Friday, December 10, 2010

Toxicity: What and Who

One of the keys to general wellness is to decrease toxicity and I don’t just mean hydrogenated oils in food for example.  I mean the toxins in our lives in general.  For instance, you may be obese because you’re eating toxic food or sick because of toxins in the air in your home and work environment.  The toxins that I mentioned would affect us physically but what about toxic relationships or toxic media?  I’m not telling you which friends to ditch or to give up television and video games; but have you ever wondered when enough is enough? 

I knew a girl in high school who watched seven hours of television every day.  I still wonder how she ever found those extra hours on a school day.  I mean, there are twenty four hours per day minus the seven hours that we're in school leaving us with seventeen hours.  But then we need eight or nine hours of sleep and what about homework and family and friends?  At what point was enough television enough?  What could that girl have accomplished in her life had she used those seven hours constructively?  In her life, television could be considered toxic.

There were times in high school I had friends that made choices that were so poor that they started to bring me down.  Could the relationship I had with these people be considered toxic?  Friends should make positive exchanges even if it is just good company and/or conversation.  If one friend is taking but not giving, and bringing negativity to your life and environment, it's time to reevaluate that friendship.

What part of your life do you think can be toxic?

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