Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar II

Apple cider vinegar has so many benefits.  As said in the last post, I buy Bragg's apple cider vinegar because of its high quality.

I try to keep some in my house at all times for several reasons.  For one thing, it can make a GREAT facial toner.  The BEST facial toner I’ve ever used had 3 ingredients in it including, the main ingredient, apple cider vinegar (but it was discontinued like many other wonderful products).  I know of some who just the apply apple cider vinegar to their face, (I would dilute it though).  I met a woman who looked 15 years younger than the age she said she was and she swore it was because she used sugar scrubs and apple cider vinegar on her skin.  I know of some people who use it on their skin to disinfect small wounds too.  I’ve used it to combat food poisonings (bacterial) and stomach viruses as well.  Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water, will do the trick.  I learned, however, to sip and not drink when I have this issue.  I also put a tiny bit in salads sometimes.  I wash my veggies thoroughly; however, a little apple cider vinegar adds a little kick to the flavor and simultaneously kills any pathogens that I may have missed.  Sometimes I wash my veggies in apple cider vinegar, but I don’t do this often, because as I said, I try to use this stuff sparingly.  Last summer we were invaded by a huge mob of fruit flies.  I left bowls of apple cider vinegar everywhere, and unlike the saying, I caught far more flies with vinegar than I ever could with honey.

There are dozens of more ways to use apple cider vinegar.  It is good to have some in your house at all times.  You can find Bragg's apple cider vinegar in your local health food store or at Whole Foods.  There are also a few books below that can elaborate on everything this post is about and may even give more information on how useful apple cider vinegar can be.  I'm confident that any one of these books will teach you several things that you never even knew about apple cider vinegar.


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