For many, shopping frugally is important and it's no wonder why. There ARE ways to be frugal and healthy. Vitamin Cottage/Natural Grocers market is VERY selective about the food that they sell and their prices tend to be far better than Whole Foods market. This isn't to criticize Whole Foods market though. I admit that my hubby and I do most of our shopping at Vitamin Cottage and two big reasons are their standards and their price; but there are still items that we buy from Whole Foods. Green coconuts, for example, never seem to be available at the Vitamin Cottage and I make kefirs very often these days.
If you plan your weekly menu carefully, you may even be able to fit a pricy meal into your budget once in a while. We don't eat much meat in my household for a number of reasons but a major benefit is that this reduces the price of our groceries significantly. Most nights we have vegan dinners, yet neither my husband nor I are vegan. I don't believe hubby knew that he would come to enjoy vegan meals as much as he does now. We also try to buy as many things in bulk as we can. They tend to be on the cheaper side. Stretching meals as much as possible is also a way to cut down on trips to the grocery store. My last roommate and I used to buy whole fryer chickens often because each whole fryer chicken would provide about six meals for each of us. I love to ferment vegetables because of the valuable cultures, however, it also preserves my vegetables. They can last anywhere between six months to a year; if it didn't fly out of my fridge so fast!
Where there is a will, there is a way. Eating healthy is significantly more expensive than junky eating, but once you make a habit of eating real food, you can't go back to the other stuff. If you have any additional tips, please comment. I welcome them with all my heart!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Farm Bill 2012 | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
The following is more information on the Farm Bill that the last post was talking about. Let's continue to take action against the people who are trying to limit our choices.
I consider good farmers to be more valuable than gold. If I have gold, but there are no good farmers, what do I live on? If I have no gold, but there are good farmers everywhere, I can trade whatever I have for some good food to live on. I therefore will do everything to protect the gold that exists in this country.
Farm Bill 2012 | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
I consider good farmers to be more valuable than gold. If I have gold, but there are no good farmers, what do I live on? If I have no gold, but there are good farmers everywhere, I can trade whatever I have for some good food to live on. I therefore will do everything to protect the gold that exists in this country.
Farm Bill 2012 | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Monday, February 27, 2012
Healthy Milk: What Is It?
I received a comment from a goat farmer today that I will be posting very soon. I thought that I would post this article about milk first, for it hits on some of the comments that were made. The focus of the conversation was mostly about GMOs in the feed of dairy producing animals (mostly goats and cows of course).
The article below talks about healthy milk, but goes a little further and explains some of the politics that is on the way. The politics explained in the article can ultimately hurt dairy farmers. I really don't like giving or receiving such frightening news as this, but I'm even more afraid of burying my head in the sand. I hope that more farmers take Joel Salatin's advice and opt out of this very corrupted system that seems to be getting worse. I just hope that system eventually stops trying to corrupt the businesses that try to provide healthy food for those of us who need it.
Please take time to take action. There is a link at the bottom of the page of the article below.
Healthy Milk: What Is It?
The article below talks about healthy milk, but goes a little further and explains some of the politics that is on the way. The politics explained in the article can ultimately hurt dairy farmers. I really don't like giving or receiving such frightening news as this, but I'm even more afraid of burying my head in the sand. I hope that more farmers take Joel Salatin's advice and opt out of this very corrupted system that seems to be getting worse. I just hope that system eventually stops trying to corrupt the businesses that try to provide healthy food for those of us who need it.
Please take time to take action. There is a link at the bottom of the page of the article below.
Healthy Milk: What Is It?
Organic farmers take on Monsanto over patent lawsuits
And the battle between organic farmers and corporate giant Monsanto rages on. Of course the organic farmers have my full support, for their businesses were around long before Monsanto and their "infringement on patent" lawsuit nonsense. Of course, I also have personal interests in mind. Many people like me desperately need those organic farmers to stay in business. If they don't, what do we eat?
Since organic food is in great demand these days, I have high hopes that Monsanto cannot win this one.
Organic farmers take on Monsanto over patent lawsuits
Since organic food is in great demand these days, I have high hopes that Monsanto cannot win this one.
Organic farmers take on Monsanto over patent lawsuits
Sunday, February 26, 2012
How Much of Your Food Labeled as Organic Is Actually Organic?
The following article speaks some definite truths, however, I'm skeptical about some of what the article says.
It is true that one needs to be VERY careful when buying processed foods with an "organic" label. Not everything in organic crackers, for example, has to be organic. There could be GMOs and MSGs in it. As long as 95% of the food or drink is organic, it can have the "USDA Organic" label.
Fresh certified organic produce, on the other hand, I'm not sure can be conventionally grown as the article states. This is not to declare the contents of the article untrue. I'm simply expressing skepticism about one part of the article and I'm on the lookout for more information in case what it says IS in fact true.
If you, the reader, has further information on this topic it is very welcome! I'm grateful for any and all information.
How Much of Your Food Labeled as Organic Is Actually Organic?
It is true that one needs to be VERY careful when buying processed foods with an "organic" label. Not everything in organic crackers, for example, has to be organic. There could be GMOs and MSGs in it. As long as 95% of the food or drink is organic, it can have the "USDA Organic" label.
Fresh certified organic produce, on the other hand, I'm not sure can be conventionally grown as the article states. This is not to declare the contents of the article untrue. I'm simply expressing skepticism about one part of the article and I'm on the lookout for more information in case what it says IS in fact true.
If you, the reader, has further information on this topic it is very welcome! I'm grateful for any and all information.
How Much of Your Food Labeled as Organic Is Actually Organic?
Queen of the Sun: Documenting the Plight of Bees
Although CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) is frightening to think about, it is also happening. It is important that we get as much information about this menacing situation so that we can figure out solutions.
When are these pesticide industries going to learn that nature is perfect? When it is tampered with so dramatically, we hurt all forms of life including ourselves. Roundup doesn't just hurt weeds; it is a major reason why I refuse to buy anything that even might be genetically tampered with.
Queen of the Sun: Documenting the Plight of Bees
When are these pesticide industries going to learn that nature is perfect? When it is tampered with so dramatically, we hurt all forms of life including ourselves. Roundup doesn't just hurt weeds; it is a major reason why I refuse to buy anything that even might be genetically tampered with.
Queen of the Sun: Documenting the Plight of Bees
Saturday, February 25, 2012
White House Refuses to Release Email From Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist | Truthout
Although article below may shock or just upset many Obama fans (that may simply turn a deaf ear to such information anyway); it doesn't surprise me in the least. For several months now, I've suspected that Obama works with Monsanto. I have a feeling that much of the funding for his campaign this year and perhaps four years ago came from Monsanto lobbyists. I could be wrong, but if I'm not, it would certainly explain what is going on in the events discussed in the article below AND it would also explain some situations that are just bizarre. Like why Michael Taylor moved up in the FDA so quickly and easily; and why Tom Vilsak was appointed as the Secretary of Agriculture.
White House Refuses to Release Email From Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist | Truthout
White House Refuses to Release Email From Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist | Truthout
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Joel Salatin (Polyface Farm Part 2)
Here is part two of the video. Joel Salatin talks a little more about sustainable farming.
He talked about how he raises his chickens and rabbits, however, I was most interested in his very sophisticated way of raising rabbits. I'm gathering ideas and advice about raising certain kinds of livestock, rabbits happens to be one type of livestock I'm hoping to raise one day. Even thought the only thing I will be raising this year will be herbs and maybe a few vegetables, it never hurts to think ahead.
I really wish there were more farmers like Salatin around. I would buy food from him any day. Enjoy part two of the Polyface Farm video with Joel Salatin!
He talked about how he raises his chickens and rabbits, however, I was most interested in his very sophisticated way of raising rabbits. I'm gathering ideas and advice about raising certain kinds of livestock, rabbits happens to be one type of livestock I'm hoping to raise one day. Even thought the only thing I will be raising this year will be herbs and maybe a few vegetables, it never hurts to think ahead.
I really wish there were more farmers like Salatin around. I would buy food from him any day. Enjoy part two of the Polyface Farm video with Joel Salatin!
Joel Salatin
I have a great admiration for Joel Salatin and his approach to farming. I wish that there were more farmers like him in America. In the following video he talks about sustainable farming (as he does in many other videos) and some of the pressure that he endured from the political corruption that is growing in our country (and worldwide). Salatin is the kind of farmer that we should be buying from because he knows how to raise high quality nutrient dense food.
I admit that I am a city slicker and a novice when it comes to gardening, however, I'm really looking forward to giving my garden a shot. I'm not looking to do anything spectacular this year since it is my first time, however, if I can successfully raise a few simple herbs like oregano, basil, thyme, stevia and other such, I will consider myself successful.
Enjoy the video!
I admit that I am a city slicker and a novice when it comes to gardening, however, I'm really looking forward to giving my garden a shot. I'm not looking to do anything spectacular this year since it is my first time, however, if I can successfully raise a few simple herbs like oregano, basil, thyme, stevia and other such, I will consider myself successful.
Enjoy the video!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
American Meat
This video is a trailer for a documentary called American Meat. So, there are farmers out there who KNOW how to raise good food. People in America want to be healthy, but either they don't have the skill to be healthy or they don't have the will to be healthy. I believe that the first step towards being healthy is to know where your food comes from. It's very sad and disturbing that even highly educated people really don't know. So many buy into the nonsense about how organic farmers just can't raise the crop yields that chemicals and biotech companies can. It is necessary to know that we are a VERY information impoverished nation.
I look forward to seeing the full presentation of American Meat. Joel Salatin is one of my favorite farmers and when I saw that he is in this presentation, I looked forward to seeing it even more. I love his approach to farming. Hopefully, one day I can post this presentation in full.
I look forward to seeing the full presentation of American Meat. Joel Salatin is one of my favorite farmers and when I saw that he is in this presentation, I looked forward to seeing it even more. I love his approach to farming. Hopefully, one day I can post this presentation in full.
Coconut Oil
I've posted before about how coconut is such a highly nutritious food. I've been making coconut kefirs and yogurts often because I feel so good after drinking/eating them. They are even medicinal. Recently, I ate a small amount of maple syrup and my body reacted as it would with refined sugar (I learned later that grade B may be better for me than grade A). I became slightly dizzy and fatigued. After one shot glass of coconut kefir the feeling went away immediately.
Coconut oil is the only oil that I ever cook with because more than one doctor regarded it as a highly recommended oil to cook with. I also use coconut oil on my hair and my skin. After watching this video I may use it in a raw pie recipe experiment. I have a high quality extra virgin coconut oil that was purchased in Jamaica. If I am going to eat the coconut oil raw, I believe that there is no other brand that I'd rather use.
Coconut oil is the only oil that I ever cook with because more than one doctor regarded it as a highly recommended oil to cook with. I also use coconut oil on my hair and my skin. After watching this video I may use it in a raw pie recipe experiment. I have a high quality extra virgin coconut oil that was purchased in Jamaica. If I am going to eat the coconut oil raw, I believe that there is no other brand that I'd rather use.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Organic Farmers Challenge Monsanto in Landmark Suit
I always enjoy seeing David and Goliath contests; especially knowing David will win despite his size! Brave small farmers (David) are going after corporate giant Monsanto (Goliath). That in itself is the picture of bravery as they empty their life savings fighting for what the Constitution promises not just them, but the rest of us who depend on them. It is incredibly inspiring and I do whatever I can to support the "David" side of this fight.
The picture below is for every "David" out there. It is a picture of tenacity and bravery. If this man could be THIS courageous you can too. His name is August Landmesser. Who is he? He's a man; just an ordinary man with extraordinary courage.
Someone posted this picture in facebook recently. Landmesser was sentenced to two years of hard labor for marrying a Jewish woman and in this picture he is the only one not doing the Nazi salute. It inspires me to see this. He knows that his nation turned against him and he decided not to submit to its tyranny.
Nor will we Monsanto! If August Landmesser can stand up to a force as frightening as Nazis, we can take a stand against you! I repeat you will not win!
Organic Farmers Challenge Monsanto in Landmark Suit - The ITT List
The picture below is for every "David" out there. It is a picture of tenacity and bravery. If this man could be THIS courageous you can too. His name is August Landmesser. Who is he? He's a man; just an ordinary man with extraordinary courage.
Someone posted this picture in facebook recently. Landmesser was sentenced to two years of hard labor for marrying a Jewish woman and in this picture he is the only one not doing the Nazi salute. It inspires me to see this. He knows that his nation turned against him and he decided not to submit to its tyranny.
Nor will we Monsanto! If August Landmesser can stand up to a force as frightening as Nazis, we can take a stand against you! I repeat you will not win!
Organic Farmers Challenge Monsanto in Landmark Suit - The ITT List
Monday, February 20, 2012
The NDAA: An Unconstitutional Act - Opinion - The Mac Weekly - Macalester College
The NDAA scares me so much. I dare to believe that it won't last, for it is quite evidently unconstitutional. Proponents of NDAA keep it alive via lies and excuses I believe. I'm sorry to be so harsh, however, there is no truth behind an argument that supports both the NDAA and the Constitution since the two contradict each other so extremely.
The Bill of Rights very clearly states that everyone should have a right to a trial if arrested. Historically, people have been executed for crimes that they didn't commit, however, the chances of this happening today is very low thanks to the Constitution. The Constitution build room for the law to make mistakes; the NDAA has no such capacity. Once convicted under the NDAA you are guilty and there is no proving your innocence because there is no trial.
The NDAA: An Unconstitutional Act - Opinion - The Mac Weekly - Macalester College
The Bill of Rights very clearly states that everyone should have a right to a trial if arrested. Historically, people have been executed for crimes that they didn't commit, however, the chances of this happening today is very low thanks to the Constitution. The Constitution build room for the law to make mistakes; the NDAA has no such capacity. Once convicted under the NDAA you are guilty and there is no proving your innocence because there is no trial.
The NDAA: An Unconstitutional Act - Opinion - The Mac Weekly - Macalester College - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Fury at vaccine scandal
I found this to be very enlightening. I know that certain professionals, like doctors and nurses for example, MUST be vaccinated against certain diseases. If these professionals decide that they want to take it, that's one thing but the mandate can create issues. The article below, for example, is about hundreds of such professionals who have pretty serious health problems because of vaccines. Until the past year, I have never regarded vaccines as dangerous substances. After all of the research that I have done over the past year, I've learned that they can be safe; the pharmaceutical industry just chooses for it not to be. They have been warned of the dangers of thimerosal over and over again. Instead of taking it out of the vaccines they take it out of some so that people can feel safe taking them not realizing that SOME still contain thimerosal.
My husband recently had to get a tetanus shot. I asked the nurse if the shot had mercury in it (I asked her more than once actually) and she simply never answered me. They gave him the shot without informing us of what was in it. My husband tends to not worry about those things. It's sad that the industry keeps proving themselves untrustworthy but they still expect us to trust. - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Fury at vaccine scandal
My husband recently had to get a tetanus shot. I asked the nurse if the shot had mercury in it (I asked her more than once actually) and she simply never answered me. They gave him the shot without informing us of what was in it. My husband tends to not worry about those things. It's sad that the industry keeps proving themselves untrustworthy but they still expect us to trust. - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Fury at vaccine scandal
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Traceability: Tracking from Farm to Fork
I like the idea of having a tracking system for our food supply. I believe that if the farmer is a good responsible farmer then the tracking system could serve him. The farmer wins because he has an opportunity to gain some recognition from consumers; the consumer wins because it gives them an idea of where their food comes from; and the tracking company wins of course because their valuable service will grow quickly.
The only thing left is for Monsanto to label their nasty GMOs. Once that is in place, this could be the perfect system to tell the consumer which farms raise GMOs.
Traceability: Tracking from Farm to Fork
The only thing left is for Monsanto to label their nasty GMOs. Once that is in place, this could be the perfect system to tell the consumer which farms raise GMOs.
Traceability: Tracking from Farm to Fork
Friday, February 17, 2012
Monocoat is a wood finish that I am researching. I may not use it for my raised beds, however, it could come in handy if my husband and I decide to go with wood floors.
Hubby and I have discussed wood floors as well as cork floors. There are things that I like about each. We may use one or the other in the future or we may use both. One for most of the house and the other for offices and the other bedrooms. We are still researching which is the best and weighing the pros and cons of both. I will post a follow up if we find anything new on this matter.
Hubby and I have discussed wood floors as well as cork floors. There are things that I like about each. We may use one or the other in the future or we may use both. One for most of the house and the other for offices and the other bedrooms. We are still researching which is the best and weighing the pros and cons of both. I will post a follow up if we find anything new on this matter.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
What Is It With Milk
"Devil in Milk" is casein according to the presenter. Casein is in the milk that I drink, but because it's raw it doesn't bother me; even though I am supposed to be lactose intolerant. What this individual says about milk, however, is interesting. Why is it, all of a sudden, there are so many people who cannot digest milk well?
I agree that cows are suppose to eat grass. Many farmers feed their cows grain, even if it is a just little. "Grain finished" dairy and beef is very popular, but it isn't the best. This is why I've been searching for 100% grass fed beef and dairy products.
I agree that cows are suppose to eat grass. Many farmers feed their cows grain, even if it is a just little. "Grain finished" dairy and beef is very popular, but it isn't the best. This is why I've been searching for 100% grass fed beef and dairy products.
Organic Beef - Grass Fed Organic Beef - Buy Organic Beef
I recently found out that Whole Foods grass fed beef (unless it says 100% grass fed) is grain finished. I'm not sure if ALL of the Whole Foods do this, but it is irritating that even trusted health food stores would weasel their way around the system like that. The prices certainly are high enough.
I'm still searching for a local beef farmer who raises 100% grass fed cows, but in the meantime, below is a site where you could order organic meats that include 100% grass fed beef.
Organic Beef - Grass Fed Organic Beef - Buy Organic Beef
I'm still searching for a local beef farmer who raises 100% grass fed cows, but in the meantime, below is a site where you could order organic meats that include 100% grass fed beef.
Organic Beef - Grass Fed Organic Beef - Buy Organic Beef
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
ANH FEATURE: Dr Verkerk responds to detox skeptics
Detoxification is doctor recommended, however, conventional practitioners don't usually know much about it. I remember when I first started fasting how really GOOD I felt. At the time I was finishing college and living at home. When my parents figured out what I was doing they were VERY worried. My father always seemed to believe that conventional methods of medicine were based on science, while alternative medicine was just some radical cult following based on some propagated belief. Ironically, it is quite the reverse!
ANH FEATURE: Dr Verkerk responds to detox skeptics
ANH FEATURE: Dr Verkerk responds to detox skeptics
Monday, February 13, 2012
Dr. Mercola's Approach to Medicine.
Dr. Mercola goes deeper talking about his approach to medicine and how it can clash with the media. All who stay current with alternative care methods and the position that Big Pharma takes on that subject understand why it clashes with the media.
What Dr. Mercola says in this video is very comforting in some ways. I have people in my life who regard themselves as scientists, but reject the world of alternative care. These scientists can sometimes criticize what I share to the point of condescension at times. According to Aurther Schopenhauer, that isn't exactly a bad thing. At the beginning of this video, Dr. Mercola explains why. Please watch and enjoy:
What Dr. Mercola says in this video is very comforting in some ways. I have people in my life who regard themselves as scientists, but reject the world of alternative care. These scientists can sometimes criticize what I share to the point of condescension at times. According to Aurther Schopenhauer, that isn't exactly a bad thing. At the beginning of this video, Dr. Mercola explains why. Please watch and enjoy:
Wood Sealer
I'm on the hunt for an eco-friendly wood sealer for the raised beds that I would like to create for my gardens this year. I found a few products that I like, however, I have many important questions about them.
One product that I like so far is called Cedarshield (the website is below). One reason why I like it is because there are only two ingredients in it. One is cedar oil, which I use in my house, and the other is silane fluid. I am still doing some research on what silane fluid is and how it is made. One site says that it is quartz rock, however, I'm not sure how they make it into liquid form so I am still doing research on it. I will post any and all answers that I find.
So far, I consider it one of my leading choices, however, I am still looking at other products such as those made from shellac. I like the fact that shellac itself is all natural (it's made from a bug), but I must admit that I'm not crazy about some of the stuff that is added to shellac. I will write an updated post if I find anything new. In the meantime questions are welcome; but comments, advice and furthermores are most especially welcome! I am still a student in the world of gardening and any insight from experienced gardeners is crucial for my growth.
Petri Wood | Cedar Shield | Cedarshield Deck and Fence treatment | Cedar Oil Wood Treatment | PetriWood Wood Sealer
One product that I like so far is called Cedarshield (the website is below). One reason why I like it is because there are only two ingredients in it. One is cedar oil, which I use in my house, and the other is silane fluid. I am still doing some research on what silane fluid is and how it is made. One site says that it is quartz rock, however, I'm not sure how they make it into liquid form so I am still doing research on it. I will post any and all answers that I find.
So far, I consider it one of my leading choices, however, I am still looking at other products such as those made from shellac. I like the fact that shellac itself is all natural (it's made from a bug), but I must admit that I'm not crazy about some of the stuff that is added to shellac. I will write an updated post if I find anything new. In the meantime questions are welcome; but comments, advice and furthermores are most especially welcome! I am still a student in the world of gardening and any insight from experienced gardeners is crucial for my growth.
Petri Wood | Cedar Shield | Cedarshield Deck and Fence treatment | Cedar Oil Wood Treatment | PetriWood Wood Sealer
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Edible Park
This made me really miss California. I cannot wait to build my garden. I'm not a fan of the gray water tough. I'm not crazy about the fluoride and other substances that I'm sure aren't good for the plants. Gray water for flowers maybe, but not to water the stuff that I plan to eat.
February's Book
Square Food Gardening by Mel Bartholomew is February's book of the month. It may seem VERY early to present a book about gardening in February, but I don't feel that is so. You may have snow on the ground like I do at this moment, but I still feel that now is the time to be thinking about your garden. Some may have even planted seedlings before the beginning of the month, but are raising them indoors until the weather gets warmer. I thought of doing this, but since this is my first garden, I feel the need to start slow this year and start in the spring or at least at the tail end of winter.
This book introduces a rather sophisticated way to garden. It's something that makes gardening manageable for beginners like me. I'm still trying to find wood that wasn't treated with chemicals to work with and a green (or eco-friendly) stain. I have a few ideas and will share them if they work out. In the meantime, I welcome suggestions; for again, I admit I am a beginner!
This book introduces a rather sophisticated way to garden. It's something that makes gardening manageable for beginners like me. I'm still trying to find wood that wasn't treated with chemicals to work with and a green (or eco-friendly) stain. I have a few ideas and will share them if they work out. In the meantime, I welcome suggestions; for again, I admit I am a beginner!
Food stamp bills seek to restrict junk food
I thought that this was an interesting debate. I can't say which side I'm on really. Because restricting the type of foods that people could by is a hint of nannyism, I'm not crazy about the idea. At the same time, aren't the stamps better spent on real food? But then again, most Americans don't understand what real food is.
The one part of the article that made me shake my head was the confusion that the food industry loves to propagate and it's working. They brought up the same point that I'm asking which is "What is healthy food?" I've said so many times that low calorie food isn't what makes foods healthy, but the food industry argued "...there are no "clear standards" for what constitutes healthful food: by some measurements, diet soda, which is low in calories and sugar, could be considered "healthier" than orange juice." Diet soda healthier than orange juice?? The fact that someone tried to even compare the quality of health of the two beverages is pathetic! At least that statement confirms where all of the confusion about health comes from.
Food stamp bills seek to restrict junk food
The one part of the article that made me shake my head was the confusion that the food industry loves to propagate and it's working. They brought up the same point that I'm asking which is "What is healthy food?" I've said so many times that low calorie food isn't what makes foods healthy, but the food industry argued "...there are no "clear standards" for what constitutes healthful food: by some measurements, diet soda, which is low in calories and sugar, could be considered "healthier" than orange juice." Diet soda healthier than orange juice?? The fact that someone tried to even compare the quality of health of the two beverages is pathetic! At least that statement confirms where all of the confusion about health comes from.
Food stamp bills seek to restrict junk food
Friday, February 10, 2012
HR 1060
And now there is the HB 1060 bill. This bill is to license nutritionists; that means no one except "dietitians" could give nutritional information and advice. I have no problem with professionals doing their job, but in this particular case there is a huge problem. The problem is who will be doing the licensing and where will these professionals obtain their information? What about naturopathic nutritionists and dietitians or doctors, do they need to obtain their information from the same place? This law is specific to Colorado and thankfully, it was opposed. There are currently measures being taken to pass it, for example, it is being rewritten.
Please click HERE to see who sponsors the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as the American Dietetic Association or the ADA) Do THESE sponsors look like companies that look out for our health? It was the Agriculture Department officials actually stated " some measurements, diet soda, which is low in calories and sugar, could be considered 'healthier' than orange juice." (the full article will be posted tonight so that you, the reader, can see this statement in its full context).
Another link (click here) is to assure people like me that things will stay the same and that no one is trying to steal rights or businesses from bloggers, personal trainers and nutrition coaches. Well, I beg to differ; yes they will. We've been through this song and dance before with the Food Modernization Act, the NDAA and all that jazz! Today, parents run the risk of getting arrested for refusing to vaccinate their children because of these crazy laws made to "protect" us. These crazy laws are turning America into the Land of the Tyrannical rather than The Land of the Free that we sing about. My two great examples of that is the following:
"We consider health reform to have been an important battle and success of his [Obama] government."
-Fidel Castro
"Socialized medicine is the keystone in the arch of the socialist state"
-Vladimir Lenin
Really? Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Our government needs to back OFF and let us be adults and Americans! We should have the ability to choose how we want to live and be healthy especially since the information that is offered isn't always correct.
Please click HERE to see who sponsors the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as the American Dietetic Association or the ADA) Do THESE sponsors look like companies that look out for our health? It was the Agriculture Department officials actually stated " some measurements, diet soda, which is low in calories and sugar, could be considered 'healthier' than orange juice." (the full article will be posted tonight so that you, the reader, can see this statement in its full context).
Another link (click here) is to assure people like me that things will stay the same and that no one is trying to steal rights or businesses from bloggers, personal trainers and nutrition coaches. Well, I beg to differ; yes they will. We've been through this song and dance before with the Food Modernization Act, the NDAA and all that jazz! Today, parents run the risk of getting arrested for refusing to vaccinate their children because of these crazy laws made to "protect" us. These crazy laws are turning America into the Land of the Tyrannical rather than The Land of the Free that we sing about. My two great examples of that is the following:
"We consider health reform to have been an important battle and success of his [Obama] government."
-Fidel Castro
"Socialized medicine is the keystone in the arch of the socialist state"
-Vladimir Lenin
Really? Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Our government needs to back OFF and let us be adults and Americans! We should have the ability to choose how we want to live and be healthy especially since the information that is offered isn't always correct.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Aspartame has been Renamed and is Now Being Marketed as a Natural Sweetener
Let's not be fooled by labeling ladies and gentlemen. There is no law regulating "all natural" labels. GMOs are soooo NOT all natural and neither is aspartame; but GMOs have been labeled as "all natural" and now so will aspartame. Monsanto, maker of aspartame, is known for lying to get people to buy their products. This wouldn't be the first time they would be guilty of willful deceit and, believe it, it won't be the last.
The article below talks about the new "natural" sweetener Aminosweet; but don't be fooled! It's aspartame!
Aspartame has been Renamed and is Now Being Marketed as a Natural Sweetener
The article below talks about the new "natural" sweetener Aminosweet; but don't be fooled! It's aspartame!
Aspartame has been Renamed and is Now Being Marketed as a Natural Sweetener
Organic Milk Supply Facing Shortage
This is perhaps one reason why so many people are getting milk directly from dairy farmers. I'm happy with the milk that my farmer provides for me. It's delicious and I feel good with it. I never knew how nutrient dense milk is! I'm mostly happy with the cultures that milk contains. I've been making it into yogurt a lot.
Organic milk is so much better than the conventional milk for certain. It's really sad how GMO alfalfa is messing things up for small farmers. The more they mess things up for small farmers, the more they mess things up for the rest of us as well.
Organic milk is so much better than the conventional milk for certain. It's really sad how GMO alfalfa is messing things up for small farmers. The more they mess things up for small farmers, the more they mess things up for the rest of us as well.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I Tried the Gluten Free Pizza Crust!
I finally tried this recipe that I posted last September. I couldn't believe how good it was! The way I made it, however, didn't include those spices that was put in the crust nor did I add salt so it came out bland. Other than that, however, it came out great! I'm going to make pizza tonight and I will use this recipe (only this time, I will add salt).
I've also played around with this recipe and combined with some ideas that a friend gave me I made several gluten free raw cookies and cakes that came out pretty good. I'll be sharing those recipes very soon in an upcoming post. Here is the gluten free pizza crust recipe again:
I've also played around with this recipe and combined with some ideas that a friend gave me I made several gluten free raw cookies and cakes that came out pretty good. I'll be sharing those recipes very soon in an upcoming post. Here is the gluten free pizza crust recipe again:
Monday, February 6, 2012
This outright ticks me off. This mother has EVERY right to decide not to vaccinate her child. The state troopers had no business going to her house with CPS.
Obama, I've had it with you! Ron Paul, we need you very badly!
Obama, I've had it with you! Ron Paul, we need you very badly!
Interesting Discussion Part III
What I didn't tell my reader/critic was that another reason why I don't agree that there would be an outbreak of disease without vaccines is because of the many outbreaks of disease that occur despite vaccinations. In Ohio, there was an outbreak of the chickenpox where 77% of all the sick kids were vaccinated for the chickenpox (so only about 23% of those kids had parents that were smart enough to save their time and money). So OBVIOUSLY that outbreak would have occurred with or without the vaccines.
So I'm going to answer his question in another way: He asked: "Wouldn't you agree without vaccines there could be a new outbreak of disease?" My answer is: Absolutely! But an outbreak would obviously occur WITH the vaccinations as well. Anyone could be vaccinated for the chickenpox, but in order to be immunized for the chickenpox it is better to catch the disease and preferably at a young age.
So what about the other diseases? Well, as I said in the last post, what America is REALLY suffering from is a lack of information.
So I'm going to answer his question in another way: He asked: "Wouldn't you agree without vaccines there could be a new outbreak of disease?" My answer is: Absolutely! But an outbreak would obviously occur WITH the vaccinations as well. Anyone could be vaccinated for the chickenpox, but in order to be immunized for the chickenpox it is better to catch the disease and preferably at a young age.
So what about the other diseases? Well, as I said in the last post, what America is REALLY suffering from is a lack of information.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Interesting Discussion Part II
Once my new friend received my last reply he/she followed up with more questions and comments.
Wouldn't you agree without vaccines there could be a new outbreak of disease?
But sure the thiomersal antiseptic in vaccines should perhaps be replaced with a more tested chemical. Not all vaccines contain thiomersal. Would you say it is a good idea to consult your doctor in cases where a vaccine is recommended as to the thiomersal content in the vaccines?
Be Well My Friends:
Answer to question #1: I can't say that there would or would not be another outbreak of disease without vaccines because a disease outbreak is often not from a lack of vaccine but a gross lack of information. My favorite example of this is influenza. The CDC website says that about 52,000 people died of both pneumonia and the flu in 2009. That leads people to fear influenza, probably enough to get a flu shot. What they don't know is that if the body is armed with enough vitamin D3, regular exercise, proper stress management skills, a diet that is low in sugar and high in dark leafy green vegetables and probiotics, the chance of catching the flu is extremely low; what they also don't know is that most of the 52,000 people in that particular category died of pneumonia which is a bacterial infection and the flu shot contains only viral cultures; what they also don't know is that only about 1000 people out of that 52,000 died of the flu (per Dr Sherri J Tenpenny, Dr Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola and several doctors that have advised me personally such as Dr. Joseph Arvay and Dr. Chris Pellow). Most of the individuals who died from the flu were either elderly or immune compromised individuals and many, many MDs have strongly advised against immune compromised individuals taking flu shots or any other vaccine for that matter.
Knowing this information could prevent disease; at least in the people who practice the mentioned science based methods of prevention that so many good physicians recommend.
Answer to question #2: Yes, I believe it is highly advisable that one should ALWAYS consult their doctors when it comes to any question about health. I've already asked my physician about which vaccines were necessary and his reply was "I am not a fan of vaccines." He educates his patients and leaves the decision of whether or not to vaccinate up to them. He tends to guide his patients to prevent diseases without the use of vaccines and quite successfully.
Wouldn't you agree without vaccines there could be a new outbreak of disease?
But sure the thiomersal antiseptic in vaccines should perhaps be replaced with a more tested chemical. Not all vaccines contain thiomersal. Would you say it is a good idea to consult your doctor in cases where a vaccine is recommended as to the thiomersal content in the vaccines?
Be Well My Friends:
Answer to question #1: I can't say that there would or would not be another outbreak of disease without vaccines because a disease outbreak is often not from a lack of vaccine but a gross lack of information. My favorite example of this is influenza. The CDC website says that about 52,000 people died of both pneumonia and the flu in 2009. That leads people to fear influenza, probably enough to get a flu shot. What they don't know is that if the body is armed with enough vitamin D3, regular exercise, proper stress management skills, a diet that is low in sugar and high in dark leafy green vegetables and probiotics, the chance of catching the flu is extremely low; what they also don't know is that most of the 52,000 people in that particular category died of pneumonia which is a bacterial infection and the flu shot contains only viral cultures; what they also don't know is that only about 1000 people out of that 52,000 died of the flu (per Dr Sherri J Tenpenny, Dr Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola and several doctors that have advised me personally such as Dr. Joseph Arvay and Dr. Chris Pellow). Most of the individuals who died from the flu were either elderly or immune compromised individuals and many, many MDs have strongly advised against immune compromised individuals taking flu shots or any other vaccine for that matter.
Knowing this information could prevent disease; at least in the people who practice the mentioned science based methods of prevention that so many good physicians recommend.
Answer to question #2: Yes, I believe it is highly advisable that one should ALWAYS consult their doctors when it comes to any question about health. I've already asked my physician about which vaccines were necessary and his reply was "I am not a fan of vaccines." He educates his patients and leaves the decision of whether or not to vaccinate up to them. He tends to guide his patients to prevent diseases without the use of vaccines and quite successfully.
Interesting Discussion Part I
I thought that I should post this very interesting discussion that I had with an individual on another site. It wasn't the first time that I had such a discussion on this topic. Obviously, I stated something that prompted him to send me this email, but I'm not sure what I said. It must have been something that I said in one of my more passionate moments.
Why should I believe that vaccines kill people more than save them? Where is this shown?
Be Well My Friends:
I kindly beg your pardon, but I'm sure I didn't say that you "should" believe anything. When I do research, if I find something to be true and important; I share it. If the receiver is wise, they would do further research to confirm or refute the information that I've bestowed.
If you are genuinely curious about how I knew what I shared, I'd be happy to share one source. I will not, however, waste my time sharing others unless I know that you are truly open. If you Google the Vaccine Information Center, which was founded by a woman (Barbara Loe Fisher) who has a son who experienced a serious vaccine injury, you will find much information (both good and bad) about vaccines. This site is where many distraught parents run to... once their babies have been injured or killed by vaccines that is.
If, however, you'd rather go on believing that they are as safe as the media says I have nothing more to say except good luck to you! :-)
Why should I believe that vaccines kill people more than save them? Where is this shown?
Be Well My Friends:
I kindly beg your pardon, but I'm sure I didn't say that you "should" believe anything. When I do research, if I find something to be true and important; I share it. If the receiver is wise, they would do further research to confirm or refute the information that I've bestowed.
If you are genuinely curious about how I knew what I shared, I'd be happy to share one source. I will not, however, waste my time sharing others unless I know that you are truly open. If you Google the Vaccine Information Center, which was founded by a woman (Barbara Loe Fisher) who has a son who experienced a serious vaccine injury, you will find much information (both good and bad) about vaccines. This site is where many distraught parents run to... once their babies have been injured or killed by vaccines that is.
If, however, you'd rather go on believing that they are as safe as the media says I have nothing more to say except good luck to you! :-)
Friday, February 3, 2012
66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden - Planet Green
The following article fuels my desire for a home garden. I'm really looking forward to the weather getting warmer. I believe that gardening will add so much to my life. I love the idea of raising my own food. Now that I know how to pickle food, I am all the more excited about having a garden because nothing will go to waste.
I will be using some of the tips in this article, however, some I may not use in the near future. My living environment may be a bit too dry for some of the tropical trees that I desire so desperately. As far as growing greens; I'm ALL OVER that idea!
I hope you learn from and enjoy the following article as much as I did:
66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden - Planet Green
I will be using some of the tips in this article, however, some I may not use in the near future. My living environment may be a bit too dry for some of the tropical trees that I desire so desperately. As far as growing greens; I'm ALL OVER that idea!
I hope you learn from and enjoy the following article as much as I did:
66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden - Planet Green
Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides 'trespass' and contaminate their fields
This was VERY encouraging. I was longing to hear some good news about the battle for health freedom. Perhaps this victory was partially a result of the numbers of small farmers who were courageous enough to go after Monsanto. I know in many ways these small farmers didn't have much of a choice, but it was courageous nonetheless. There were some that didn't know what else to do but take Monsanto's abuse and for those farmers, I understand and empathize. Believe me, your loss was mine as well. Even if I don't feel it as intensely as you do in the moment; knowing your loss will hit us all between the eyes in the future if the abuse doesn't stop is enough to make me lose just as much sleep at night.
To all of the small farmers who fought, however, I say the following to you: I don't take what you are doing lightly. I don't take trying to raise crops or livestock lightly nor do I take your going after Monsanto lightly. You are brave and you are my heroes; all 270,000+ of you! You will be a BIG part of the reason why we will have the opportunity to eat real food one day and for that I offer you my utter appreciation and gratitude!
Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides 'trespass' and contaminate their fields
To all of the small farmers who fought, however, I say the following to you: I don't take what you are doing lightly. I don't take trying to raise crops or livestock lightly nor do I take your going after Monsanto lightly. You are brave and you are my heroes; all 270,000+ of you! You will be a BIG part of the reason why we will have the opportunity to eat real food one day and for that I offer you my utter appreciation and gratitude!
Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides 'trespass' and contaminate their fields
Vacccine "Effectiveness"
It's very difficult to say which vaccines are good. Unfortunately, with the thimerosal in vaccines, I believe they are all more harm than good.
This video gives great information about vaccines including ways to help the body fight disease without the use of vaccines. Vitamin D3 was mentioned and what was said is very consistent with what all of my doctors teach me. She even made a point about why people may get sick in the winter. There isn't as much sun in the winter and the sun is the BEST source of D3. There are other ways to acquire D3 and those supplements are available in health food stores. "Now" brand is usually of great quality. The D3 supplement that I take was supplied to me by my doctor and in my opinion that is best; but I would probably place my buck on the Now brand if what I take now ever becomes unavailable.
I produced a link to amazon so that you could purchase D3 supplements if you wish. Again, they are also available at health food stores, just be sure to purchase D3 specifically and not just a vitamin D supplement.
Stay in good health my friends, for this winter is almost over!
This video gives great information about vaccines including ways to help the body fight disease without the use of vaccines. Vitamin D3 was mentioned and what was said is very consistent with what all of my doctors teach me. She even made a point about why people may get sick in the winter. There isn't as much sun in the winter and the sun is the BEST source of D3. There are other ways to acquire D3 and those supplements are available in health food stores. "Now" brand is usually of great quality. The D3 supplement that I take was supplied to me by my doctor and in my opinion that is best; but I would probably place my buck on the Now brand if what I take now ever becomes unavailable.
I produced a link to amazon so that you could purchase D3 supplements if you wish. Again, they are also available at health food stores, just be sure to purchase D3 specifically and not just a vitamin D supplement.
Stay in good health my friends, for this winter is almost over!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Good Food vs. Bad Food -
I would like to openly confess that there was once a time when I believed in the lies about Mike Adams (aka the Health Ranger) being fraudulent. Even though I never contributed to spreading this lie, I tended to stay away from his site and literature for a long time. The more I actually read his articles and watch his videos, the more I see that I am on the same page as he is. How he presented the NDAA was done beautifully, and I applaud his passion, efforts and drive.
Mike Adams, even though you will probably never read this post, I would like to say this: I was wrong, I'm sorry and I am grateful for all that you've done and continue to do.
I felt like posting something that is light and fun today so I chose the following video. This video, presented by Mike Adams and Jonathan Landsman, provides fundamental information about good foods and bad foods. This is one area, however, where I must disagree with the Health Ranger. There is no bad food. There is food and then there is a toxic substance that is either mixed with food (making it food no longer) or made to look and taste like food. Food is something that provides nourishment for the body, even if it is a snack or dessert. Even with this difference of opinion, I still enjoyed this video. I hope you enjoy it too; watch:
Good Food vs. Bad Food -
Mike Adams, even though you will probably never read this post, I would like to say this: I was wrong, I'm sorry and I am grateful for all that you've done and continue to do.
I felt like posting something that is light and fun today so I chose the following video. This video, presented by Mike Adams and Jonathan Landsman, provides fundamental information about good foods and bad foods. This is one area, however, where I must disagree with the Health Ranger. There is no bad food. There is food and then there is a toxic substance that is either mixed with food (making it food no longer) or made to look and taste like food. Food is something that provides nourishment for the body, even if it is a snack or dessert. Even with this difference of opinion, I still enjoyed this video. I hope you enjoy it too; watch:
Good Food vs. Bad Food -
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Personal Fears
I know that I've been more inconsistent than ever with this blog recently. I apologize for that and with my apology I will give an explanation.
Monsanto has made some frightening moves, and quite honestly, so has our government. Despite everything he says, Obama is obviously in favor of big government. There are many who are in favor of big government because it makes them feel safe or taken care of, but quite honestly I feel that it is crippling our nation. The problem with big government is someone else will decide what is "safe" for you and as a result, your choices as well as others will be limited. The people of the US who are in favor of big government will continue to be in favor of it until they see their own rights being taken away by the same government that they fought to implement. I am one who would like to feel safe too, but I've learned why it is a horrible idea to ask the government to provide the safety that I want beyond certain exceptions, for example, 911 services. Airport TSA is an example of safety measures gone too far and so are all of the laws against the sales of raw milk.
I've become very much afraid of being a health freedom activist. I stay on top of what is going on, and I will equip my readers with the information that I know, but I do it fearfully. With NDAA and now this new group of hackers who have overtly expressed their dislike for Monsanto, I feel that I am placed in a very precarious position. I will continue to fight Monsanto (within the law of course) and I encourage others to do the same.
Monsanto has made some frightening moves, and quite honestly, so has our government. Despite everything he says, Obama is obviously in favor of big government. There are many who are in favor of big government because it makes them feel safe or taken care of, but quite honestly I feel that it is crippling our nation. The problem with big government is someone else will decide what is "safe" for you and as a result, your choices as well as others will be limited. The people of the US who are in favor of big government will continue to be in favor of it until they see their own rights being taken away by the same government that they fought to implement. I am one who would like to feel safe too, but I've learned why it is a horrible idea to ask the government to provide the safety that I want beyond certain exceptions, for example, 911 services. Airport TSA is an example of safety measures gone too far and so are all of the laws against the sales of raw milk.
I've become very much afraid of being a health freedom activist. I stay on top of what is going on, and I will equip my readers with the information that I know, but I do it fearfully. With NDAA and now this new group of hackers who have overtly expressed their dislike for Monsanto, I feel that I am placed in a very precarious position. I will continue to fight Monsanto (within the law of course) and I encourage others to do the same.
Dr. Oz and Vaccines
Since I've heard Dr. Oz's talk on the dangers of sugar, I began to respect him and I've even watched his show a couple of times. I don't agree with everything that he says, however, his show does offer information about disease prevention and boosting one's health that have been consistent with what more trusted sources offer and I've since then put them into practice. One area where I passionately disagreed with him was the show he gave about getting flu shots. If there are ANY vaccines that you could take off the schedule as far as what more trusted sources told me, it's the flu shot. Dr. Oz got his flu shot taken right on his show, yet in this video he makes it clear that his four children WILL NOT BE VACCINATED.
The person who made this video is evidently trying to nail Dr. Oz to the wall, but I don't judge him for this display of hypocrisy. I feel that it is important to keep in mind the people who control his show are the same people who have power over his medical license and they even have some power within the government thought lobbyists. Big Pharma is watching him closely, so unfortunately what is rightfully their shame and hypocrisy falls on Dr. Oz's head. I actually knew that Dr. Oz couldn't possibly believe everything he says on his show nor could he give all of the information that he knows; but his options are to keep the show running and equip the people with as much correct info as possible, or shut the show down and further limit our claim over our own health.
Personally, I want to thank Dr. Oz for all that he has accomplished so far and I will continue to post links to his site when he gives shows that could change lives for the best! I will not post his views on things like vaccines with the exceptions of videos like the one below because I now know that they aren't actually his views. If they were, he would vaccinate his four children.
The person who made this video is evidently trying to nail Dr. Oz to the wall, but I don't judge him for this display of hypocrisy. I feel that it is important to keep in mind the people who control his show are the same people who have power over his medical license and they even have some power within the government thought lobbyists. Big Pharma is watching him closely, so unfortunately what is rightfully their shame and hypocrisy falls on Dr. Oz's head. I actually knew that Dr. Oz couldn't possibly believe everything he says on his show nor could he give all of the information that he knows; but his options are to keep the show running and equip the people with as much correct info as possible, or shut the show down and further limit our claim over our own health.
Personally, I want to thank Dr. Oz for all that he has accomplished so far and I will continue to post links to his site when he gives shows that could change lives for the best! I will not post his views on things like vaccines with the exceptions of videos like the one below because I now know that they aren't actually his views. If they were, he would vaccinate his four children.
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