Monday, September 12, 2011

How Badly Do You Want Your Health? Part II

People would join the gym in January because it was supposed to do something or mean something to start fresh in the New Year when suddenly they would face resistance.  Exercise gets too hard or it isn’t what they thought it would be.  Then things conveniently get in the way.  For example, work schedules change, or one becomes "too busy" with new things happening in his/her life or something of that nature.  Next thing, they are no longer members.   

So what keeps a person driven?  In my experience, the people who stay driven want something… badly!  Once they start exercising they are on a journey or even a mission!  With each day the driven individuals work out, they feel they are moving closer and closer to their burning desires.  They are becoming the very person that they want to be and living the life that they want to live.  The pain and resistance for some may even be pleasurable because they KNOW that they will conquer it and they will be stronger in the end!  This all comes from having a driving force that keeps you living a healthy life.

How badly do you want your health?

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