Friday, April 22, 2011

A Greener, Cleaner Life

As mentioned in a previous post and as mentioned in April's book of the month "Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life" you can't avoid toxins completely.  For the last couple of weeks, however, we've discussed many ways to keep the toxicity in your environment low and to keep your body healthy.

In a nutshell, there are a few changes that you can make, but I would suggest that you gradually make these changes.  Doing everything at once could be counter productive.  Fresh organic food isn't genetically modified and it contains approximately 30% more nutrients than conventionally grown food.  So for those of you who recently started following, we've been going through a detox program that involved decreasing common toxins (like MSG, sugar and white flour) and raising the amount of fresh organic fruits and vegetables that we ingest.  I would even encourage you to raise your own garden if you can.  What we haven't discussed in detail yet was a detox program as described in this month's book; for example a 24 fast or a 7 day cleanse. 

Many doctors recommend a cleanse 3-4 times per year.  Some doctors have said that it is best not to cleanse in the winter since our bodies naturally retain nutrients when it is cold.  This was once necessary for when humans lived off of the land and had a hard time hunting and growing in the snow.  I actually got sick cleansing in the winter and I've had two doctors sternly tell me not to do that anymore. 

These are all ways that I have decreased toxicity in my life.  I would like to know how things are coming with detoxing in your life too.  As always questions, comments and furthermores are welcome.

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