Friday, February 4, 2011

Health Food Stores vs The Supermarket III

In previous posts, I've listed reasons why people are afraid of shopping at health food stores.  I've mentioned how people are afraid that the products won’t be as effective and how people are afraid that the food won’t taste very good.  The one thing left to discuss is the high prices at health food stores.

People definitely an issue with price.  I shop at Whole Foods stores, and recommend Whole Foods stores, but understand why so many insist on referring to them as the "Whole Paycheck" stores. The prices, I admit, can be overwhelming.  The thing is, it’s harder to mass produce real food than it is to mass produce junk.  Food industries often add a lot of cheap junk to stretch what was once real food, but of course, the quality plummets.  If you want quality, you're going to pay for quality; if you're going to buy cheap food, you will get cheap nutrition.  I admit once again that it isn't always easy living with those prices, however, I don't have a choice.  If I don't buy quality food, I will not live a quality life.  It depends on how badly you need to live well.  If you're like me and the other stuff just makes you fatigued and spacey, you do whatever you need to in order to make it work.  Once I saw what the junk does to my body in comparison to what the quality products do for my body, I couldn't go back, no matter how feasible the cheap prices were.

A physician, (a Bastyr University graduate), once adressed the fact that good health costs money when she was lecturing at the Southwest School of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona.  I believe it was one of the most important statements that I walked away with that day.  She said that you can worry about the money, however, in the end somebody is going to get paid.  You’re going to pay your grocer or your doctor, but again, in the end SOMEBODY is going to get paid.

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