Thursday, September 8, 2011

September's Book

September, for some kids, is not a great time of year.  I remember school started for me on or around the 9th of September every year.  1 in 6 kids are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or some other learning disability.  This book gave me some insights that I'm grateful for.  It was recommended to me years and years ago by a great teacher when I was in college.  I remember how my attentional issues were so bad at the time that getting through the paper that I wrote on learning disabilities was just painful!  Thank goodness it was interesting enough for me to get through it and I passed the class.  A learning disability could come from a great many number of things.  Sometimes it is a simple reaction because of an allergy or food sensitivity.  I, for example, can not eat white flour.  When I do, everything slows down for me as though I'm drunk.  I've even experienced slurred speech after eating white flour products.  It takes a few hours, but I do get over those symptoms; I go through it more quickly if I take some cod liver oil and drink plenty of water to flush my system.  Find out what may be triggering your child's learning problems and how you can combat them too!  Enjoy this month's book "The ADD and ADHD diet!"

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