Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Wish For The Free Market

I understand that food needs regulation to prevent illnesses, however, I wish that we could allow private industries to regulate and certify these farms instead of government organizations like the FDA.  The FDA has proven itself to be inefficient and all together worthless and to make matters worse we are all at the mercy of their standards because they are government.  What if there was a certification program via private industry; for example, the Non-GMO Project?  If another such industry comes along and proves that they could provide farm produce that is of higher quality, EVERYONE would strive to be certified by the organization that provides the highest quality farms.  If I want more people buying from my farm, I would want to be certified by the company who certifies the highest quality farmers.  Wouldn't that farmer do anything to keep their certification?  This and only this would be what drives the farmers to provide great food.

Ron Paul recognizes the many benefits of the free market system and predicted where and how the current systems would fail us.  I don't understand why it is that we are still turning a deaf ear to the one who warned us.

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