Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Lost Battle to a Preventative Disease

Derek K. Miller, tragically died at 41 after his lost battle with colorectal cancer.  41 is too young an age to die, especially when you leave behind a beloved family.  Derek had a wife and two daughters (11 and 13 years old).

Ultimately, I feel frustrated for Derek and his family.  I still wonder, had he known the facts, would he have taken the steps to get well or was he interested only in feeling better in his last hours?  In a prior post, I talked about the difference between wanting to be well and wanting to feel better.  With all due respect to the deceased, he really seemed like he was more interested in feeling better.  This is conjecture because whether or not he had the facts about alternative ways to combat cancer is in question.  If I had ANY kind of cancer, diet soda and processed foods wouldn't even be on my personal menu; but I know that it feeds cancer, did Derek?  According to what I read on his blogs, it didn't sound as though he was completely unaware of the toxic nature of the processed foods that he ate; but because he expected to die, he ate them anyway.  I would imagine that he wanted to spend his last moments in his life enjoying himself in any way that he could and that is perfectly understandable.  A few doctors have told me stories about people who survived cancer even though they were in the last stages and treatments like chemo and radiation didn't work.  I truly wonder what they know.

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