Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Castor Oil Pack

A friend of mine (who is a doctor) taught me about castor oil packs a few years ago.  I was getting over the flu and she thought it would be helpful.  It is a very easy and very gentle cleanse.  It is potent enough to slowly and efficiently cleanse the liver of alcoholics and yet doctors have used it on babies.

It just takes a few steps to do.  It’s best to do this at bedtime so you could fall asleep with the castor oil pack.  There are a few tools necessary to make a castor oil pack; you need flannel (the ones especially for castor oil packs is best), castor oil, a hot water bottle, saran wrap and a towel or two.  First, situate the towel on your bed so that it will be directly under the part of your body where the castor oil pack will be resting.  Then, fill the hot water bottle.  Once you place the hot water bottle next to the towel you've situated, you are ready to saturate the flannel with castor oil.  Saturate it, but make sure it isn’t dripping.  Next, lay on the towel you’ve situated and place your flannel over your liver (or over your abdomen depending on what part of the body you are trying to cleanse).  Finally, put the saran wrap over the flannel and the hot water bottle over the saran wrap.  I usually like to cover up with my blankets (or you may place the second towel over the hot water bottle before covering up if you wish) to keep the heat in.  See why it’s best to do this at bedtime? 

You can do a castor oil pack twice a week just for general wellness.  You can also use it to break a high fever.  I found that when I had a very high fever, it broke the fever fairly quickly.  I fell asleep with the castor oil pack over my abdomen and when I woke, the fever was gone. 

Well, happy castor oil cleanse everyone!  I'm always open to suggestions, questions and comments.

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