Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Key to Victory over Candida (Part 3)

Last year, I had more problems with candida.  A rash just showed out of nowhere after months and months of eating sauerkraut (homemade and without sugar or vinegar), kombucha, kefirs and yogurts.  I saw an acupuncturist who taught me to check my tongue (hours after brushing it, of course) and if there is a sheet of white on it, it means the candida is getting out of control.  Last summer is also the first time that I saw a chiropractor, now my primary healthcare provider, who had a method of finding the candida before it became a problem.  This is when I discovered, much to my frustration, that probiotics only slow down the growth of the candida, but it never really seemed to stop it.  My new doctor put me on a yeast free diet that included a yeast killing supplement that I had to take three times per day.  Despite my avoidance of all the "no-no" foods, that unrelenting candida hung around for four horrible weeks.  When it was finally gone, I didn't go back to my regular diet immediately.  I still stayed away from sweeteners (even my natural ones like honey), and I stayed away from many yeast feeding foods.  After about a week I started to introduce some foods on the yeast free list like dates and pineapple juice, but I ate them so sparingly.  Somehow, the candida still managed to come back.  So once again, I had to go on this yeast free diet, only this time without the yeast killer!  To make matters worse, my chiropractor also advised me to stay away from a long list of other foods like nightshades, eggs, gluten and many others.  That's when she advised that I just stick with meat and vegetables for a while.  I was deeply disturbed by this because it's hard to buy quality meat now.  Most meats contain at least a little GMO, or the non- grain eating animals are fed grain.  But I needed to get well so I just bought the best of what was on the market.  For two weeks I ate nothing but meat and cultured vegetables.  Not only did the candida go away after two weeks, but my body was okay with some of the other foods as well.  I was then able to eat nightshades, dairy and eggs again.  I also noticed how my energy level was way up.  I started running again, after months of feeling this daunting fatigue.  Somehow, however, this didn't last very long.  After a few weeks, my fatigue came back and I was told to lay off the dairy, nightshades and eggs yet AGAIN.  Two weeks after that, the candida returned and it brought some pathogen friends.  Back and forth and back and forth my body kept doing this abhorrent dance with candida and pathogens; I had it, I had it not, I had it, I had it not...  It was an incredible frustration, but I believed that somehow there was something out there that was going to make it stop.  I just had to figure out what it was that was going to re-balance my body once and for good.

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