Friday, July 6, 2012


Bureaucracy is seen as a necessary evil, however, it usually isn't the most effective system.  The free market cultivates competition which makes the consumer the bureaucrat.  If the consumers don't like the product from one producer, then they will buy from the competitor.  When the corporation keeps driving consumers to their competitors with their poor products, they will have to choose between improving the product or going out of business.

If people are so interested in protection,transparency is the best policy.  We are so used to looking to our government for protection and sometimes that is necessary.  If someone threatens a citizen or violates their rights, we will always need the police.  The moment a system makes themselves above the law, however, that creates a huge problem for everyone else.  The FDA should be around to give information and nothing more; over the years they have attained great power over the rights of the people.

The FDA is now abusing their power so much that they are trying to lead an already nutrient deficient nation to believe that raw milk and vitamin B6 are dangerous.  What is more hilarious is that they constantly assure us that GMOs are safe.  How can the US not unanimously believe that this information is absolutely bogus?  The FDA may have been useful once, but now they are dangerous and we are much better off without them.  At this point I wouldn't even trust them to give me correct information about food.  If people so desperately want them around even still, that is as much power as I would give them.

The following video is merely one example of why:

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