Monday, January 14, 2013

FoodnSport | The 80/10/10 Diet

I've heard quite a bit about the 80/10/10 diet.  There is an 80/10/10 diet for many different ailments; but of course the one that I've been researching is the one for Candida overgrowth.  I've struggled with that problem on and off for as long as I can remember.  I don't get the rashes anymore, but that's because my doctor has a way of detecting it before it gets that bad.  Although it is possible to get rid of this problem, it is a long and difficult process; unless there are specific protocols out there that I know nothing about.

I know very little about the 80/10/10 diet for Candida, but the little that I know leads me to believe that it is a vegan diet.  I'm not sure if this is the way for someone like me.  I don't mean that just because I enjoy meat, for I already know that I can go many years without eating meat.  Milk and eggs, which I would have to give up on a vegan diet as well, I cut from my diet months ago so living without that wouldn't be a problem.  My problem is that my health increased last year when I increased the amount of meat that I ate.  Both my doctor and acupuncturist took one look at me and expressed how happy they were that I looked so much better after eating more meat for just a period of two weeks.  I like having this much energy and feeling this well and I don't want to lose that.  I'm scared that being on a vegan diet may make things worse even if it was to get better after several months.

For those who could do it, it's something to look into.  For people like me, however, I'm going to keep researching and post when I find something significant.  Please don't be shy about sharing what you have found as well.

FoodnSport | The 80/10/10 Diet

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