Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Shootings

I never addressed the shootings that happened in the movie theater in Aurora.  My chiropractor, Dr. Arvay, made a point that hurt people hurt more people.  I feel that is an excellent point because mercury poisonings, for example, can cause symptoms like behavior that many would label as insanity.  Mercury can ROYALLY mess up the body in so very many ways.  It can block absorption, lead to miscarriages, it can block neurotransmitters, it can destroy neurons leading to a variety of things including brain damage, autism, learning disabilities and disorders that lead to dressing up like Joker before committing a violent act.

It is so unfortunate that the way mental, social and emotional disorders are treated in America today is with drugs.  As someone who has worked in the health field for years, drugs for the sake of metal health are almost always unnecessary and often make the disorder worse.  I believe if Big Pharma would just STOP trying to increase drug sales by giving it to EVERYONE and doctors would make honest attempts to find out what is REALLY messing people up, we could decrease moments like the ones that these people had to face with this 24 year old "Joker" wannabe.  Sometimes episodes like that one could be as simple as poisoning and a detox would bring him back to health; sometimes it's more complicated.  But again, the right doctor (one who thinks outside the pharmaceutical box) could be so helpful.

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