Sunday, December 12, 2010

Green Tea

Green tea is something that many doctors (including our sick chiropractor friend from an earlier post) look upon favorably for general health.  The following information may give you some insight about why.

To start, green tea detoxifies; this may be its most popular benefit.  Many detox products and cleanses use green tea as a major ingredient.  One of my college roommates was from Japan.  She was the first to introduce green tea to me.  I remember her telling me over sushi that even though some of the food in Japan may be a little greasy from the frying; the people rarely reap the disadvantages from it because of the amount of green tea they drink.   Coming from someone who lived in that culture and who was so incredibly healthy (up until she moved to this country sadly), it did make an impact on me.

What some people may not know about green tea is that it is a form of preventative medicine.  Green tea can not only lower the chance of heart disease but it can also lower one’s risk of getting certain cancers.  Dr. Tori Hudson in fact recently shared that regular green tea drinkers have a 25% decrease in their risk of getting endometrial cancer.  Because it is an antioxidant, it also keeps the body youthful.

Concerned about the caffeine?  So am I.  I tend to get jittery if I drink too much, so I make my cup of tea weaker.  There are two ways to do that.  Either:  1. I steep two teaspoons in a teapot for twenty seconds then pour and enjoy or:  2. After steeping the two teaspoons for a while I give the first pot of tea to my husband who can handle the caffeine; then I use the same loose tea to make a second pot.

So, drink up!  Green tea is great stuff and it’s also great tasting.  My husband and I currently enjoy several cups of green tea per day.  If you are currently a regular green tea drinker, keep doing what you are doing.

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