Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feedback on Salba Seeds

"I have never even heard of Salba seeds. Did a check on them, WOW that's what I call super food but not available in the UK"

This was an excerpt from an email I received from one of my readers.  I wasn't aware of the fact that Salba Seeds weren't available in the UK.  My husband and I often buy vitamins online even though they are available in the stores because it is so much cheaper.  I encourage you to compare the price to the health food store just in case.

The first box shows the Salba seeds that I usually buy, but we started buying the second because it contains more and we use it everyday now.  The ground organic one (last) as you may observe is the cheapest.  An individual who works in the health department at our local health food store said that the body has a much easier time absorbing and assimilating fat omegas from the ground seeds.  I haven't found anything else that supports this notion, but that doesn't make it untrue.  I prefer the whole seed and that's all that I've ever used. 

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