Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decreasing Toxicity: Step 2

Just as a quick refresher; decreasing the levels of toxicity in your life is an important decision, but a large responsibility.  The first three steps either motivate people to do it at full force or it turns people off from the idea.  Step one is openness, step two is education and step three is acceptance.  Step one was discussed in prior posts (part one and part two).

Once you have the willingness to learn ways to decrease the toxins in your life, you are ready to move on to step 2 which is education.  This can be the scary part; this is the reason why most people struggle with step one and step three.  “Ignorance is bliss” an old roommate of mine used to say, and she is right.  If we don’t know that something in our world is hurting us, we just stay in our comfort zone.  I’m still battling with myself about vaccinations for example.  I’m planning on having a family, do I vaccinate?  What if I do and my child gets injured?  What if I don’t and my child gets sick?  Sometimes it seems like it would be better just to not know and to trust in the health care system and hope for the best, until I realize that it is better that I know.  Informed decisions are the best, because at least you know what the consequences of your decisions are and you have a little more control over what happens. 

I also talked about sources of information.  It is hard to find reliable information about toxicity, but answers are out there if you want them.  I rely pretty heavily on my doctors.  They are the ones who have access to the information that I desire so they would be more likely to have it.  I also compare information that I found with what my doctors know.

Where else can we get reliable information?

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