Monday, January 28, 2013

Guest Post: How To Become An Early Riser

Many people as they get older and gain more responsibility find themselves having to wake up earlier and earlier. First in our lives we are waking up early to go to school so that we can get a job later in life. When we get that job, we are getting up early to make it on time to that job. When we have children later in life we are getting up earlier to make sure they are ready to start their own days. It seems like life causes us to wake up early, yet people still have so much trouble doing so. Take a look at these do and don't tips to help yourself become an early riser in a healthy way.

DO... create a regular sleep pattern for yourself.
Humans are known to be creatures of habit. Your body trains itself to operate under whatever lifestyle we live, to a certain extent. In order to make your body feel comfortable doing something, you must get it into the habit for doing so. This is no different when it comes to sleeping. If you get up at the same time every day and go to bed at the same time every night, your body will adapt to this sleep schedule. You will sleep better on this schedule and wake up more rested than you ever thought possible.

DON'T... seek refuge in coffee.
So many people think "I am so tired! I need my daily cup of coffee!" If you want to take care of your body then you will not take this common but easy way out. Caffeine is a drug, even if it is not always portrayed as such. If you drink coffee every morning, your body will become dependent on it. Without this caffeine your body will start to function improperly without it. Make sure you become an early riser in a healthy way and avoid becoming a slave to the bean.

DO... exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
When you treat your body well, it will respond in a pleasant way. Our bodies are made to feed on exercise and nutritional eating habits in order to work to their full potential. Exercising will make your body physically tired. Although this may not sound particularly pleasant, it will allow you to sleep infinitely better. Eating healthier foods will also give you better fuel for your day and keep your body positively regulated. If your body is running on good food instead of things like processed foods, you will be less tired during the day and get better sleep at night.

DON'T... rely on large amounts of napping to keep yourself from crashing.
Although you may think sleeping as much as possible would be healthy, this is not the case. A nap any longer than twenty or thirty minutes will disrupt the sleep pattern and make it difficult for you to fall asleep when it is time. Avoid taking naps, but if you can not, make it a quick one!

Author Pam Johnson applies her passion for good health as a nurse at a hospital in Seattle. She also enjoys blogging and is a contributing writer for online rn to bsn programs

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