Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I can relate to all of you who have migraines for I get them very frequently.  It wasn't until recently that I found out that the problem resides in my cervical spine.  When I put pressure on a certain part of my spine the pressure around my left eye will go away, but when I let go the headache is usually worse.

I see a chiropractor to correct my spinal issues.  As my spine improves the migraines lose their intensity.  I also found out through neurofeedback therapy that heat on my frontal lobe will also help my migraines.  If I understand correctly, this is unusual.  Most people that I know with migraines love cold on their heads, but I need the heat.  Neurofeedback therapy can help migraines tremendously.  I didn't originally go to the neurofeedback clinic for migraines,  but the few sessions that I had helped my migraines and helped me focus far better than ever before.  The last thing that I found helpful were pinhole glasses.  Exercising my left eye will shorten the duration of a migraine.  Normally, they last about three to five days.  The pinhole glasses will make it go away well within 48 hours.

Because there are so many different triggers for a migraine it's difficult for me to advise another who has them too.  One thing I would urge is to check for spinal issues and neurological issues.  I find the chiropractors at Maximized Living to be fabulous and if you seek a neurofeedback clinic, just be sure that they do brain mapping.

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