Monday, February 21, 2011

Feedback continued

I was leading a client of mine through some guided imagery.  She started out beautifully, but when she had to acquire things that she desired (in guided imagery exercises) she wouldn’t take it.  There was always something blocking her.  Sometimes it was something big and scary, but often it was something that she just couldn’t see.  As the reader (in the previous post) has pointed out, part of the problem with asking "Can you" is that it will give some an excuse to give in to the belief that they can't.  If the individual can't envision themselves in their new life, they may stay stuck in their old life and comfort zone.  Perhaps it would be effective to look at WHY they so tenaciously want to hold to the belief that they can't. 

When the client I described above tried to explain why she couldn't, she insisted that it was some external power that prevented her from having her dreams.  What she adamantly refused to see, was that it was SHE who was standing in her own way.  Sometimes people are afraid of owning their power.  Think of the first time you got into the driver's seat of a car with your learner's permit.  All of a sudden you have this tremendous responsibility.  There are some who are used to being controlled by others.  This is what they know and understand.  They are a passenger in their own life rather than being the driver.  When they need to take the wheel, it is the scariest thing to them because it is like being in that driver's seat with no driving skills, no guidance nor anything except a permit to drive.  Because this is what having control of their life means, they feel safer saying "I can't."

Unfortunately, the individual who believes this is the only one who can put an end to their lack of power.  They have to face their own fear of having control and take the wheel in their own lives.  There will be more on how one can take steps to own one's life and own one's power in future posts. 


  1. Amazing! Although our power comes first from our own initiative and willpower, and that is everything, I truly believe in the power of prayer to God-- the God of our forefathers, the God of all of humanity; the God mentioned on all our money--the symbol of our might and power-- by stating "In God We Trust." All 12 step programs are built upon this, and there are many studies proving the effectiveness of prayer. Prayer has been and always be the secret medicine in my life :)

  2. Faith can be an extremely powerful asset to our health. As an individual who believes in the power of prayer myself, I couldn't agree with you more.

    One of many, many reasons my faith is a most precious jewel is because it allows me to get through ANY trial in my life. Every time my faith helps me through my trials, it increases in strength.

    Thank you for your comment! I've talked about faith in past posts and I will talk more about it in future posts.
