Monday, July 2, 2012


There are many, many women who experienced miscarriages.  Up until the last two years, I didn't realize how many.  It's unfortunate how little they know about why their bodies can't have healthy pregnancies.  I was baffled about mine until I realized how little progesterone my body produces.  One of the FIRST things that a midwife told me was to stay away from GMO foods.

My family would wonder why I was so obsessed with staying clear of GMOs.  When I told them, perhaps they didn't really believe me because they seemed to be more desirous to see me relax and eat.  As far as my family is concerned encouraging my husband's support of my eating habits isn't necessary, so they encourage him to eat.  My hubby's will isn't strong enough to cut out ALL the things that isn't good for his body yet.  I've been there and I know that it can be hard.  He, like many others, don't understand that most foods today are made to be addicting.

Our culture is impoverished when it comes to food; it's very disappointing especially for women who would like to have families.  I understand that we aren't the only culture that encourages eating.  There isn't anything wrong with eating until one has a chance to take a look at the junk that is often mistakenly called food.

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