Thursday, March 22, 2012


Another sweetener that is popular in Japan and may grow in consumer use here in the U.S. is Xylitol. Widely touted as beneficial to dental health, its significance in that area was uncovered by Finnish researchers in the early 1970s. Their experiment showed that chewing Xylitol resulted in half the tooth decay compared with those who did not chew it. Japanese confectionery conglomerate Lotte produces a chewing gum marketed for dental health with Xylitol as its active ingredient.  In the U.S., Xylitol is used in a host of different toothpastes and is advertised as an alternative to fluoride.

However, side effects of Stevia, erythritol, and Xylitol are still being researched worldwide.  Diarrhea is a potential side effect of over-consuming sugar alcohols, such as Xylitol, effects may be felt when consumption exceeds as much as 50g or even as little as 10g.  It has also been shown to be toxic to dogs.

Likewise, consumption of too much Stevia may lead to feelings of nausea or over-fullness. There are further warnings for pregnant women or those suffering from liver or kidney disease.

Sugar substitutes seem to be a dime a dozen these days, and it’s a buyers market. However, consumer awareness seems to be as necessary as ever.  Some companies are ever-willing to exploit our anxiety about our own health and to use the word “natural” however they see fit, while others are developing true, healthy alternatives.  As ever, vigilance and awareness is everything.

-Nadia Reece

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