Thursday, March 15, 2012

Natural Home

Since I've started using natural cleaning products, I've become sensitive to the harsh stuff.  I walk by the cleaning aisle in Wal-Mart and I want to gag.  It's just so potent.  I wondered how I sprayed that stuff around my house without being knocked out before I switched.

I actually don't feel well when I'm visiting a house that is heavily sprayed with the smelly air fresheners.  My whole body will suddenly feel drained and fatigued.  It's not a good feeling at all.  I wonder sometimes if it isn't healthy for me to be used to the natural living because then my body can't deal with the chemicals in most homes.  Then I realize that when I feel sick, that IS my body dealing with the chemicals.  It is possible that I didn't feel ill before because constant exposure created constant illnesses that I was used to.  For example, I was used to being congested until I stopped drinking milk.  After cutting milk out for months, I ate some ice cream and congestion was just one of many ways I became ill again.  It's not that being away from it made me more sensitive, it's just that being exposed to it after months of feeling healthy brought back a discomfort that I didn't even realize I had before.  It is the same with all of the cleaners that I've stopped buying.  I didn't realize the discomfort and sickness it caused until I knew what it felt like to be healthy.  Besides, when I think of all the health issues associated with things like paraben, phthalates, propyls and such why would I want that in my home?

I'm still working on improving my home environment. I can't change everything all at once and most doctors wouldn't recommend that anyway.  I'm just honored to be on the journey and to have made it this far!

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