheat flour is white flour in disguise.]  If you mix some organic Kelp grains into the meal in lieu of salt, that would be his iodine intake right there!  

If there are any other suggestions for this mom; questions, comments and furthermores are always welcome!

First Aid: Stye and Conjunctivitis Part II

Pubmed suggests that a stye is caused by a bacteria invading oil glands in the eyelids.  Ouch!  It sounds pretty gross but it makes sense why the bancha tea works.  Bancha tea is Japanese green tea and green tea is a cleanser; plus bacteria hates the heat from the teabag.  The article suggests that if you are prone to getting styes often to be sure to keep your eyelids clean.

Conjunctivitis is also caused by bacteria, only it attacks the conjunctiva or the membrane that lines the inner part of the eyelids and the white of your eye.  Washing my eye out would probably help to keep pink eye away as well, however, I don't want to rely on the herbs.  I want my body to be accustomed to fighting disease on it's own when it can because that will make it stronger.  There are bacteria killing agents in tears as well as antibodies, so my body can fight it off if it is strong enough.

Rue Fennel is an herb that I used to wash my eye out.  I'm using it more often these days because I would be happier not to get styes as often as I used to.  But I will decrease using it and very soon I will stop using it all together.  I only use the Borion tablets and the Similasan eye drops if I actually have pink eye even though it is very gentle.  Again, I want my body to be accustomed to fighting on it's own when it can; I will only give it the boost that it needs when it actually needs it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Aid: Stye and Conjunctivitis

I trust that most of you would check with your doctors whenever I share health my health practices before trying them yourself.  They all work wonders for me and most of them I've practiced for years, however, you know your body,  medical history and sensitivities better than I do.

I used to get eye problems constantly, especially in my right eye; conjunctivitis (pink eye) and styes mostly.  The first time I had a stye I didn't have a doctor but my acupuncturist told me to put a hot compress on my eye with bancha tea.  I placed the warm teabag over the stye and it worked beautifully, the swelling went right down within a few minutes.  It usually came back the next morning but it would decrease and it was gone in a few days with the consistent therapy.  The problem is, conjunctivitis followed very soon after.  I tried the bancha tea, but that actually caused my eye to become inflamed.  I still didn't have a doctor at the time and my acupuncturist had to refer me out for pink eye.  By the time I saw the doctor my eye was pretty bad, because I had to wait for several hours for a doctor to return my call.  I came very close to going to the hospital, I'm grateful that it didn't come to that.  When I walked into my doctor's office my eye was very red and sore; also, my vision was blurry.  Basically all the doctor taught me to do was to wash my eye out with eye cleaning herbs.  She also had me take some homeopathy to kill the bacteria and help my eye to heal faster.  With each time I cleansed it, it increasingly felt better. 

Unfortunately, I had many eye infections back then but I haven't had any at all for several years until last week.  I had my first stye in about three or four years.  It went away in about two days with the treatment.  Hopefully, it stays out of my eye this time.

Sustainable Living: Compostable Travel Utensils

There are travel utensils on the market now that are better than disposable utensils, because they are compostable!  Talk about sustainability!  I was so excited when I found this product because I am trying to get away from the petroleum based products as much as I can.  I won't even use plastic to kill my weeds if I could help it!

World Centric uses non-GMO corn to make the utensils which is amazing!  When you are finished with it, you could throw it into compost and it breaks down in about 6 months.  It makes me wonder if there are companies that make such products out of organic material.  If so, it would be great to use in organic garden compost.

They also make other sustainable travel products that I've used.  For more information, click on the "Buy from" button below the item of choice.


Monday, June 20, 2011

"Go Green Live Rich"

Perhaps this can be a future book of the month.  David Bach's "Go Green Live Rich" is on the market to educate us about greener living without busting a hole in our pockets.  Watch:

Green Wood

I wanted to buy some lumber to implement a few projects, but I didn't want pressed wood or wood treated with toxic chemicals.  TimberSIL seemed to be the best option.  I'm still researching them, but so far I like what I've heard about them.  Please watch:

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I haven't been very good about finding time to do things that bring me joy.  I mean, besides watching movies with my hubby or talking to friends.  I mean creative outlets.

My husband is an artist, for example.  This is something that he did on the side professionally for may years.  I have many creative outlets, perhaps too many.  I don't feel as though I make enough time for such activities.  Martha Beck talks about how such things will help you on your journey toward your north star.  I get lost in certain creative activities and I should do such things more often.  I feel that while engaged in activities that bring joy, it defuses stress therefore improves health.

Have you made time for creative outlets lately?

Guest Posts Forum

There is now a Guest Posts Forum on the Whole Health Destinations page.  

This site takes health and healing to a whole different level.  Be Well My Friends (BWMF) addresses matters that pertain to general health such as:  fitness, diet and disease prevention; all of which I believe are general attributions to health issues.  BWMF also talks about social, emotional, psychological, spiritual (in a more universal sense) and mental health.   These may not be very common attributions to health, but they all pertain to our overall health in many ways as well.  I also mentioned the health of our children and how it effects them in school.  I don't believe this is discussed nearly enough.  The environment is another area that we don’t often think of when we talk about our health, but it is important.  The greener our environment is, the greater it will impact our health in a positive way.  This is why I often talk about gardening, sustainability and eco safe products like cleaners, pest control, cosmetics and much more. 

I know there are people who are experts in fields that I have mentioned or posted about in BWMF.  I welcome information from others who are in professional positions that pertain to the topics of this site.  I also welcome people who simply applied what they've learned about health to their lives only to see the great benefits of it.  This is a forum where you can share your wisdom and experience.  These posts are likely to be placed on the homepage with credit to the writer and a comment from me.  The posts on this site are usually short articles, so be advised that longer articles may be divided into two or more smaller posts.  Please remember to include links to your site or blog so that others can find you easily.

I’m excited about what others have to share and look forward to your posts!

Re-registration is necessary in order to use the forums.  Click *here* for simple step by step instructions on how to re-register and use the forums.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

DIY Worm Bin

I like this presentation on how to make your own worm bin.  The only problems that I have with this is the plastic storage bin as a container and the newspaper as a worm bed.  Newspaper can break down, but I'm not sure if there are toxins in the ink; plastic containers, as many of us know, aren't green.   Plastic doesn't break down which makes it a hazard to the environment; therefore when I can avoid it, I do.

Instead of the newspaper, I will be using coconut fiber bricks (below).  You just soak them in water and you have a nice, moist, non-toxic worm bed.  It is also has a consistency closer to real dirt so our squirmy little pets will be at home.  As in the previous post, I feel that a wood container is better than the plastic, however, plastic is the most suggested container for DIY worm bins.  If you purchased the Geoff Hamilton book on Organic Gardening; pg 32 gives step by step instructions on how to make a worm bin using wood.

For those of you who are just looking for something simple for now; here is a step by step guide on how to make a worm bin.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Worm Farming

Worm compost, also known as vermicompost, is a fabulous compost that can improve your soil for gardening.  The video talks about wooden worm bins.  I like the wood because of its sustainability as opposed to petroleum based bins which can be toxic.

Green First Aid Care Items

There are three items that I try to have around the house at all times. 
  1. Apple cider vinegar
  2. 105 proof Jamaican rum
  3. Organic Bancha tea
The rum and the vinegar actually serve the same purpose but in some situations sometimes one has an advantage over the other.  They are both antimicrobial agents.  I've used them both on cuts, to clean and for illnesses.  On  a road trip, I usually do a little cleaning when I get to my hotel room just in case the cleaners got a bit lazy (it happens).  I'll apply a little rum to the sink, toilet seat and the shower knobs.  If I have food poisoning or a stomach virus; I'll pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a tall glass of water and drink it slowly.  I've applied hot Bancha tea bags to styes and bug bites.  East coast mosquito really like my blood so; it is good to have some on me.

What are some other green first aid care items?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saying "No"

Toddlers say this word so liberally.  They will even say "no" to things that they want sometimes; just to show mom and dad who is REALLY boss.  "No" for them is necessary to learn how to define and defend boundaries; meanwhile parents must teach them that there are boundaries that needs to be respected as well.  I often wonder where along the way saying "no" became such a chore for me.

By the time I was in my late teens, I felt the need to please EVERYONE.  Since this task was impossible, I'm sure you could imagine that this was stressful for me.  This was a tremendous disservice to myself and everyone around me.  I ignored all that I was and meant to be because of this habit.  I'm so happy that I broke it, but it creeps back every once in a while.

Are you a people pleaser?  How do you experience the word "no"?

Dreams and Finance

For people like me, dreams and finance can seem like polar opposites at times.  If I want to make money I have to do some work that I dislike and if I want to live my dreams then I can't expect to make much money, right?  While I understand this feeling perfectly.  Even though I have felt this way sometimes; I don't believe that it is true at all.

It took two years of hard headed, tenacious searching and perseverance before my husband found the job that he has now.  He would be the first to tell you that it was all worth it; for he LOVES his job.  Like any job, it can be stressful, but I've never seen him handle stress as beautifully as he does these days.  I'm still struggling to live my dream, but I believe in what I do so strongly that I am willing to work like he did to make it happen.  He may not know this yet, but he inspired me to do what I love.  It wouldn't surprise me if pursuing any dream in the beginning phase feels messy or clumsy.  What is important is that you are planting a seed of the future. 

It takes creativity to live the life that you want.  It also takes courage and stubborn, undying faith.  The financial freedom will come eventually.  The question is what will get you through today?  For me, it's knowing what I have to offer to the world.  We all have something amazing to contribute and I want to play my part very badly.

Are you in the beginning phase of manifesting your dreams?  What gets you through the day?  As always, questions, comments and furthermores are always welcome!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Household Mold Solutions

After a heavy rainfall, there was a leak in my bedroom.  We were unaware that this was happening so the water sat there and lead to disgusting mold in my carpet and on my wall.  We repaired the crack that allowed the water to come into the house, but then we had the problem with mold in the carpet and on the wall.  I've wanted to get rid of our carpet for a while now.  If we were looking to make this house our permanent home we probably wouldn't even have the carpet anymore.  Since we do, however, I found the following to be effective as far as getting rid of the mold.

I have a mini carpet cleaner.  Instead of the nasty toxic carpet cleaner liquids, I filled it with water, castile soap and 100% pure Australian myrtle lemon oil.  I scrubbed my carpet and my wall with the solution.  Then I used a hairdryer to apply some heat.  I allowed it to dry.  Tomorrow I will add some baking soda mixed with tea tree oil and brush the mixture into the carpet just to fight any lingering mold and absorb odors.

So far it seemed to work really well.  I was able to clean off the mold without using toxic cleaners and my bedroom smells wonderful because of the lemon myrtle oil.  If you have any questions, comments or furthermores; as always they are very welcome!


In the last post I advised switching from conventional milk to organic milk.  Many of you have seen "The Meatrix" cartoon which I myself found interesting.  The video about Monsanto also gave information that was consistent with "The Meatrix" as far as what they give the cows (antibiotics, growth hormones...etc).

I'm hoping that the laws about purchasing raw milk changes.  As long as it is labeled properly and customers know the risk, there is no reason why raw milk can't be sold.  Some feel that it can make you sick, but shouldn't I get to choose if I want to risk it or not?  If a farm is willing to take the risk and sell raw milk, don't they get to be responsible for their actions?  Mc Do***ds food can cause obesity and other illnesses but people can choose to take that risk.  Even if a customer does get sick (with obesity, diabetes...etc) because of the food, they can't sue Mc Do***ds.

So in other words, I can risk getting sick in pursuit of food that tastes good, but I'm not entitled to take that same risk in pursuit of my health?  I'm sorry, I strongly feel that this is an area where the government hasn't any business intervening.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I've never considered milk a good source of calcium contrary to what all the commercials say and schools teach.  I was taught to drink my milk in nursery school and elementary school, I'm sure my teachers were taught the same in their day.  HSPH (Harvard School of Public Health) produced an article that shows that they agree with me.

"Look beyond the dairy aisle" was the advice given by HSPH.  Dark leafy green vegetables are rich in a variety of vitamins including calcium.  Salba seeds are a way to get some calcium in for younger and more finicky eaters.  One serving of Salba seeds is higher in calcium that a serving of milk.  Sprinkle some on their toast or in their cereal.  The lack of flavor in Salba seeds will give you the freedom to sprinkle it on anything from meat to dessert.  Weight bearing exercise forces calcium into the bones; one of MANY reasons why I love this type of exercise.  

This post isn't implying that milk is bad.  Milk simply doesn't play as big a part in healthy bones as we were taught, but it can definitely play a part in your healthy diet.  Of course, the only switch I would advise is switching to organic milk.  Milk from rBGH injected cows is anything EXCEPT healthy.  If you are lactose intolerant like me, check with your doctor.  You may be able to tolerate fattier dairy products like butter, cream and fatty cheeses.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Unfair Portrayal of Healthy Food

Contrary to the unfair portrayal that healthy foods have in America, I actually enjoy the foods that I should be eating. 

Many of the cookies and cakes that are suppose to be irresistible, kind of make me gag.  Don't even get me started on fast foods; you've seen the videos that I've presented.  Sugar doesn't even make me feel good, it makes me tired and even irritable.

When leafy greens are cooked or prepared properly, they could be VERY enjoyable.  I usually steam kale, but I had it once cooked in garlic and oil and it was AMAZING!  I love making sandwich wraps with lettuce in lieu of bread.  Egg salad or chicken with a little onion and red bell pepper wrapped in butter lettuce is delicious.  As far as flavoring my homemade pizzas; NOTHING gives pizza it's flavorings like red peppers, basil, garlic, onion and other such wonderful foods.  I chop up older veggies and cook them with the pizza for flavor and then put fresh raw veggies on the pizza when it is cooked and cooled for the flavor and nutrients.

I admit that it took a while for my body to get here; but as I've promised, once your body is rid of all the toxins you will not want them anymore.  

For those of you who are going through an elimination process (getting rid of toxic foods from your diet); how do you feel you body has changed?

My Clean and Healthy Life

I don't find living a healthy life to be difficult anymore; well, not as far as having cravings for the wrong things anyway.  I have more of a desire for the foods that are good for me these days.  What I find most difficult is trying to help the people around me to understand why I am so dedicated to sticking with my dietary habits.

There is a family gathering tomorrow that I'm looking forward to.  Of course I won't be eating anything, but I'll be enjoying the company.  I know people have a difficult time with my eating habits, but I sometimes wish that they would be more understanding.  Many people feel that eating badly just "one time" won't hurt.  I respectfully disagree; especially in my case where many of the foods that I avoid tend to have an immediate and daunting impact on my body. 

All I have to hope for at this point is that my family and friends get as use to my discipline as I am.  It's comforting when I eat with friends who know what I know and eat the same way or have even more restricted eating habits.  I just wish there were more choices out there for people like us.  Who knows, maybe one day there will be!

Friday, June 10, 2011

June Book of the Month: Finding Your Own North Star

Some of you may have bought the book, some the journal and some both.  I purchased both, but used the journal far more than the book.  Since all of the exercises are in the journal and it is designed to have things written in it, I used it more.  The benefit of having the book, however, was the details that she gave about the concepts that she talked about.

When I was in college my social self, as Martha Beck named it, dominated everything that I was.  I just started listening to my essential self more in the last couple of years because I realized how listening to everyone except myself wasn't working out for me.  It was, in fact, making me very ill.  When I first moved to Colorado I went against everything that my essential self told me.  I drove out here crying the entire trip.  I recently started to listen to the voice of my essential self again about six months ago.  It was and still is the hardest thing to do; yet I thank myself constantly for doing it.

Be Well My Friends one project that helps both social and essential self work as a team.  This is partially how I knew it was my calling.  I've never regretted it, I've learned so much by doing this.

Sustainable Living: More From Patti Moreno

Here is more on Sustainable Living:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sustainable Living: More Helpful Tips

Patti Moreno took a creative and clever approach to sustainable living.  For those of us who can't be where she is right away, we can take baby-steps toward sustainable living.

Recycling is one way that many of us practice sustainable living.  Many clothes, shoes and other items were made from recycled material.  Composting would be another fabulous way to reuse and keep items out of landfill.  My parents compost so that they could have great soil for their garden.  I'm going to create a worm bin so that I could start composting small amounts of kitchen scrap.  From the improved soil that my little worm friends help to create, I will raise vegetables.

What is good for the environment, tends to be good for our health as well.  So I advocate exercising habits that cultivate a healthy environment.  I'm always learning how to do better and look forward to the next step.

A Lost Battle to a Preventative Disease

Derek K. Miller, tragically died at 41 after his lost battle with colorectal cancer.  41 is too young an age to die, especially when you leave behind a beloved family.  Derek had a wife and two daughters (11 and 13 years old).

Ultimately, I feel frustrated for Derek and his family.  I still wonder, had he known the facts, would he have taken the steps to get well or was he interested only in feeling better in his last hours?  In a prior post, I talked about the difference between wanting to be well and wanting to feel better.  With all due respect to the deceased, he really seemed like he was more interested in feeling better.  This is conjecture because whether or not he had the facts about alternative ways to combat cancer is in question.  If I had ANY kind of cancer, diet soda and processed foods wouldn't even be on my personal menu; but I know that it feeds cancer, did Derek?  According to what I read on his blogs, it didn't sound as though he was completely unaware of the toxic nature of the processed foods that he ate; but because he expected to die, he ate them anyway.  I would imagine that he wanted to spend his last moments in his life enjoying himself in any way that he could and that is perfectly understandable.  A few doctors have told me stories about people who survived cancer even though they were in the last stages and treatments like chemo and radiation didn't work.  I truly wonder what they know.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Dangers of Cell Phones: Watch Your Children!

Children have a habit of putting cell phones to their heads like many adults because we taught them to do that.  I feel that it is important to impress upon them the great dangers of such a habit.  We need to teach them to use speaker phone or a head set and to keep that phone away from their bodies.  It has been advised that a bluetooth earpiece is also okay, but some doctors feel that a bluetooth earpiece is really not that much better than putting the cell phone to your head.

The Dangers of Cell Phones

I felt that this was an important video to show because this is something more than one doctor warned me about.  They advised the same with cordless home phones.  One doctor said to only use speaker phone, another said that the ear piece is okay.  All agree that putting it to your head is a terrible habit to get into.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Passionate Life

Many have talked about pursuing a career that they love.  This isn't as easy as it sounds.  I am one of many who KNOWS this.  It is, however, important.  My husband after two years of struggling finally found a career that he could really love.  Like most jobs, it is stressful at times.  I notice, however, that he handles stress with his new job far better than he did with his old job.  That is one of many benefits of doing a job that you enjoy.

In my case, I'm building a business.  Things don't happen right away when you are building a business.  But when the business is your passion; you can't wait to work, you can't help but work hard and you don't realize you are working hard because you enjoy yourself!

What is your calling?  What have you learned from this month's book so far?

Dealing With Those Who Prefer "Feeling Better"

I notice that often when someone wants to "get well" they tend to look beyond the doctor's office.  They will grab at straws until they find answers because they so desperately don't want to be sick anymore.  They want to experience their bodies in a state of health so badly that they will not accept taking pills alone (or in some cases they won't take the pills at all).  I have tried to understand why someone would want to "feel better" when they could "get well" and be free from the illness that they experience.  That just isn't a priority for some people.  It makes me really sad when I see that.

My friend's husband is an eye doctor.  She was telling me that there are some conditions where his patients would need nothing more than a cold compress on their eye to heal it.  Often the patient would yell at her husband for not giving him/her a prescription drug for their condition.  I can't even begin to make sense of that; these people would rather spend money on pills (that may have side effects) as opposed to just giving their eye some therapy that is gentle, simple and inexpensive?  It seems like such individuals don't place focus on "getting well" at all; instead they are demanding to "feel better" by use of medicine.

I recently learned that when advising people about wellness, it is necessary to understand their priorities.  For example, if you have a loved one who is sick, but they just want to "feel better"; then any advice given about "getting well" may be fruitless.  I always assess people's attitude before I give information and I'm also careful about HOW I give information.  Of course, I would offer all the information that I can, because as long as I plant the seed then I have hope that it will grow and blossom.  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Got Pills? Part III

One of the first things that impressed me about the Maximized Living chiropractor that I went to several months ago was the bucket of old prescription medications that he had in his office.  I learned later that most if not all Maximized Living doctors have this bucket in his/her office.  Each bucket is filled with prescription medications that patients actually used to take, but no longer need because their bodies are healing or healed.  I've known for a while that for most medical issues, medication isn't the answer.

There may be times when the body needs medication like antibiotics for example.  I find it to be a rare occasion that drugs are ever necessary though.  Bronchitis, for example, is an infection that many prescribe antibiotics for.  I have found this to be unnecessary (it is best to see a physician, like an ND, to get treatment for any disease).  I asked for advice from a doctor who instructed me to do a treatment done in Russia using raw honey and an onion.  Sometimes the body gets overwhelmed and it just needs a boost to heal.  Sometimes that boost is with drugs, but more often drugs are unnecessary. 

It cracks me up how alternative medicine is disregarded and portrayed as non-scientific.  Meanwhile, many drugs like Vioxx that is construed as science based medicine has been found to be unsafe.  Vioxx was simply recalled, but if just one method of alternative care had such results, Big Pharma would attack the world of alternative medicine even more harshly.

Sustainable LIving: Solar Energy

Solar energy is a fabulous way to conserve energy.  It is also a great way to cut your energy bill and get money back.  In the following video an individual explains the many benefits of using solar energy.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sustainable Living: How to Start

There are many small habits that you could develop to start a journey toward sustainable living.  Many tips and teachings that I have posted has to do with living sustainably.  Patti Moreno also gave her very inspiring peace.  I like the following video, however, because it makes sustainable living possible right now just by taking baby steps.  It is always best to start simple and small; master crawling before you tackle walking!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Got Pills: Part II

Part I of "Got Pills?" I feel is a very important video to see.  Just to have a sense of what to be careful of when going to see a physician.

Again, to be clear, I'm not speaking harshly of all MDs and what I say isn't anything personal either.  There are many MDs out there who love their job because they like to heal people.  That is a beautiful intention and I'm not here to insult any such physician in any way.  Unfortunately, an MD's practice is based on a medical philosophy where illness needs to be taken care of with medication.  Even though there are more and more MDs who don't believe in this anymore; they didn't receive the training to heal patients naturally (like NDs did).  This is why I am wary of the "holistic MDs" even though I have been to some that are excellent.  I would go to them again, but as before I would go with my eyes open.

If you are on any kind of medication at all, I would urge for you to watch the video again.  Just because this is information that everyone should have especially if taking prescription drugs.  Prescription drugs are necessary sometimes, but it is also very necessary to always take prescription with your eyes wide open and after asking many questions.

Got Pills?

I understand that there are MDs in the world like Joseph Mercola or Robert Lutsig who educate people about their health in a way that is somewhat unusual (yet most effective).  Unfortunately, there are many physicians that hold to the mainstream medical practices of giving prescription drugs instead of finding out what is wrong and guiding the patient back to health.

I was astonished and disgusted by what I heard in this story.  It makes me so sad that people don't realize that the best way to heal most (although not all) diseases is without medication.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finding Your Own North Star

Hey there my BeWell BookWorms!  Are you hungry for the new book of the month?  Well it has been on the BeWell BookWorms page from yesterday, I just wanted to finish my series before posting about something entirely different on the home page.

A friend of mine recommended this month's book to me over a year ago.  I found it to be very helpful.  At the time that I purchased it, I loved my job, my team and my students.  There was something missing though.  As much as I loved the job, I didn't feel that I belonged there.  It wasn't my calling.  I loved teaching, but in my heart of hearts I'm a more of a counselor than a schoolteacher and it has always been that way even before I got my graduate degree.  Anyone who knows anything about me would say the same.

What is YOUR calling?  Perhaps this book can bring you closer to an answer like it did for me.  The challenge is having the will to go after it, the courage to face the obstacles that lay ahead and the stubbornness to keep going regardless of the occasional fall or road block.

Below are three ways to benefit from Martha Beck's wisdom.  The first book is a paperback, the second is a hardcover and the third is a journal.  For more information, please click the "Buy from" button below the item of choice.  Any questions about the book, feel free to comment below or start a discussion on the Whole Health Destinations' page.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Attitude Toward Wellness: Part VI

Attitude is everything in the journey toward wellness.  It doesn’t play a small part it truly is everything.  Your attitude will determine whether or not you will find an effective healing modality, it will determine who will win the battle between you and disease and it may even determine who will win.

Viktor Frankel, a brilliant psychologist who found himself in a concentration camp during the Holocaust, observed that the people who were most determined to get through the war and have a proper life got just that.  The ones who felt that they couldn't go on didn’t make it.  My mother was a nurse for many years and she has seen how people have some control over when they die.  In other words, if they don't want to go yet, it is probable that they will not go yet.  This is most inspiring to me because it says so much about attitude.  This is why my faith is my most important asset.  I believed that I was going to heal from depression and I did.  I believed that I was going to get married, get a graduate degree and have a house and I now have all of these things.  I am not the only one who understands the power of a positive attitude; it just makes it more personal and real for me.

Do you believe that you can get well and live the life of your dreams?

Attitude Toward Wellness: Part V

Perhaps the man in the story truly wanted to get well, but he was so fixated on getting well by use of the healing pool.  Doesn’t this sound familiar?  When people are sick, aren’t they generally inclined to go to the doctor to get medication?  Sometimes this is necessary, and sometimes it is just expected and taken advantage of.  It is up to you to decide if you want to get well or feel better.

There is a difference between a desire to get well and a desire to feel better.  The difference is how the illness, problem or condition is perceived.  If one desires to get well, they do whatever they need to in order to strengthen their bodies and heal from their illnesses.  If one desires to feel better, they don't really care if they are still sick or not.  They simply don't want to suffer from their illness.  In other words, it doesn't matter if something is still wrong with their bodies or not as long as they aren't suffering from the problem.  These are people who are more likely to take drugs without question.  They will “feel better” being on a drug of some sort; so their problem is solved in that case.  I don’t try to convince these individuals to try and get well because in their perception, it will not “serve” them to get well.  People who want to get well tend to understand that they are on a journey.  They will go through any discomfort, make any change or take any step that they need to until their bodies are healed.

Do you want to get well or feel better?