Friday, February 10, 2012

HR 1060

And now there is the HB 1060 bill.  This bill is to license nutritionists; that means no one except "dietitians" could give nutritional information and advice.  I have no problem with professionals doing their job, but in this particular case there is a huge problem.  The problem is who will be doing the licensing and where will these professionals obtain their information?  What about naturopathic nutritionists and dietitians or doctors, do they need to obtain their information from the same place?  This law is specific to Colorado and thankfully, it was opposed.  There are currently measures being taken to pass it, for example, it is being rewritten. 

Please click HERE to see who sponsors the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as the American Dietetic Association or the ADA)  Do THESE sponsors look like companies that look out for our health?  It was the Agriculture Department officials actually stated " some measurements, diet soda, which is low in calories and sugar, could be considered 'healthier' than orange juice." (the full article will be posted tonight so that you, the reader, can see this statement in its full context).

Another link (click here) is to assure people like me that things will stay the same and that no one is trying to steal rights or businesses from bloggers, personal trainers and nutrition coaches.  Well, I beg to differ; yes they will.  We've been through this song and dance before with the Food Modernization Act, the NDAA and all that jazz!  Today, parents run the risk of getting arrested for refusing to vaccinate their children because of these crazy laws made to "protect" us.  These crazy laws are turning America into the Land of the Tyrannical rather than The Land of the Free that we sing about.  My two great examples of that is the following:

"We consider health reform to have been an important battle and success of his [Obama] government."
-Fidel Castro

"Socialized medicine is the keystone in the arch of the socialist state"
-Vladimir Lenin

Really?  Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Our government needs to back OFF and let us be adults and Americans!  We should have the ability to choose how we want to live and be healthy especially since the information that is offered isn't always correct.

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