Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hair Removal Products

I recently had a conversation with someone about hair removal products; hair removal lotions to be specific.  I don't mean shaving cream, but a cream that women apply to their legs to remove hair without the use of a razor.

I didn't research the ingredients of products like Neet or Nair; but I'm already not a fan.  I would guess that it is some acidic toxin that eats away at the hair.  What I REALLY don't like is the fact that such substances will be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Why would you want this stuff in your body?

I just go green and use soap and a razor.  I stay away from shaving creams because many of them contain Sodium Laurel Sulfates and it takes many, many years to cleanse this toxin from your body.  Soap works just fine and the razor exfoliates as it removes hair which is an added bonus for me.

Regardless of my preconceived disdain for such hair removal products, I will do further research to find out more about the safety of it.  If my assumptions are proven incorrect and turns out to be a green product, I may eve use it one day.  I would, however, be deeply surprised if it is. 


  1. If you meant unwanted hair in the skin or ingrown hair, I know what you mean. I've only had this problem when I've used wax or methods that yank the hair out from the root.

    I've heard of laser hair removal, however, I confess I don't know much about it. I'm not a proponent only because I don't know much about it. I'm sure it seems simple and safe, but are there any long term effects? I would like to know more about the research behind this method.

  2. Thank you for your comment Daniela, however, I am not a fan of hair removal creams. I feel they are toxic and our skin absorbs what we put on it. I don't use hair removal creams and I wouldn't recommend it either.
