Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Mercury Cafe (Part II)

As I've been extra careful about my diet over the last three months, I've been increasingly feeling far better than I have in a very long time.  Because the Merc refuses most foods that aren't real, I've never walked out of that restaurant feeling sick (except a few times because I was so full!!).  I don't do well when I eat things made from flour, but if I have a wedge of their spelt bread or a piece of cake, I'm usually okay afterwards.  I don't remember having a reaction to any of those things.

One of my absolute favorite things about the Merc is their dessert!!  There are some desserts that they serve almost all the time, but they usually have something different every night and some that are even seasonal.  I ate a chocolate angel cake there once.  Oh mercy!  I'm glad they didn't throw me out for moaning like that!  It was a REALLY good cake.  It wasn't the only good thing that they serve there, but in my personal opinion it was certainly the best and definitely the most memorable.  The ambrosial choices make it impossible to select one dessert, but I'm usually too full to have two.  I was grateful when they introduced 2 half orders system.  This way, I get to eat two desserts for the size and price of one; God bless the Merc for the half order system!

I want to thank the people who build restaurants like the Merc.  May you ALWAYS have business.  People like me enjoy spending money on you because of your dedication to serving very enjoyable food while you simultaneously contribute to healing our community.  I tell you this honestly, you are a blessing to me and many others!  Thank you!

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