Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mercury Poisoning

This month's book is dedicated to women who have experienced miscarriages like I did.  One thing that I have learned on my journey is that mercury poisoning is actually one of several culprits for miscarriage.  During a physical, my doctor had reasons to suspect high levels of mercury in my body.  I am about to have a second test done to confirm the first test.

Mercury poisoning may not exhibit symptoms that we are familiar with.  Some of the less popular symptoms include behavioral and learning disorders, autism, miscarriages plus others that I still haven't learned about.  I'm willing to bet that this mercury poisoning isn't anything new.  I'll bet that it's been in my blood for a while, but perhaps increased because of air pollutants.

If you are trying to get pregnant but have experienced a miscarriage, it may be wise to ask your doctor about mercury testing.  A midwife that I've worked with suggested several exams to look at many other possibilities, but mercury was her main suspicion with me.  It may be good to test for it anyway.  Even if you've never had a miscarriage, mercury poisoning can still create all other types of damage.

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