Friday, February 11, 2011

Pity Party

I had a pity party the other day.  No one was invited either, I hosted and partied all by my lonesome.  Why is this significant to a blog about health and wellness?  Well, I’ve posted about positive thinking and laughing and how it is good for the body, right?  Stress can weaken the immune system and lead to illness.  So although I know I am not the only person in the world who has had a pity party, it is still a no-no in my book of health as well as anyone else’s. 

“Why me?” is the question that started me on the road to Boo-hoosville.  I couldn’t understand why out of all the women in the entire world, why did this have to happen to ME?  I want to explore this, because I know I’m not the only one who has asked this question.  We are all at some point faced with distressing news about…whatever; and it can potentially open the door to feelings of victimization, helplessness and even hopelessness.

So how do we DEFEAT the pity party?  You encourage the host… you!  The distressing days can always be the threshold of something great; if and only if you choose it.  People may use it as an excuse to make poor choices and THAT’S where they go wrong.  I remember how much I disliked my single life.  Dating wasn’t ever fun for me until I met my husband.  I met the worst of the worst guys within a month before I met my man.  A girlfriend of mine had cancer before she finally found the strength and courage to leave a very destructive relationship and start on the road to a healthy life.  Dark times are wonderful motivators to make us better.  Once I started thinking clearly, I finally remembered this and the pity party was over.  Remember that we are just on a journey.  No matter what journey you travel you will find bumps and potholes.  They will make us stronger, believe it!


  1. Wow! Fantastic Claudia! You are a very special person. Keep on spreading the love :D

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart and your warmth. I really appreciate it. Keep spreading the wisdom!
