Monday, December 6, 2010

Inner Eco

This is the yummiest supplement that I ever had to take.  It's a kefir made from young coconut water, and I loooove coconut water!  Oh yeah, Inner Eco is some goooooood stuff!

Besides being very, very tasty, Inner Eco is a very potent probiotic.  I purchased two shot glasses in Las Vegas which I use to measure it; my shot glasses are about two tablespoons.  I just take one shot every day.  I was warned that if too much of this is ingested at once, it can cause loose stool; so be careful and read the dosage instructions on the bottle  before use.

Throughout my adult life, I battled with Candida.  It isn’t fun to have this disease so let me advise you that unless you must put your child on antibiotics (which is sometimes a necessary evil) try to avoid it; and if you can't avoid it, remember to have them bone up on their probiotics.  Many professionals in my life including Dr. Jon Dunn, highly recommends whole food supplements.  The pediatrician that I grew up with sometimes started me on antibiotics “just in case” and I believe that could be part of the reason for Candida in my adulthood.  Now in order to avoid Candida and other yeast infections, I need to take probiotic supplements.

So if you must put your child on antibiotics or if you must be on antibiotics; remember to replenish that flora!  I now understand why it is so important.  I recommend Inner Eco as a part of your healing.  You could probably find Inner Eco in Whole Foods or other health food stores.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, this is extremely awesome stuff. Super tasty and super potent!
